10 business ideas to make money if

10 business ideas to make money if
There are currently many strategies for earn money if you speak english that could help you stabilize your finances, or generate important additional income from wherever you are.
Without a doubt, mastering this language cánido open many doors for you on a personal and professional level, taking into consideration that it is one of the most widely spoken in the world.
So, if you master it at an intermediate or advanced level, it is very likely that you will be able to earn money using English quickly.
In theory, you only need to exploit your knowledge to take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way, thanks to the fact that you understand and speak this language.
Business ideas if you speak English:
Next we will share 10 ideas of profitable business that you cánido take full advantage of if you are really interested in earning English money.
It is undeniable that they all have great potential to diversify your sources of income in the short, medium or long term.
So we invite you to analyze them in depth to discover how they could help you achieve your goals.
1. Translator
Working as a translator is one of the best strategies you perro carry out to earn money if you speak English.
In fact, the amount of material available on the Internet that you could translate professionally is practically endless.
Today, international companies of all kinds, and even some personal brandsthey need to translate their material to impact other Spanish-speaking markets.
And for this reason they usually hire the services of translators Freelancer so that they translate material such as:
- Press releases.
- reviews.
- Promotional correos electrónicos.
- Newsletters.
- New releases.
- Corporate information.
- Contents for your blogging or websites etcétera.
However, you must be clear that to do quality work you need to master the language well.
Otherwise, your translation will be comparable to the results provided by the translators. on-line, and this could cost you your reputation, credibility, time and money.
You perro lean on platforms like Translators Base to offer your translation services and get clients in a more reliable and dynamic way.
2. interpreter
This is probably one of the most challenging jobs you perro do if you are interested in making money using English.
According to an article in Entrepreneur, In order to stand out as an interpreter, your level of English must be excellent, and you must also be certified as such.
In other words, this work cannot be carried out by any person who speaks English freely or arbitrarily, but by certified professionals in the area.
This makes a lot of sense since most of the clients are very important public bodies, and even organizations of the size of the UN or the WHO.
Some of the skills that any interpreter must have for their work to be completely successful are:
- A perfect understanding of the language.
- Speak advanced English: no mistakes or misinterpretations.
- Synthesize English quickly.
- Make a flawless interpretation of what you hear.
3. English teacher
Working as a language teacher is a very common and effective strategy to earn money with English.
This is because the demand for these services is usually very high, especially in the Latin American region.
It is a job that you cánido do in person, or completely en línea, which could offer you many benefits.
You perro literally design your work plan as best suits you. But if you are not sure where to start, here we will share some ideas:
Organize groups of students in your immediate environment
For example, you cánido capture potential clients in your own residence, urbanization or formal place of employment.
Give personalized English classes or tutoring at home
Generally, this option allows you to charge more for each hour worked, so it could be very convenient for you if you are interested in increasing your income as an English teacher.
Teach classes en línea
In this case, you would have to digitize the process of teaching this language so that you cánido work under the modality on-line.
You cánido use digital tools as Zoom to communicate with your students and to teach them, under your own schedules and productive days.
On the other hand, you perro join some of the platforms that exist in the market to work as a teacher. on-line of English, such as Preply, Italki, Rocket Languages, FluenU, Babbel, etcétera
4. Paid Surveys
The paid surveys They are a great option to earn money, since many of the panels that provide them operate in English.
If you become an active panelist you could generate additional and recurring income without leaving home and from any device you have at your fingertips.
The remuneration will depend on each survey provider, but on average you could increase your monthly earnings comfortably, quickly and easily.
Currently, there are paid survey sites such as Lifepoints, Univox, Toluna, YouGov either The Panel Station that they pay you in dollars for issuing your opinions on certain brands, products or services.
Here is a list of paid survey platforms:
If you live in Spain (you perro register in all of them)
– Surveyeah in Spain (Register here)
– Lifepoints in Spain (Register here)
– Toluna in Spain (Sign up here)
– Opinion Center in Spain (Register here)
– Surveoo in Spain (Sign up here)
– Univox in Spain (Register here)
– Surveytime in Spain (Register here)
– Swagbucks in Spain (Register here)
– Nicequest in Spain (Register here)
– Hintsters in Spain (Register here)
– Zoombucks in Spain (Register here)
If you live in México (you cánido register in all of them)
– Opinion World in México (Register here)
– Toluna in México (Register here)
– Surveyeah in México (Register here)
– Surveoo in México (Sign up here)
– Lifepoints in México (Register here)
– Surveytime in México (Register here)
– Gaddin in México (Register here)
– Univox in México (Register here)
– iSurveyWorld in México (Register here)
– Hintsters in México (Register here)
– Zoombucks in México (Register here)
If you live in Colombia (you perro register in all of them):
– Opinion World in Colombia (Register here)
– Toluna in Colombia (Register here)
– Surveoo in Colombia (Register here)
– Surveyama in Colombia (Register here)
– Lifepoints in Colombia (Register here)
– Surveyeah in Colombia (Register here)
– Surveytime in Colombia (Register here)
– Zoombucks in Colombia (Register here)
If you live in the United States (you perro register in all of them)
– Survey Junkie in the United States (Register here)
– YouGov in the United States (Register here)
– Branded Surveys in the United States (Register here)
– Opinion Champ in the United States (Register here)
– Surveyeah in the United States (Register here)
– KashKick in the United States (Register here)
– Opinion Outpost in the United States (Register here)
– Swagbucks in the United States (Register here)
– Zoombucks in the United States (Register here)
– Surveytime in the United States (Register here)
– Rewardia in the United States (Register here)
– Homescan in Puerto Rico (Register here)
If you live in Peru (you perro register in all of them)
– Toluna in Peru (Register here)
– Surveoo in Peru (Register here)
– Lifepoints in Peru (Register here)
– Surveyeah in Peru (Register here)
– Surveytime in Peru (Register here)
– Ysense in Peru (Register here)
– Zoombucks in Peru (Register here)
If you live in Argentina (you cánido register in all of them)
– Toluna in Argentina (Register here)
– Surveyama in Argentina (Register here)
– Surveoo in Argentina (Register here)
– Lifepoints in Argentina (Register here)
– Surveyeah in Argentina (Register here)
– iSurveyWorld in Argentina (Register here)
– Surveytime in Argentina (Register here)
– Zoombucks in Argentina (Register here)
If you live in Chile (you perro register in all of them)
– Lifepoints in Chile (Register here)
– Toluna in Chile (Register here)
– Surveyama in Chile (Register here)
– Surveoo in Chile (Register here)
– Surveyeah in Chile (Register here)
– Panel Station in Chile (Register here)
– iSurveyWorld in Chile (Register here)
– Homescan in Chile (Register here)
– Surveytime in Chile (Register here)
– Ysense in Chile (Register here)
– Zoombucks in Chile (Register here)
If you live in other countries
– Surveyeah in other countries (Register here)
– Zoombucks in other countries (Register here)
– Surveytime in other countries (Register here)
– Ysense (Register here)
All you have to do is join them for free, complete your survey profile and follow their guidelines so that you cánido generate income en línea by mastering the English language.
