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6 Steps to go to work in Canada if you are

6 Steps to go to work in Canada if you are

If you are evaluating the possibility of working in Canada, you should familiarize yourself with all the options that your Government offers you to entrar this country through the front door.

This North American nation has become the ideal destination for many foreign professionals, not to mention the interest it has aroused within the Latino community.

Canada is a first world country that cánido offer you great opportunities for personal and professional growth, especially if you speak one of its official languages: English or French.

How to get a job in Canada:

Since there are more and more people in Latin America interested in working in Canada, we would like to share with you the steps that you must follow, if it is in your plans to practice professionally in this country.

It is true that we live in complex times, but you should know that it is not impossible get a job in the midst of crisesespecially in Canadian territory.

Below we will share some important recommendations that could enrich your experience when looking for a job in this country:

1. Start your job search

If you currently radica in a Latin American country, but are determined to work in Canada, you need to start your job search as soon as possible.

This is a process that you perro carry out by yourself, without leaving home and from your own móvil inteligente.

Obtaining job offers abroad is no longer a bureaucratic procedure, since there are already dozens of job boards available on the web.

Canadajobs, Jobsincanada, Workopolis, Monster, Jobbook either engineers canadaare some of the most famous and effective on the market, so do not hesitate to take advantage of them.

Additionally, there are networks specialized in job search that are totally within your reach, as would be the case with LinkedIn.

On the other hand, you have the option of contracting the services of job placement agencies, better known as Recruiting Agencies.

These types of companies are in charge of getting you the best job offers on the market. And as if that were not enough, they manage all the procedures related to your legal entry into the country.

Therefore, this last option could be very useful if you do not want to carry out this process yourself, or if you want to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible.

2. Define what your ideal work modality would be

Currently, foreigners who want to work in Canada have several alternatives, such as:

  • Spousal Sponsorship: Applies if your spouse has Canadian citizenship.
  • Working Holiday: It is an open work permit to entrar the country without having to have a job offer (Only if you come from Chile or Costa Rica).
  • Study permit: Valid at a Canadian university or college.
  • Temporary work visa: This is one of the most conveniente paths for many immigrants, since it allows them to apply for permanent residence, if they have enough work experience.
  • Express Entry: It is one of the most attractive programs for skilled workers who are not Canadian citizens. It allows them to live in the country permanently and is an expedited entry visa.

This system is made up of three immigration programs: the Canadian Experience Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program, and the Skilled Workers Program.

It is important that you know that these are some of the modalities that you cánido evaluate if you are determined to work in Canada.

But the truth is that there are more than 70 current immigration programs. So you should carefully evaluate which one is best for you, according to your professional profile and your goals.

3. Carry out the corresponding procedures

Once you know which immigration program you want to apply to, you should focus on complying with the official procedures.

Keep in mind that each process has its own times, and that you must know and respect them correctly.

For example, the processing of a permanent residence visa cánido take up to three years. In other words, it is a meticulous and slow process.

Another aspecto that you must take into account when starting your immigration procedures to work in Canada is that this country receives thousands of immigration applications annually.

This means that the Canadian job market is one of the most competitive in the world. So if you want to be successful you must act with a lot of responsibility, seriousness and commitment.

On the other hand, you must make sure to legalize and translate all your personal and academic documents into English and French.

And since it is a phase that cánido take several months, the wisest thing is that you get down to work as soon as possible.

4. Demonstration of English proficiency

Although two languages ​​are spoken in this country, in most cases English proficiency is required before signing an employment contract.

So if you come from a Latin American country and you feel that your English is not up to the level required by the Canadian government to get a job, you need to do something about it.

Ideally, you should prepare to improve or perfect your skills in this language, as well as to take an English certification exam, such as IELTS.

This is a mandatory requirement to work in Canada if you are a foreigner. So much so that you must have the results of said exam before beginning your job search.

Otherwise, your immigration archivo will be rejected. And as if that were not enough, you will demonstrate to the Canadian authorities that you are not sufficiently prepared to entrar the tarea market.

5. Request your Popular Security Number

A Popular Security Number (SIN) is required to legally work in Canada.

Although with this document you will also have access to a series of benefits and programs sponsored by the State.

It is a fácil procedure, and in fact, you cánido do it en línea by simply providing some information from your passport and visa.

6. Open a Canadian bank account

Having a bank account is another of the steps that you must complete to work in Canada in a transparent and legal way.

In addition, you will need it to apply for your visa and to apply for a job offer that seems attractive or convenient to you.

This requirement serves two important functions. Demonstrate that you have the financial capacity to stay in this country and prove to the Government what your income is.

Completing this procedure is less complicated than you might imagine. In many cases you only need to go to the bank in your country to complete it successfully.

They generally ask for basic requirements, such as a visa, passport, accommodation address in Canada and a valid telephone number in that country.

Working in Canada legally is possible:

Working in Canada legally and permanently is not an impossible mission, even if you are Hispanic.

According to Immigration.ca, The jobs most in demand as a result of the pandemic are those related to engineering, technology, health, finance, sales and marketing.

Consequently, if you have a degree or specialization in any of these areas, you could be closer to getting a job in this country.

Do not forget that there are currently many immigration programs that favor the citizens of Latin America, and that allow them to practice professionally in this country.

In fact, many of them offer them the possibility of applying for permanent residence, with which they could settle on Canadian soil and opt for a better quality of life.

Continue reading: 10 Benefits of traveling to Canada for study or business

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 6 Steps to go to work in Canada if you are  6 Steps to go to work in Canada if you are  6 Steps to go to work in Canada if you are

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