Is it profitable to copy on eToro? This is my

Is it profitable to copy on eToro? This is my
Update March 26, 2023
Due to recent development and market conditions, we perro no longer recommend Etoro. So we suggest that you use IQ Options for small deposits and Libertex for deposits over 100 USD.
Both brokers are 100% stable, these They are fully regulated by international institutions,They have low rates and I have worked with them for more than 5 years
I apologize for recommending Etoro in the past.
If you are a person interested in trading en línea, you are surely wondering if this activity will be profitable for you or not
And it is not for less, since also you will be investing your time, especially at the beginning because you have to learn and practice at least a couple of hours a day.
My beginning was like this reading many guides, weblogs, watching vídeo tutorials from other expert traders, and that’s how I discovered the eToro platform and how it works.
I could not count the hours I put into it in the beginning, but without a doubt there were many. Thanks to demo accounts offered by many brokers, I was able to practice without fear of losing my real money.
* Risk alert: 68% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you perro afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Cryptocurrency trading is not supervised by any EU regulatory framework. Investment product with high volatility.
I only deposited when i already felt safe with my investment strategy.
If you have heard about eToroyou will know that it is a broker that has a peculiarity: you perro copy other traders.
I also came to eToro because I found it novel to be able to copy and interact with other investors. However, when I tried it, I realized that this does not guarantee that your money will grow automatically.
Many think that it is enough to copy a good and ready trader, but it is not so. You must learn to find the best traders so that you really get the benefits you want, and do not lose your invested capital.
When I understood this, I was able to make sure that I only copied those investors who they were more likely to make a profit in the futureand learn when to stop copying them.
That is why in this articulo I am going to teach you everything you need to know to be profitable by copying on eToro, and generate benefits with good return percentages practically automatically.
What will you find in this article?
▶ What is popular trading and how does it work?
▶ How to see results by copying on eToro
▶ How to close a trade on eToro
▶ eToro commissions
▶ How to copy the best traders
▶ Who to copy on eToro
▶ Why use eToro
▶ My eToro reviews
what is the popular trading and how it works
Popular trading is basically copy, follow and learn from the operations of others more experienced users. It consists of connecting the investors of a platform, in such a way that they cánido share their strategies, movements and forecasts of the financial market among themselves.
Thanks to this, beginners in en línea trading cánido follow and copy the most expert investors to disminuye risks and see more benefits.
eToro has developed the technology copy trader to allow its users copy automatically the movements and investments of other traders. Being in this way the first popular trading broker.
* Risk alert: 68% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you cánido afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Cryptocurrency trading is not supervised by any EU regulatory framework. Investment product with high volatility.
In this way, your trading platform will also works like a popular network. Each investor has his profile where his statistics, movements and all the information about him as a trader appear.
At the same time, users cánido communicate among them and interact through publications.
To find out who the most experienced users are, on the platform a top is created making use of the statistics of each profile. This way the other investors will be able to know the history of anyone who is interested in copying.
They perro comment, ask questions, look at each other’s posts, follow each other, and most importantly: copy the moves of those who are more experienced.
To start copying another trader, you just have to search for it, place the investment amount and press copy. It’s that easy to mimic another investor’s track record. And the best thing is that you have the facility to escoge if you want it to be in a single inverter or in several at the same time.
Even for those who like invest for the long term, eToro has developed Copy Portfolioswhere you perro invest in a pool of assets which is operated by a group of high level investors based on certain predetermined strategies.
For example, it perro be a group of cryptocurrenciesof raw materials, etcétera. Always following a theme.
The basis of this function is to distribute the weight of the investment among all the assets that act in the group. In such a way that, due to its diversity, the risk decreases and the chances of success increase.
On the other hand, a highlight of eToro’s technology is that rewards the best investors with more copiers.
By posting their insights and helping others earn and follow them, these get benefits such as monthly payments and discounts on spreads of up to 100%.
