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How to Send Cryptocurrencies from BINANCE to BITSO

How to Send Cryptocurrencies from BINANCE to BITSO

Do you need to send cryptocurrencies from Binance to your Bitso wallet? Well, in that case, this information is for you, since it aims to answer the question:How to send cryptocurrency from Binance to Bitso?Step by Step.

Read on if you want to take advantage of the advice that will be imparted to you here.

Before starting with the description of the whole process, what you have to do is login to Binance and Bitsoand have them open in different tabs.

Steps to send money from Binance to Bitso in 2023

When you already get access to both accounts, what follows to send your cryptos from Binance to Bitso, will be described below:

Get the address of the cryptocurrency to send in Bitso

Inside Bitsoyou must take the respective steps to get the address to the cryptocurrency of your wallet in Bitso, required for shipping:

  1. Select the cryptocurrency from the list on the right pressing on her.

  1. Within that cryptocurrency, you must give clic to To deposit.

  1. Once this is done, and in case you have selected BTC, a floating box will espectáculo you two ways to get address of said crypto:

  • Through the Bitcoin network (the Bitcoin address to fund).

  • Through Bitso transfer (receives Bitcoin from other Bitso users), which is immediate and without charging commissions.

  1. If you press the option network of Bitcoin (for using this crypto), a new box will appear before you showing you in a section the address of the cryptocurrencywhich you must copy clicking on the icon from its far right.

Important: the steps to follow in case of selecting any other currencies are, in essence, the same.

Now you have the address of the crypto you chose in your possession, so you must then go to Binance to complete the operation.

Entrar the address of the cryptocurrency obtained in Bitso in Binance

In order to proceed with the shipping process, you need to follow a certain procedure now inside Binance to entrar the address you got in Bitso. This is what you should do:

  1. On the home page of your Binance account, you should direct your cursor to the upper right corner and put it on the option Wallet.

  1. Within a dropdown that appears before you, you have to clic on spot walletwhich gives you the options to deposit and withdraw.

  1. Next, in spot accountyou must go up to the right and clic on Withdraw.

  1. Within Withdraw Fiatyou have to go to the upper right corner again and clic on the option withdraw cryptocurrency.

  1. in that section (Withdraw cryptocurrencies)you have to fill in the following fields:

  • Select currency. That is, the type of cryptocurrency to send.

  • withdraw to Where you must paste the address of the cryptocurrency copied in Bitso.

  • Withdrawal amount. In which, you must entrar the amount you want to send to Bitso or clic on MAX so that the entire cómputo you have available within Binance in that crypto is sent.

  • Amount to be received. Here you are allowed to take a look at what will come to you in Bitso and the commission that has been charged to you.

Later you owe him clic on Withdraw.

What remains is that, probably, you will be asked for one confirmationas you have configured the security parameters in your Binance account, and to carry out this procedure, it is only a matter of using intuition.

In this way, you will have been able to make a sending cryptocurrencies from Binance to Bitso, and from now on you could continue doing it if you follow the faithful guidance of this manual. It is something very basic; just get the address to the cryptocurrency of your wallet in Bitso and entrar it in Binance. With this you cánido complete your operation.

Vídeo-Tutorial on how to send cryptocurrencies from Binance to Bitso in 2023

So that you clear up any doubts that you may have had after reading this information, we invite you to watch the vídeo that details this topic in more detail:

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 How to Send Cryptocurrencies from BINANCE to BITSO  How to Send Cryptocurrencies from BINANCE to BITSO  How to Send Cryptocurrencies from BINANCE to BITSO

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