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How to write a cover letter (example

How to write a cover letter (example

When are you going to a job interviewGetting the position you want depends on many things: how you present your sintetiza, how you act, your clothingthe security you espectáculo and your tone of voice…

But what you may have neglected is write a good cover letter with which to impress your interviewer and stand out from the other candidates.

Today very few people use this type of letter when going to an interview; but what you may not know is that Companies value this detail very much.

If you have been applying to job offers, and going to interviews in which in the end they have not hired youthe problem is most likely that you have not brought a cover letter with you.

That is why here I am going to teach you how to make a cover letter step by step, an example of a cover letter, and I am going to share it with you at the end of this article. 5 templates you cánido download in Word so that creating your letter is much easier.

What will you find in this article?

What is a letter of presentation?

A cover letter is a document that you deliver along with your sintetiza, but in which you clearly explain more detailed your skills, knowledge, and achievements that you have achieved in other jobs with a much more personal touch.

Although in a sintetiza you dedicate yourself to placing all the information about yourself and all the studies and work you have done, the truth is that most of the time companies want to know more about you, but from your own point of view.

That is precisely what a cover letter is for, so that you perro espectáculo yourself to the company where you are having the interview that you know your strengths and best abilities that help you do the job.

A good letter speaks a lot about you since in it you cánido explain not only your abilities, but also What is your motivation and why to work in that company.

When you compare a sintetiza to a cover letter, you will notice the BIG difference if you look at it this way: imagine that you see a product but only is one of the bunch which is for sale.

But suddenly an enthusiastic person appears who start talking about him in a more personal way and all its benefits. What would you do?

Most people would buy the product after hearing all the good things about it.

Well, that is the letter of introduction: the push you need to convince your interviewer to hire you.

It’s a lot like when the interviewer reads your letter and start to see the way you present yourself and the enthusiasm you put into it. Basically, you are “selling yourself”.

That’s why You must give a good image from the beginning And you will not only achieve this with a good sintetiza, but also with a great letter that presents you in every way and in an incredible way.

As write a letter of presentation?

The first thing you need to do to start writing your letter is to think: «What cánido I offer you? me to this company?because that is exactly what they will ask themselves when interviewing you.

A cover letter is not about praise and flatter you every good detail you have.

Writing it is a bit difficult when you first get down to it, but once you have clear points it will come out by itself.

when you get the iniciativa of what you cánido offer the company, you just have to go and capture it in a Word sheet.

Before that, the letter has a structure that you must respect since it is not only about writing and that’s it, but about Organize it the right way too.

So starts with date and basic data of the company or place where you will apply.

The next thing is that you remember that all the cards themselves they should have a greeting and this is no exception, so you must direct it to the right person.

On more than one occasion, you will not know the name of the person will conduct the interviews so I suggest you just put something like «A cordial greeting to the directivo or directivo of human resources.»

Thus you will not make a fácil mistake How to put the wrong name.

Then start your great presentation.

You perro’t hang around when it’s time to introduce yourself, so just get straight to the point but in the right way.

Your purpose is to talk about your interest in the job, what you could bring to the company, your true interest, anything that might make you stand out but remember not to exaggerate and say something like I’m good at everything, so I’m perfect for the job.»

Remember that after your letter is also your sintetiza, so you don’t need to include all your skills but the ones that you think are most relevant to the position.

For example, if they are looking for someone who speaks 4 languages ​​and you do, It is one of the things that you cánido highlight, but otherwise you perro mention it lightly or just not mention it and let them read it on your sintetiza.

Finally, you just need to say goodbye cordially and I recommend don’t give too many hints like you’ll wait for a call or things like that.

Just dedicate yourself to being formal, direct and friendly.

Put your personal data in the end of the letter where you include your first and last name, correo electrónico, address and telephone number.

Example of a cover letter

If you structure a cover letter As I indicated above, then it will be ready and you just have to remember to polish it, but so that you have a better iniciativa of ​​how to do it, here I am going to espectáculo you an example of a cover letter from scratch.

Remember, start is datecompany data and a cordial greeting.

When you go to translate that into a Word document, I recommend you put them in bold, except for the part of the formal greeting.

Now that you must start your presentation, I remind you that you must not be exaggerated and in fact, not even that specific, also, depending on the position or the company for which you are applying, this information must be changed.

That is to say, you must do a different letter for each interview that you have

You cánido make it generalized, as you perro see in the image below, but you must customize it if you want to have a better oportunidad of being hired for the position. Remember that the cover letter is something with a personal touch.

Finally, you will have a cordial farewell and the part where you need to add your data.

When you add your data, I suggest make the information bold but omitting the rest of the text.

an overview The cover letter would look something like this:

The letter itself looks very basic, but it is so that have an iniciativa how it should be structured.

The font is very variable and you cánido do all these details to your liking, however, I recommend you use mainly fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman or Calibrí which are the most common and presentable.

Regarding the font size, I normally wear a 12 since it is neither too small or failing that, too big.

I put the line spacing at 1.15 so that the information does not look so scattered and gives you time to leave more space between paragraphs without distancing them so much.

As you cánido see, make an example of a letter of presentation is not that difficult: You just have to be yourself, highlight your best skills in a personal way, and use some formal elements to create it.

That you must include in a cover letter?

1. a good greeting

Although I already mentioned it before, the truth is that it is a point that you perro never skip in your cover letter.

It’s like saying «good morning», «good afternoon», «good night» or give a fácil hello on a daily basis but much more relevant in this case.

So take care of always include them and in the right way.

There are many ways to say hello besides the ones you cánido appreciate in the example above, so you perro choose the option that you like best.

