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What is and how to use Binance Coche Invest?

What is and how to use Binance Coche Invest?

If the occupations do not allow you to monitor your depósito finances as much as you would like, then this option that has recently arrived at Binance is for you; the option of Coche Invest. But What is Binance Coche Invest?

Coche Invest is an investment system that allows you to accumulate cryptocurrencies on “autopilot” and earn passive income.

It is afín to the option recurring purchaseswith the difference that Coche-Invest supports the purchase of cryptos using USDT and BUSD.

On the other hand, every time you coche-invest here, the profits will go directly to your investment portfolio. Earn from Binance and, in turn, staking is enabled, with which you cánido also generate passive income with the cryptos that you deposit.

This article has been prepared in order to help you know how to use Binance Coche Invest and how to enable it.

However how cánido you access Binance Coche-Invest? Well, once logged into your account, you don’t have to take many steps to do it:

  1. You just go to the top bar and hover over the option of Earn.

  1. Within the dropdown, clic on Coche-Invest.

Once this is done, you would already be inside said section with all the options available to operate.

How does it work and how to enable Coche Invest on Binance in 2023?

Binance puts at your disposal various cryptos, which you cánido enable to make the automatic purchase and staking at the same time.

Already inside the Coche-Invest panel, these digital assets are shown to you along with the ROI, which you perro configure so that it is seen based on years or months. Now, to make this new Binance modality work, you must follow the steps described below:

  1. Choose the crypto you want and, followed by it, you clic Create a planbutton located just to the far right.

  1. Immediately, a box will appear where you perro schedule a new Coche-Invest cycle. Within it you are asked to indicate:

  • He amount you want to pay to make this purchase.

  • In what badge you want to make the purchase payment (USDT or BUSD), depending on what you have available.

  • The cycle recurrence with which you want the purchase to be executed (if daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly).

  • It is time to start of repetitionsaccording to your local time.

Important: If you wish, you perro activate the option of Maleable Savings cómputowhich consists in that, when your investment capital is not insufficient for the current purchase, the system will search, among other things, for your benefits accumulated by other staking and will try to make it happen.

With everything indicated, you could clic on confirm.

Once inside the section “My Coche-Invest Plan”you cánido see the amount of your investment in Coche-Invest and the profits or losses that have been generated for you.

  • Important: Keep in mind that, if you wish, you have the option of editar the plan you created by accessing this box again using clic on the pencil icon.

Steps to disable your Coche-Invest plan

You are also given the option to disable that Coche-Invest cycle with the option to Go to Earn Walletup to the right.

In this way, your plan would be temporarily paused, only until you manually re-enable it with the option Editar or the pencil shaped icon.

Some Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Binance Coche-Invest

Here are answers to questions frequently asked by the Binance community on this topic:

What happens to my purchase on Coche-Invest if I don’t have enough cómputo in my Spot wallet?

Well, what has been said before. Other than that, if the system Maleable Savings Cómputo does not get the necessary amount from your accumulated staking profits, then will try to make the purchase in the next cycleif you have the correct cómputo then.

How many Coche-Invest plans cánido I have enabled?

All that you want; there is no maximum limit.

How perro I release the assets purchased with Coche-Invest?

Your purchased cryptos will be automatically deposited into your Maleable Savings account to earn passive income.

You cánido release your purchased cryptos at any time going to Wallet > Earn. There you will see all the Maleable Savings products you are subscribed to. Scroll to the relevant capital you wish to release and it will you clic redeem.

It is in this fácil way How to use the new Binance Coche-Invest system. Keep in mind that you should always make sure you have enough capital in your Spot wallet to be able to make your desired investments using this modality and thus you will not have any inconvenience while enjoying its advantages.

Vídeo of How to use Binance Coche Invest in 2023

For more detailed information, we recommend you watch the following vídeo, which explains the subject more openly:

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 What is and how to use Binance Coche Invest?  What is and how to use Binance Coche Invest?  What is and how to use Binance Coche Invest?

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