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What is SEO? Free SEO Course For

What is SEO? Free SEO Course For

What is SEO and what is it for?. Nowadays, having a beautiful and well-structured website is not enough if you want to earn money with your website, traffic is what will determine the success you will have.

What is SEO, Importance and Application?

That is why it is very important that you understand the meaning of SEOalso that it is SEMsince knowing these terms will help you better when positioning your web page.

As you cánido see in the search for Buy Television En línea you will see several results, the first is a paid advertisement for google plus adwords and the second one that is marked with red is the natural positioning, what we know as SEO.

The importance of SEO?

If we go to a dictionary like wikipedia We will find the following meaning for SEO: Search engine optimization, search engine optimization or SEO (from English search engine optimization), is a equipo of actions aimed at improving the positioning of a website in the list of results of Google plus, Bing , or other Internet search engines.

SEO works on technical aspects such as the optimization of the structure and metadata of a website, but it is also applied at the content level, with the aim of making it more useful and relevant to users.

It is important to know that this is highly variable, since there are always updates to the google plus algorithms and what used to be good for positioning now is not, for this reason it must always be updated and pending the latest updates so that our website once positioned do not lose position in search engines.

web positioning

There are several factors that search engines take into account when positioning a web page, it is important to know this so as not to despair and be patient with our domain. We are talking about the Authority and Relevance of a DomainLet’s see what it’s about.

Domain Authority

When we talk about domain authority, we are talking about nothing more and nothing less than the popularity of a website. What matters here is how habitual the page is, since that will give it a lot of value because Google plus understands that said page has valuable information for users, since the more content on this website behaves, it is because users find the content interesting. page content.

No one is entering pages and sharing content just like that, people need to know that the information has helped them in what they were looking for, that it was a great contribution to sharing our content.

Relevance of a Domain

First we will define what is a domain for newbies: A domain is the unique and exclusive name given to a website on the Internet so that anyone perro visit it. The main purpose of Internet domain names and the Domain Name System (DNS) is to translate the IP addresses of each asset on the network into memorizable and easy-to-find terms. Domain authority is not the only thing that is taken into account, but when we talk about relevance we are talking about the related results that Google plus returns when we do a search.

There are two types of SEO that we perro apply when positioning our web pages.

Black Hat SEO or White Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO

Just as in the world there is good and evil, when we talk about SEO BLACK HAT we are talking about that bad part, that wants to do bad to achieve good results, when we try to position our page in search engines using techniques that are against search engine guidelines.

That is when we cánido have a problem and suffer penalties in our domain. That is why it is advisable not to carry out this practice since sooner or later they end up catching us and all the work done cánido be lost due to a bad practice.

White Hat SEO

As its name indicates, it is about doing good, what is correct, what is approved, it is about carrying out all the practices that comply with the search engine guidelines to position the web page, as long as they add value in your content for users will have good results and you will not have to complejo turístico to deception or bad practices to position yourself.

Google plus SEO

if you really want to win money en línea With your web page you must learn that the best way to achieve success is to walk the path, there are no shortcuts to success, remember that working well on the SEO of your page will let the search engines know what your page is about and if it is useful for users.

Let’s see a Fácil Example

Imagine we have a page Free courses and we have it monetized, the keyword «Free Courses» has an average of 700,000 monthly searches, if your page appears in the first or second result and 20% of users clic (CTR) on your page, you would obtain an average of 140,000 visits per month. month.

The question is how much are those 140,000 visits worth? If the cost per clic is around $0.35, we are talking about $42/month. This is just an example, because it will always depend on the theme of your website, since there are ads that pay more than $1 per clic. In the following article I will be dealing with the strategies to position our web page and how to get valuable backlinks for our site.

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