economy at home

Where to Keep Money that is NOT a Bank?

Where to Keep Money that is NOT a Bank?

We have the instinct to keep what is important to us, and although it is true that money is not the most important thing, it is important to a relative degree. Therefore: we keep Money.

The question isWhere? From there the banks were born. But not everyone trusts banks, especially when you understand the type of institution it is…

But it is also true that it is necessary to have money stored in one place free from the chains of bureaucracy and paperwork, especially in case of an emergency or a medical situation that deserves to have money quickly.

If you are looking for a place to save money, other than a bank, in this article we will explain how and where.

whatD.where to save money en línea?

The Internet is a world of multiple opportunities, and when it comes to saving money there are at least two that we should mention:

Electronic wallets to save money

There are endless electronic wallets

  • PayPal: one of the oldest, safest and most habitual on the market. Through this platform you cánido associate your credit card and transfer the amount you want.
  • UpHold: This platform has the benefits of PayPal, but it has much more versatility, through it you perro convert money to cryptocurrencies or any other currency.
  • Skrill: also known as moneybookersthis is a payment processor widely used in the world of trading for a long time.

Electronic wallets for Cryptocurrencies

Consider trying cryptocurrencies, although some are quite volatile, which cánido be positive or negative depending on how you use it, it is also true that there are quite stable currencies.

The good thing about cryptocurrencies is that the system that supports them (blockchain) is highly secure.

The most secure electronic wallets in cryptocurrencies are:

  • coinbase: Used by millions of people, its strong point is security and ease of use.

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  • bittrex: unlike Coinbase, it has more than 200 cryptocurrencies. It is a platform focused on trading.
  • Cryptonator: This allows you to work with more than 500 cryptocurrencies, it is highly secure, since usuario data is encrypted using a cryptographic algorithm.

whatD.where to keep cash?

Many do not trust the bank, or simply prefer to keep money at home to have it available quickly. This is quite important to consider when you know that you will need money for emergencies.

But where to keep the money? This is an important question, since depending on where it is located will depend his security.

Here are some great places in your home to store cash:

  • In an envelope: If what you are looking for is simply to have your money in one place, without security concerns or anything like that, you just have to put the money in an envelope and leave it in a armario drawer.
  • In a medicine bottle: if you have a lot of medicines you perro take a bottle and put the money there, this way only you will know where it is.
  • in a pocket: Whether it’s a pair of pants, an old shirt or a bag, the important thing is that you don’t forget where you left it.
  • in various places: cupboards, boxes, furniture, inside an appliance, the top of a plant, behind a painting, etcétera. Your friend is the tape and an envelope.
  • A safe: This is the safest option, although the most expensive. Although you perro opt for a strong metal box with a small padlock.

whatD.Where perro I keep my money without being charged and legally?

The previous options are valid, of course, having your static savings could be counterproductive. It is estimated that world inflation is, on average, 2%, that means a devaluation quite significant.

It’s best to keep your money in a way that earns you some interest, at least so that it goes against the tide of inflation.

A highly recommended and totally legal option is to invest in the depósito market, although for these cases it is that you have a financial advisor, since this could give you very good results as well as other very bad ones.

We hope that these consejos have been useful to you, and that they allow you to safeguard your money and have it available when you need it at any time.

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 Where to Keep Money that is NOT a Bank?  Where to Keep Money that is NOT a Bank?  Where to Keep Money that is NOT a Bank?

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