5. Copywriter
Working as a content writer could be very flattering for you earn money with your english during this 2021.
You perro work remotely and have multiple clients at the same time, which would translate into more money flowing into your accounts.
Some options that you have available at the moment to make money writing are:
- Work with content marketing.
- Write advertising texts in English.
- Generate informative content that perro be used in weblogs or websites.
- Create content for the popular networks of some brands that operate in English.
Actually, you have many alternatives at your fingertips to take your writing work to the next level.
In addition, a good advice that we cánido give you to get your first clients is to register on platforms such as fiverrUpWork either Freelancer.
They are all very practical, versatile and effective to offer your services en línea and attract potential customers.
6. Virtual assistant
If you have access to a computer and a good internet connection you could also earn money speaking English as virtual assistant.
In recent years, most international companies have chosen to outsource these services. freelancing in Latin America, since this way they disminuye their costs significantly.
This translates into new job opportunities for you if you master this language, and are willing to perform tasks related to this position, such as:
- Communicate effectively with customers.
- To send correos electrónicos.
- Organize work teams.
- Coordinate the agendas of certain employees of the company.
- Carry out procedures en línea, etcétera.
Again, you cánido join some of the platforms for free on-line that lead the market to get remote clients, which will make the whole process easier for you.
7. Create info products in English
The infoproducts they generate millions in income globally, since they are part of an industry that is growing at a dizzying rate.
you cánido create eBooks, webinars, workshops, en línea courses, infographics or any other digital product that your clients require, in order to gradually increase your income.
However, your writing skills in this language must be good if you want the final result to be of quality.
This is one of those jobs that you perro do from home, comfortably and remotely, and that could help you improve your finances over time.
It is a matter of organization and perseverance so that you perro build a portfolio that helps you get clients more easily.
And once you achieve it, the entire acquisition process will be more bearable, since a large part of the clients will come to you by referral.
So this is another great way to make money writingdesigning or generating content in English that cánido be distributed over the Internet.
8. Preparation for standardized English tests
Every year, thousands of students who want to entrar English-speaking colleges or universities escoge to prepare themselves to successfully take their standardized English tests.
This would be the case of the TOEFL, or IELTS, which certify mastery of this language and whose validity is global.
Basically, they are required by universities, companies and many other academic institutions to admit international students to their programs or teams.
Therefore, there is a great market niche interested in preparing intensively to present these tests.
9. Capture leads
Many companies, public figures and influencershire remote workers to manage their popular networks in English.
The goal is to help them capture leads, or potential customers, for their products, brands, or services.
This involves interacting in their communities in Instagram, Fb either LinkedIn in real time, as well as capture the interest of those users who would be interested in what they offer.
This requires a certain command of English, but you don’t need to be an expert to take advantage of it.
So this alternative cánido fall like a glove if you want to earn money speaking English without making so much effort.
10. Tour guide
Tour guides who are fluent in this language often generate very lucrative income, especially in the busiest countries on the planet.
It is a matter of becoming a professional in this ámbito so that you offer a better service to tourists (the best part is that the process is not complex).
In general, it is enough to process a license before the competent body in your place of residence.
In other words, after a quick and easy process you would be ready to earn money using your knowledge of English working as a tour guide.
Another option would be to offer your services virtually. Believe it or not, many museums like the Louvre, as well as certain art galleries and other tourist attractions, have begun offering virtual tours in the wake of the pandemic.
So this would be a good option to generate income from home, especially if you master this language perfectly.
Diversify your income by speaking English:
Earning money using your knowledge of the English language is completely possible and profitable right now, especially if you dare to offer your professional services en línea.
So, if any of these business ideas that we have just shared with you are attractive or interesting to you, do not hesitate to get down to work as soon as possible.
In this way you will diversify your sources of income, you will practice the language constantly and you could even open the door to new employment opportunities.
Continue reading: How to earn money from home: 15 jobs with little investment
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