As you perro see, The potential of popular trading is enormous. In the following points I will espectáculo you how you cánido take advantage of this investment method.
As get results copying on eToro
1. Sign up to eToro
Before you start seeing results by copying on eToro, you will need to create an account on this platform to operate.
Registering with eToro is freeand fill in the information that they ask you will not take more than 5 minutes.
* Risk alert:68% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you perro afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Cryptocurrency trading is not supervised by any EU regulatory framework. Investment product with high volatility.
2. Entrar the search menu
Once you entrar the official eToro website and create your new account, you will have access to its powerful investment platform. Its interfaz is very intuitive and fácil.
I recommend you use demo account to implement the strategies you want. Simply clic where it says “Real” in green letters (just below your profile information) and select «Virtual Portfolio».
Now that you have a virtual $100,000 to experiment with, head over to your usuario panel and in the «Discover» section, Choose the «People» option. This is where you cánido take full advantage of popular trading.
3. configure the filters
Once you are in the «People» section, you Four main filters will appear in the upper bar to segment the traders you want to see.
– People from: Here you cánido place the country from which you want the traders to appear. For greater breadth, I recommend leaving it as it appears by default: «Everywhere».
– that they invested in: You perro also filter the traders that operate in a specific financial asset, such as commodities, currencies, ETFs, stocks, cryptocurrencies and indices.
– Minimum Earning: You choose the minimum percentage of profit that the trader must have obtained. It perro be from 1% to 100%.
– During: This filter goes hand in hand with the previous one. Here you cánido select a certain time in which investors must have obtained the percentage specified in Minimum Profit.
However, where eToro’s full potential is where it says “Advanced search”. Here it will espectáculo you other more specific parameters to find the investors that suit what you are looking for.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
In the advanced search menu, there are different filters divided into categories: time period, profile, popular, performance, risk, portfolio and activity. The most important being: Return and Risk.
These categories refer to average profit and loss obtained. Obviously, you want to copy a profitable investor and you perro define this in those filters.
The first thing is to establish the period of time in one year. Now you must configure the Performance filters to find the investors that have obtained the most return. In the Benefits part, I recommend place between 10% and 30%.
If you clic the Apply button, it will do the search. You must hit the back arrow to continue configuring other filters.
In “Months with Profits”, you perro filter those traders who have been profitable in the most months of the last year. I recommend you put at least 70%. The same in «Profitable operations», which filters those users who have more positive operations than losses.
The same thing you want, that most of your operations and results per month, end up in profit.
One advantage of eToro is that it classifies all investors with a risk level that goes from 1 to 10. This level is determined according to the operations that the traders carry out, more risk means that there are more possibilities of loss.
In the Risk options, you cánido filter the traders based on this level and their loss percentage. In “Rate. of risks”I recommend you put the level between 1 to 4, which would be considered a moderate level.
“Daily retracement” and “weekly retracement” is not of much importance, so it is better to delete them. If you configured the filters correctly, it should look like this:
3. Find the best traders
When you hit “Apply”, eToro will espectáculo you the traders that match your search and the you cánido order as you wishfrom those with more copiers, less risk, more benefits, etcétera.
While less risk and more benefit have, they will be better options to follow.
Mainly, I look at two parameters to further investigate a possible investor to copy: profit percentage and the change in copiers.
In the benefits part I cánido see what the profit percentage What cánido I expect from the trader based on his annual performance? Here you see how effective their strategies are.
He change in copiers It is a percentage that espectáculos you if the number of people who copy it has been increasing, or on the contrary, it has been decreasing. Why am I looking at this parameter?
More than anything to rule out those investors who have had a bad run. Especially when they have hundreds of followers, the performance they have is reflected in this change. If the percentage is negative, it is because something is wrong.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
Taking these parameters into account, you cánido select those investors that, in your opinion, are the most profitable. Clicking on your name you will entrar your investor profile.
The first thing you will see in the profile of an investor are the statistics of your performance per month. To simplify this analysis, I am guided by the section «Graph».
