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Investing my money in books changed my life

Investing my money in books changed my life

I always grew up as the son of business owners and my iniciativa was never to work for anyone, I always said that I would have my own company.

My story began at the age of 12 when one day in my parents’ business, where everything related to gift wrapping, boxes, bags, paper, bows, among others, was distributed; my father asked me:

Do you want to be really rich son?

My immediate answer was yes. So he took me to a bookstore that was across the street from the business, which was called Guadalajara Bookstore, and I said:

I’ll give you the secret: He told me to choose some books… every year there were between 10 and 12 books that I chose by the title, by the cover, of all kinds… It turns out that we returned to the business and when I opened the first book I read 5 pages and never looked at them again.

My mother, who has always been an extremely clean person, would take them home to keep them in a armario.

And that’s how my dad was every year; He asked me if he wanted to be rich, we would apply the same or afín, we would buy 10-12 books again and they would be put back in the armario..

Unfortunately one day the business began to go down. Now I was in charge of it, and since it was a business that had always been prosperous and people came to it, I didn’t know how to do anything other than wait for people to arrive.

However, they began to rebuild the center, and in less than 1 month, as soon as they opened streets, sales dropped considerably.

It was time to make important decisions

Since I didn’t receive people, it occurred to me to go open my mother’s armario, and in the upper part I found a stream of books of all kinds, they were nothing more and nothing less than the books that my father had been buying me year after year. anus.

I took about 6 books, I took them to the business and my routine was the following:

  • We opened the business at 9 in the morning,
  • I would go and buy 3 sports newspapers that talked about the same thing,
  • U at 12 noon finished reading them all.

After that I started reading a book, I liked it; I liked the second book, I liked the third book, and that’s where the story began. I lasted about 2 years reading absolutely all of my father’s books.

I started reading 1 book every 2 days, the little I had saved or saved I used to invest in books and my life began to change.

After 2 years I decided to close the business, I opened a taquera, which was doing very well for me, but I didn’t like it.

It was not my purpose in life and I did not know how to start a business. I was the one cooking, I was doing it wrong, and I identified things that were wrong in large part from what I had read.

So I closed the business and promised myself to entrar the two largest real estate companies in Guadalajara, to work for just one year as an employee. Said and done, a week later I decided which one I wanted to be in and they hired me…

Recommended books:

When I was developing in real estate, my groomsman invited me to sell insurance; I told him no about 15 times, and at 16, after insisting so much, I said okey just to listen (I had already gotten tired of so much persistence and I agreed)

On my second visit as an insurance salesperson, I went with a friend of my businessman father who made me a purchase that generated an income to sustain me for a full year, something that I really liked.

I started as a consultant; I managed to graduate with an honorable mention, which is the recognition of the best advisors in my company.

I won various awards and recognitions and founded I Manage My Financesa company dedicated to serving businessmen who I help in a personalized way to consolidate and grow their assets based on a solid strategy that is Liquidity.

How my story evolved:

After this I have won other awards and in December 2016 my first book focused on business owners who want to go to the next level comes out.

In the book he narrated all the growth that he considered I have had based on my assiduous reading, which I do every day from 4 in the morning.

Every day I get up at 3:35 in the morning, it’s a habit that I have formed and that I cánido’t get rid of.

Morning is when I have the most energy and spirits, so I decided to get up much earlier and make the most of the day.

My dream and visión is to have at least 10 books in 10 years, in January 2017 I start my website as an author where I will be giving away information focused on personal development; topics and articles like the ones that Emprendiendo Historias gives me to motivate people to see that you cánido go very far.

Continue reading: 5 ways successful people overcome failure

Written by gabriel sanchez. Writer, speaker and Directivo of I Manage My Finances, my passion is regular reading, biographies and everything that has to do with personal growth and development. I have to confess that the habit of self-discipline was strongly ingrained by my mother, a fighting lady who has given me all her love. And my father, who taught me my great treasure, which is reading.

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