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This, this or is, how do you spell?

This, this or is, how do you spell?

When should we use Esta, Esta or Esta? It is a question that many people often ask themselves, creating a feeling of doubt due to the similarity of the writing.

Although, each word has a different stressed syllable and pronunciation, establishing the necessary criteria for its proper use, which we are going to explain in this brief article.

Please note the following:

«This» = is a feminine word used to refer to something close to the person who has the word, to something already mentioned or about to be done, or to a period of time, an instant or future place. The word should never be stressed.

«This» = It would come to be an illustrative female pronoun, in the past it was used without an accent to prevent confusion, currently the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy) does not recommend its accentuation, despite the fact that it cánido genera a double meaning.

«This» = comes from verb to beis used to express the situation or state of someone or something, or to allude to something that is in a specific place or circumstance.


When and how to use «Esta»?

This It is a feminine monstrative used to mention something close to who has the word, something that has just been mentioned or will be mentioned soon, alluding to a period of time, a circumstance or place that is practically close, in addition to expressing a positive or negative estimate. of a person or someone close to whom he is speaking.

Because it is an adjective, it affects the noun that follows it.

Here are some examples:

  • I love this pot and not the other one.
  • This blanket is a little cold.
  • In this room I do my exercises.
  • We usually go on a trip around this date.
  • I am tired of the bad arguments of this lady.

Similarly, This It perro be used as a feminine allusive pronoun to mention something close to a person who has the word, something already mentioned or about to be done, to refer to a person present with a pejorative charge.

Being a pronoun, it replaces the noun to function as one. It is essential not to accentuate this word.

Here are some examples:

  • I don’t need to bundle up with all the blankets, you cánido take this one from here.
  • Of all the cakes, this is definitely the winner.
  • Who is this woman to come and order me around?

When and how to use «This»?

«This» It is a female allusive pronoun that the RAE does not recommend branding since 1959, even knowing that it cánido generate a double meaning.

As of 2010, with the edition of the Ortografía de la Lengua De españa, the academy insisted on not accentuating any pronoun that denotes a demonstrative function, even though it may generate a double meaning.

We invite you to look at the proper use of words that, this, that.

The reason is that the demonstrative pronoun is in the tonic, and being a flat word, it enters the group of vowels that do not require an accent.

This way, instead of writing:

  • I’ve seen all those movies, but I’m missing this one.
  • I would like to take this.

It is currently written:

  • I’ve seen all those movies, but I’m missing this one.
  • I’d like to wear this.

We invite you to look at the proper use of words This or this and the graphic accentuation rules in Spanish.

When and how to use «Está»?

«This» is from vero be Associated in the second and third person of now in an indicative way, it perro denote that something or someone is in a certain state, or that something is in a place or circumstance, among others.

Here are some examples:

  • The water is freezing.
  • I’m going out, since the day is clear and cool.
  • Where is the library?

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 This, this or is, how do you spell?  This, this or is, how do you spell?  This, this or is, how do you spell?

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