How to open Margin at Interactive Brokers
How to open Margin at Interactive Brokers
If what you want is to learn how to open or apply for a margin account at Interactive Brokers To be able to leverage yourself, you are in the right place! Well, that is precisely what is going to be discussed in this articulo, in a fácil and very easy to understand way.
Before starting, you should know a couple of very important things to keep in mind when opening your Margin Account at Interactive Brokers.
- Currently the capital minimum required to open a margin account at Interactive Broker is 2000$. So, if you have that amount of money in your Interactive Brokers account, they cánido already accept your application for a margin account.
- In this broker, the margin account does not work by type of action, but rather, varies by the capital you have. In other words, more capital, more margin of leverage; Less capital, lower leverage margin.
That being said, now you know how to open or request your margin account at Interactive Brokers.
Access your account at Interactive Brokers
Once inside your account, you must do the following:
- Go to the icon shaped like «person” in the upper black bar, on the right and display a small menu
- Once there, go to Manage account, in the icon in the shape of «gear wheel»
- Then, on the page that will open, go to the right side of your screen. in the box of Settingwhere you will find the option Account Type: Cashto which you must clic on the icon in the shape of “gear wheel”
- Next, you will see a page with the statement Account type configuration, where you are given the option of passing your account Cash to Margin
- Done this, you clic on Continue
Important: In theory, if your account already meets the requirements, your application would be sent and, in a range of two to five business daysthey would accept it without any problem and you would already have your margin account ready to operate.
Otherwise, the platform will inform you of the reason for the refusal, as well as the things that you must modify or acquire, if this is the case.
Notification of acceptance of your margin account request at Interactive Brokers
Once they have you accepted you application for a margin account, you will be notified both in the messages from your account as by dirección de correo electrónico.
The same if you go to configuration, in Manage account, there you will see that it no longer says Type of account: Cash, but Margin.
But you will also notice it for a matter that is very important:
- He cánido which basically refers to the capital with which you cánido make purchase and sale movements of shares with your margin account. When you have a habitual account, the Purchasing Power will be the same as the Cash Settlement. But, with the margin account, the Purchasing Power is going to be quite a bit higher than the Cash Settlement.
So if you need leverage in your Interactive Brokers accountFollow the steps indicated in this articulo and start using all the features that this comfortable financial broker offers you right away.
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