Earn money with automated vídeos: Guide
Earn money with automated vídeos: Guide
Today we will teach you how to earn money with automated vídeos, this task is easier than you cánido imagine. Artificial intelligence today is a giant step for networks, being able to facilitate and even automate some jobs. Today you will see one of these ways of working on popular networks and how anyone cánido do it. You will earn money in a fácil way, yes, but it does not orinan that it does not require any effort. You must put a little bit of your part when making the vídeos.
We will use several tools that will help us in the process of creating vídeos. It should be noted that we will upload the vídeos to YouTube, which is a somewhat long process. We must obtain the theme, scripts, vídeos and thumbnails. We will do this entire process with the help of artificial intelligence and some tools. Without further ado, we begin with the guide.
Find your niche
It is not a mystery that the first thing to do is choose a theme, from this step we perro develop the others. For this step we will rely on a tool called Mangools. In it we cánido find relevant palabras clave from which we perro make a script or vídeo.
Find the topic to play
Once the niche is found, we perro start a search for topics to talk about. These perro be, for example, top animals, series or movies. To get topics quickly and effectively I decided to use ChatGPT.
ChatGPT is a revolutionary tool that emplees artificial intelligence to solve problems. By this I orinan that any usuario will be able to chat with artificial intelligence and find an answer to any question they may have. This cánido also be used to perform various jobs, such as searching for topics for a vídeo, writing scripts, and more. It is undoubtedly a tool that cánido save us a lot of work.
Of course, we must know which Prompts to use, and to put you in context, Prompts are commands that you cánido give to ChatGPT. An example of this perro be: “Give me ideas for vídeos of x Niche”, replacing the “x” with the niche. Another example of a Prompt is: «Write a script about the smartest animals in the world», followed by writing and sending that message, the artificial intelligence will start writing the script.
Without a doubt, one of the tools that will save us the most time in this process.
make the vídeos
Now it’s time to make the vídeos and for this we will use another artificial intelligence tool. This tool is called Fliki and it is in charge of making the vídeos. We have to make a registration not very long to access it. Once we have an account we perro start with our vídeo simply by creating a new project. We will put a name and language to this, after this it will take us to an interfaz where we cánido put our text. It should be noted that I recommend inserting the entire text, that is, paragraph by paragraph. The AI is in charge of recognizing which image and subtitles to put in the vídeo.
We perro also choose the voice with which we want our vídeo to be narrated. We will have many voices to choose from, and most importantly, they sound natural.
Create a title and thumbnail
The title and the thumbnail is the most important thing in a vídeo, the thumbnail is the first view of the subject and the title is what it contains. To do this we will use two tools. First, for the title, we will be able to use ChatGPT again, we just have to ask you to write several titles for the vídeo you wrote the script for. It will generate several options from which we must choose the one that seems most convenient to us.
To create the thumbnail we perro go to canva, an excellent tool that will allow us to editar images and vídeos. It also has an infinite number of templates, among which are the thumbnail templates for YouTube. We just have to choose one that suits our theme and start editing it. Mine stays this way.
upload the vídeo
For the final step we must go to YouTube and upload our vídeo, it is the easiest step, since we will have everything we need. Of course, we will need a good description to put on the vídeo, you cánido write it yourself or use ChatGPT again. Once the vídeo is uploaded you perro publish it, YouTube will take care of distributing your vídeo to the public that may be interested. Try to maintain consistency in the rise of these and you will see the results.
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