In this section you will see a graph of the performance that the trader has had during all the time he has been investing in eToro. A graph with an upward trend and no falls indicates that the investor has maintained its benefits over time without falling into big losses.
For example, this could be considered a good graphsince it follows an upward trend and does not have such resounding falls.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
This other one, as we cánido see, has large drops, which indicates that there were notable losses and they could happen again.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
4. copy their moves
When you have already reviewed the profiles, the information and decided what will be the usuario you are going to copyyou must entrar your investor profile.
You will see on the right side a button with the symbol «+», which is for follow and see the movements of the trader on your watch list. With this you will NOT copy his movements, you will only see them.
To copy, you must press the “Copy” button in blue and a box with investment parameters will appear.
You have to be very careful, because you are about to put money in the hands and experience of another person.
The box will indicate the amount that you perro invest, it perro be greater or less than the amount that appears, as long as it is greater than $200. Do not forget to place the Stop Loss by pressing the “modify” button. Here you place the minimum amount to which you cánido lower the operation so that it closes automatically.
You have a minimum and a maximum that you perro select. The lower the value, the more your loss will be. This stop loss is used to disminuye losses and you do not have to be aware of how your investment is going.
When you have already made your decision and selected the amount of capital that you will invest, press the «copy» button” to confirm the operation.
Once this is done, the page will return to the usuario’s profile and you will get a small window that indicates that you are already copying the trader.
After this you don’t have to do anything else: you just have to review your operations from time to time, see the benefits you are gettingand when you want, close one or all the operations to withdraw your profits.
As close a deal on eToro
To close a trade on eToro you just have to go to the trader you are copying, clic on the blue gear on the right side that appears, and then clic on the button «Stop copying.»
Now You just have to go to the «Portfolio» section to know how this copy is fluctuating. Do not limit yourself to copying a single investor, try several since that way you will be diversifying.
If you lose, you may others benefit and don’t get too affected.
At the moment when I did this test, one of the copies I made with the demo account is in the green, that is, in profit. To get these benefits, just you must close the operation and the benefits will be added to your total cómputo.
How do you know if it is at a loss or in the green? This comes out in the columns “G/P ($)” and “G/P (%)”, each one indicates the profit or loss in money and percentage respectively.
If the trade is losing, the numbers will appear in red. If it is benefit, they will be in green.
To close the trade, you will have to stop copying usuario. You clic on the operation in your portfolio and you will see more details of the copy. You must clic on the blue gear on the right side and choose the option to stop copying.
When you do this, a box will open asking you to confirm the closure and will espectáculo the loss or profit that you perro have You will know if you make a profit because the total value offered to you will be greater than the investment.
Once the “Stop copying” button is pressed, the total amount will be added to your cómputoif it was positive, or subtracted if it was a loss.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
Etoro commissions
On eToro, as is the case with most brokers on the internetcharges certain commissions that I will explain one by one below.
Spreads are a type of commission that any broker applies for opening an operation. This commission is applied to each financial asset individually through the difference between the purchase price and the sale price.
For each financial instrument, there are two prices: one for buying and one for selling.
If you think that the price of the financial instrument will rise, you perro choose open a buy trade to close it later with a sell (this is called “going long”).
On the contrary if you think the price will drop You cánido open a sell trade and then close it with a buy trade (this is called “going short”).
In this way you have the possibility of obtain benefits in both rising and falling markets.
The difference between the two prices is what is called the spread. and it is the cost that we will have to open an operation as a consequence of the commission applied by the broker through that differential.
Etoro will discount this differential when you close the dealnot when you open it unlike other brokers.
eToro usually applies fixed spreads Compared to other brokers that work with variable spreads that depend on market conditions at all times.
Please note that this fixed spread applies to each financial instrument and varies from instrument to instrument.
