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Which bank charges less fees for withdrawal

Which bank charges less fees for withdrawal

It often happens that when you are in an unknown city or area and you need withdraw cashor, you do not meet with an ATM from your bank to do so and you must withdraw through the ATM of another bank.

This operation usually has commissionsbut luckily with the regulations established since 2016 added to the economic-popular changes caused by the covid-19 pandemicbanks have changed their policy regarding commissions for withdrawing money and currently There are several entities that do not charge commissions to their clients.

Why do you charge fees when withdrawing cash from Spanish banks?

The fact of withdrawing money in a foreign bank implies that this entity make a loan to our bank. To this must be added the operating costs of the service. That is why a commission is charged.

Banks that do not charge a commission for cash withdrawals in 2023

These are the spanish banks that allow you to withdraw cash at any ATM without paying commissions, as long as certain conditions are met.

Evo Bank

Evo Bank is a of the entities that do not charge customers for withdrawing money at any ATM located in Spanish territory or even abroad without limit of times, although in most of them the removal minimum must be €200.

pin bank

pibank it is an excellent option Eliminate commissions in Spain to all of his customers of your Payroll Account with direct debit income and it does so without imposing any conditions. In addition, the amount of withdrawals is unlimited. Also, when removing abroad, the bank is responsible for the commission applied by the ATM, entering the cost on the 10th of the following month that the client paid to withdraw cash.


The holders of any of the accounts of Mediolanum Bank You perro withdraw money for free at all ATMs in Spain and abroad up to 52 times a month, provided that the commission established by the entity that owns the ATM be equal to or less than 2 euro.


ENG it allows you withdraw money for free more than 50,000 ATMs throughout the national territory without limit of times as long as you meet the conditions of your Salary Account and that the withdrawal is greater than €200.

What do banks require to avoid charging commissions?

To withdraw money for free of any competing ATM, banks usually put certain conditions on their customers in three different categories: income, that is have payroll or benefits greater than a certain value, make purchases with the card associated with the account and have a contract with the bank product such as insurance, a loan or a mortgage.

They also put other conditions for withdrawal such as You perro only withdraw money one X amount of times and is established a minimum amount that is usually around €200.

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 Which bank charges less fees for withdrawal  Which bank charges less fees for withdrawal  Which bank charges less fees for withdrawal

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