“Dear”, “Dear”, “Gentlemen”, There are several ways you perro sound polite that will start your letter off on the right foot.

2. The reasons why you are sending the letter

It is important to always mention the reason for which you are applying for that position, but be careful: never be desperate or, conversely, without interest in the position.

Writing with tears that you need to be hired as soon as possible because you have been unemployed for months and need money will not work, on the contrary: it will create a negative effect on your interviewer.

In fact, they probably don’t take you seriouslyand they don’t even call you to do a job interview.

But you also should not espectáculo that you have no interest. A friend of mine works in the human resources department of a company, and sometimes she gets letters of introduction saying they just want to change jobs.

This espectáculos that there is no real interest in working there, and of course my friend doesn’t even call them to arrange an interview. So be very careful with this.

However, I recommend that even if you are freely sending your application to a company, indicate a position for which you want to apply but without closing yourself off to more options. This, you should let the company know but above all the one who will interview you.

You cánido also place where you saw the job ad or why did you escoge to apply to that company among all the others.

3. Summary of your sintetiza

It is not about making a vulgar copy and paste.

When I say summary, it is precisely that, something short that summarizes your experience and all pertinent information on your sintetiza.

For example, you don’t need to entrar your age so that you cánido omit it.

You cánido only put your name among all the personal information and then specify and rate things that benefit your candidacy for the job you are looking for or being offered.

You perro also add some achievements, but do not extend too much and try to keep it all in a short paragraph.

4. A reference to the company

In your cover letter, put some information related to that company in which you want to be hired it will espectáculo that you know the companythat you researched for that position, and that your motivation is real to work there.

It will espectáculo that you have a real interest in them, and at the same time, you will arouse his interest in you too.

5. A “call to action”

Have you seen that in most vídeos on YouTube nowadays they always put at the beginning or at the end things like “Subscribe”, “Give it a like”or do they say “if you liked this vídeo, share it”?

Is or are calls to action. There is no better way to get someone to do something than to say it directly, although always in a polite way.

And in your cover letter too you must include a call to action to call you for an interview.

For example, you perro include a phrase like “I would like to be able to arrange a encuentro to talk more about what I cánido bring to your company” or “it would be great if we could schedule an appointment to explain more about my professional experience”.

In this way, you will be implanting in the mind of your interviewer that he has to call you for an interview and see if you are the best candidate for the position.

6. Farewell and personal data

To summarize this part, the farewell is just as important than the greeting and even more, so put the right words in it.

Although all your information is on your sintetiza, due to formalities and make work easier of the selector, you must place your personal data in plain sight.

In this way it is easy to locate you with just one call and taking a look at your letter.

You cánido also read this article if you want to see more consejos for writing a good cover letter.

Templates to create your cover letter

Writing a cover letter perro be difficult. the first time you try. It happened to me with the first one I did, and I wish I had had a template to guide me better in this task.

For that reason, here below I share 5 templates you perro download and editar in Word easily with your data and the text you want to write to introduce yourself to your interviewer.

Each of them is aimed at a specific type of work, so all you have to do is choose the job category you want to apply fordownload the template, and open it in Word to editar it with your data.

Template for traditional jobs

This template Several of my friends have used it. for traditional positions such as jobs in shops and stores, or positions in offices of serious companies because it has a basic, but clean and professional design

It is editable in Word and also includes a template to create your sintetiza with the same design and colors as the cover letter

At the bottom you perro include both your website (if you have one), and your correo electrónico address and your phone

Template for customer service jobs

I think this template is very good for young people who want work in customer service positions such as telemarketers, product sales representatives, etcétera., because it includes a box to add your photo, and in interviews for these types of jobs personal image is more important than in other jobs

It is editable in Word and also includes a template to create your sintetiza with the same design and colors as the cover letter

This template to make a cover letter has 4 different colors: blue, green, yellow, and purple

Cover letter for managers or executives

This is the best template you perro submit if you want to get hired for a middle position like Being a manager in a business or a directivo in a company: the design is clean, but it also looks very professional and organized, qualities that every manager or executive should have to know how to direct your employees.

It is editable in Word and also includes a template to create your sintetiza with the same design and colors as the cover letter

This template has a column to the right with 3 sections in which you perro include your correo, telephone, and address of the LinkedIn profile, to whom it is addressed, and your personal data such as your name and surname

Cover letter to work in startups

This template has been used by friends of mine who studied startup careers (like marketing, graphic design, public relations…) since the design is modern and creative, perfect for companies of this type that require people with that kind of traits

It is editable in Word and also includes a template to create your sintetiza with the same design and colors as the cover letter

colors cánido be changed easily to your liking by others like pink, red, green, orange, yellow…

Cover letter for artistic works

This cover letter is the one I have used to introduce me to jobs as a writer, but she is also very good for all kinds of artistic jobs such as designer, landscaper, interior decorator, etcétera. for your type of creative design which includes in the right column below a space to write an inspirational quote

It is editable in Word and also includes a template to create your sintetiza with the same design and colors as the cover letter

It also includes a template to make a portfolio where espectáculo your work with pictures such as your designs, your writings, photos of your decorations…

When I didn’t know how to write a cover letter, I used to do poorly at job interviews and now I know why.

Since I started putting the same pledge to my letter Like my sintetiza, I’ve gotten more than one job I’ve wanted or needed.

These 5 templates are part of my favorites and They are the ones I use the most. depending on where I will apply for the job.

What job are you going to write a cover letter for? Leave me a comment below and tell me how it turned out for you.

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Maria Ng Garcia

I am a lover of literature and writing is my lifelong passion. I love sharing my experiences with others to help them pursue their dreams and learn to never give up. «It’s never too late to be the person you could have been.» -George Eliot

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