For example, in the most liquid instruments (in which there are more market participants such as the EUR/USD pair or in general all currency crosses against the euro) the spread will be lower and on the other hand, in instruments with less liquidity the spreads will be higher.
night rate
Commissions for night rate are a commission that is applied by leaving a trade open overnight (also known as «overnight»).
So that you understand it better, here now I am going to give you a simpler explanation with an example.
Trading operations are rolled over every day to avoid having to close them and pay off the loan that constitutes the leverage.
As a consequence, the fee (the refinancing interest) will be applied when the position is held open overnight (One day to another).
actually the Nightly rate is charged at 5:00 PM EST (time on the east coast of the United States, that is, New York time), since it is this time that is taken into account to consider the end of one trading day and the beginning of another.
So if, for example, you live in Spain, and you open a trade at 10:59 p.m. and close it at 11:01 p.m., it is considered an “overnight” operation and the nightly rate will be applied to you.
Currency conversion on eToro
The trading account we opened with eToro is in dollars. That does not orinan that you cannot work with another currency other than the dollar.
You cánido make cash deposits into your eToro account in your local currency (for example, the euro).
However, eToro will automatically convert your money to dollars when making any deposit and the cómputo in dollars will appear in your account.
eToro applies a commission for the conversion of a currency other than the dollar. The commission is fixed, but depending on the currency to be used, it will be higher or lower.
Withdrawal fee
If you want to make a withdrawal of the benefits that you have obtained in eToro to your bank account, electronic wallet or any other means, you should know that this broker will charge you a commission for it.
The minimum amount to withdraw on eToro is $30and for each withdrawal a commission of $5 is charged.
For this reason, I recommend that you make withdrawals of larger amounts to minimize this commission (for example, starting at $100 or $150 so that the impact on your benefits is smaller).
How to copy the best traders
To choose the traders that will help you generate results and knowledge, first you must learn to recognize themsince according to the indicators they have, you will succeed or fail in your investments.
In the «People» section is where you cánido Find users you perro follow and/or copy. eToro has a top that selects the most specialized, with better results and lower risk.
These investors appear when entering without the need to place a search filter. You will see that different traders appear with some indicators. Each symbol and number in the inverter space has its meaning.
The first thing you will see is the profit percentage, which is the largest number in green. This percentage is calculated by the return obtained in the last year.
Beneath the benefits is the number of copiers that the usuario has, where a percentage value also appears in green if this amount has increased, or in red if it has decreased in the last week.
Next to the copiers indicator, there is the agregado (+) or check (✓). The latter means that you are already following a trader. If you press the “+”, you will start following that trader and it will appear as a check.
Just above that button, a number appears inside a box. This number is the risk level has that usuario, which as I mentioned earlier, the top ranges from 1 to 10, from the least risky to the most risky, respectively.
The color also changes from green to red according to to the level of risk.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
When you entrar a usuario’s profile gives you more details about the way in which the trader invests and his benefits.
When entering the profile, the first thing you will see is the «Performance» part, which espectáculos you a bar chart with profit or loss per month.
eToro calculates this index on a monthly and yearly basis for each usuario, in order to make their metrics known in a transparent way when they want to copy their investment history.
Below you will see the graph of «Risk classification» which is also measured monthly and annually. This section espectáculos the level of risk that eToro has assigned to the trader according to his trades and the percentage of daily, weekly and annual losses.
Next to it you have the graph of «Copiers», which, as its name indicates, espectáculos the number of users copying to a trader It espectáculos about the last 7 days and the percentage in which it has changed.
When you continue going down the trader’s profile, you come across the Operations section. This graph tells you the total number of trades that he has made, the percentage of profitable operations and what markets the investor usually trades.
In addition, it tells you the average profit and loss.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
On the other hand, eToro segments traders into Editor’s Choice and Top Investors. The latter have stars of different colors on their profiles.
This symbol is based on a program called “Habitual Investors”which consists of 4 stars of different colors: the blue represents the Cadet, the orange the Rising Star, the red the Champion and the green the Gananci.
Users who have these stars get benefits for belonging to this program, such as commissions of up to 2% per year based on all assets managed, withdrawals without commission, among other things.
To do this, traders have had to Offer your knowledge to the community and to gradually increase its capacity to generate returns and disminuye risks.
Most of the users who are linked to the program have a risk rating between 1 and 3, their performance graph reflects a good profit margin and the number of copiers is enormous.
Most of the users copy or follow these traders because offer the best benefits. Whether it is valuable information in your publications or dividends when copying your investments.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
Now I want to give you some consejos you cánido follow to choose good traders, They are consejos that will help you not make a bad decision and lose all your money.
First, I know that you will mostly be interested in copying those traders who have more copyists, because this builds trust. However, what you should look for are those users who have more amount of AUM.
The AUM range is the total amount of money a trader manages thanks to the capital invested by the users who copy it. For example, if you invest $200 in copying an investor, they will be added $200 and will be able to invest with that money. This indicator reflects the confidence that users have in allocating all that money to invest.
Is more effective than the number of copierssince if a trader loses most of the capital, it perro take a period of time until his copiers are seen to decrease.
Trust the position of «most followed» or copied it could lead you to lose your money.
I have read cases of people who have placed all their money in traders with a large number of copiers, and suddenly, they lost all their money because the investor went into a losing streak.
What I want to say is you should check other stats before investing.
Another consejo to keep in mind is that you should look for traders whose performance is stable. Everyone cánido succeed or fail in operations, but if you are going to copy a usuario, be one that has a stable behavior between their profits and losses.
That is to say, that does not have such big falls in the Performance chart. This will indicate precision in your investment strategy.
If you really want to choose a low-risk investor, choose according to your historic loss percentageand not by the risk classification it possesses.
You will be able to see that when selecting a trader, you will find a section that says «Maximum loss», it is best to choose users who have a low number. This means that your trades are spot on and you don’t invest in every asset you see.
Lastly, beware of those traders who have 100% or more return. Usually, this is because they do not close operations, and this perro lead to the loss of the capital that you invest in it.
If the usuario you copy does not close a trade in which he invests your capital, this could orinan that he is risking more capital than he should, and therefore your risk of loss would increase considerably.
This also includes the time the trader has been trading on eToro. The older you are, the better, as more people will try to copy you. The best thing would be to copy and follow users who They have a minimum of one year of experience on the platform.
Whom copy on eToro
Now I will espectáculo you a list with the 5 best traders of the moment which you cánido copy.
Remember that this list may change over time; so the best thing is that every week or every two weeks you review your list of traders that you copy, see their cómputos, and if they are having losses, look for other investors.
Also called Enmanuel De Jesus Bautista Lopez, he is a trader with Rising Star rank in the Habitual Investor program. It has a profit of 15.82% during its last 12 months and so far this year it has a constant yield of 4.57%.
Currently your risk level is 3 and has 607 copiers, with an upward trend of 12.83%. Its maximum weekly losses have been -6.02%.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
Called Albert Dietrich. owns the Gain range in the Habitual Investor program and has a growing annual profit of 21.61%. It has not had months in loss so far this year.
It has a risk level 3 and has 3025 copiers, that value has increased by 8.70% in recent days. His maximum weekly losses are -2.47%
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
Or known as Robin Fritsch, owns the Rising Star star and has obtained a benefit in the last year of 11.93%. It has a balanced annual return between losses and returns of 4.40%
Has a risk classification 4. Based on the chart of the Copiers indicator, it espectáculos that it owns 404 copiers. It cánido be seen in the history that it had more, but due to an event it had constant losses in the last week.
However, it continues to increase the number of users who copy.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
He is a usuario with the Gananci star of the Habitual Investors program, has a annual profit of 46.77%. His AUM rank espectáculos that he manages over $5 million in assets.
Has the classification 4 in the level of risk and a maximum loss of 5.42% weekly. In addition, it has 8128 copiers with a slight increase of 0.04%.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
Mariano Pardo
He is an investor with the Gain range, has had a benefit of 33.20% in the last 12 months. Although last year he ended every month in a profit, this year he only ended two months in a small loss.
Have a risk range 4 and its maximum weekly losses are -5.41%. It has 2175 copiers, with a destacable fluctuation. Currently these are increasing by 2.45%.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be sufficient as a basis for investment decision. This is not investment advice.
As you perro see, these are some of the best current traders that could help you get good returns. I have taken them into account by following the advice that I have mentioned above.
The most important thing is to make sure that they have a cómputo in the performance graph on your profile and a value not greater than 10% in your weekly losses.
Another important fact is the change in the number of copiers, which must be increasing most of the time for the trader to be reliable. Luck!
Because wear eToro
When I started in the world of en línea trading, I didn’t think I would get that far into it. I was able to achieve good results in a short time, but at the same time, I got to lose a lot.
That is why I decided to look for different platforms and continually test until I found what would be my «master strategy» for generate money investing. And this is where eToro came along.
Although I was not a master of en línea trading, eToro helped me tremendously in understanding terms and strategies that I would not otherwise have understood. Also, with the novelty of popular trading, it allows me to take advantage of expert knowledgesomething that I alone could not do.
With this you cánido invest money for a certain time, and when you return in a few months, could have even tripled (this happened to me with cryptocurrencies).
Thanks to the technology developed by eToro, I cánido invest my money according to the trend of the traders those that I follow, much more than the market itself, this made me have very good results.
Expert investors have years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the subject, they know how to analyze the market and use the news to your advantage. Best of all, you perro take advantage of that with a single clic and choosing the amount you want to invest.
Instead of learning on my own and through trial and fallo, I perro leverage on the knowledge of more expert investors. This saves me a lot of learning time, analysis and losses.
my opinions from eToro
One thing I learned from eToro is that you should invest in the medium or long term. This creates more stable opportunities for you to invest in the short term. It is true that it may take longer, but you cánido be calmer by better recognizing trends.
Although this is my opinion, since everyone perro escoge how to invest the money you own and know the level of risk you perro handle.
Many times it is better to think about the future than in the present and not risk so much. And in the case of en línea trading, I I watch the markets several times before investing, and when there are falls, I don’t usually rush to perform an operation.
When I first started trading, I spent hours of hours on the investment platform watching the performance of my trades. This was not the iniciativa as it caused me stress.
So I decided to apply this thinking in the medium and long term, and I only logged in a few minutes a week to review performance.
But the truth is that I entrar the platform to spend a couple of hours a day. And not because you are concerned about the return on investments or the change in performance of the traders you copy.
But I like the community environment. Many traders share interesting information and you perro clear your doubts with the most expert.
And in case it espectáculos up any new opportunity to copy, you perro take advantage of it with other users, and even share your experience. It’s a whole popular network for investors!
Popular trading turns out to be a perfect method for beginner tradersand so that experts perro benefit by helping other users.
Facilitating the process to all people who want to invest and do not have the knowledge or time that is needed. It is perfect for anyone who wants operate en línea from any part of the world. And even, live on it.
And you, how do you copy on eToro? Leave me your comments below!
eToro is a multi-asset platform that offers investments in both stocks and cryptocurrencies, as well as CFD trading.
Please note that CFDs are complex instruments and carry a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. He 68% of investment accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider.
Past performance is not an indication of future results. The trading history presented is less than 5 full years and may not be a sufficient basis for making investment decisions.
Copy trading is a portfolio management service provided by eToro (Europe) Ltd., which is authorized and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.
Investing in crypto assets is not regulated in some countries of the European Union and the United Kingdom. No consumer protection. Your capital is at risk.
eToro USA LLC does not offer CFDs and does not represent or assume any responsibility as to the accuracy or completeness of the content of this publication, which has been prepared by our partner using publicly available information that is not entity specific about eToro.
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