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What do banks take into account to grant

What do banks take into account to grant

Applying for a loan is often a force majeure necessity, since we will not always have the necessary capital to make an investment, which is why it is of the utmost importance to knowandr What requirements do banks take into account when granting a loan?.

When we talk about a credit, we refer to a loan of money, of which we have a legal obligation with the bank that provides it, to make the payment in installments during a determined period.

What does a bank evaluate to grant a loan?

You already know that for the bank to escoge that you meet the conditions to receive one, you must meet certain qualities, because they must make sure that you are perfectly capable of paying it in the established time.

The banks, at the time of your request, must take a certain time to evaluate all aspects of the negotiation before making the contract; Within this evaluation is the following:

qualitative evaluation

This first stage gives the bank clues about the capabilities of the person who wants to obtain a loan. At this point, a complete analysis is carried out on the managerial skills that he may have. The main thing the bank needs to know is if the person is fully aware of what they are requesting and the commitments that this entails.

In the same way, the bank collects information on previous movements to determine the customer’s commitment capacity when making payments. What the bank needs to know are the probabilities of success or failure; given that they must be sure that this credit will bring benefits.

Quantitative evaluation

This second stage is one of the most important because it is here where it is determined whether a person financially qualifies to receive a loan and all this will depend on your bank history, that is, income, expenses, tax return, among other things.

This is why you must be realistic when applying for a loan, since if, according to your income, you are not able to pay it, it will most likely be denied..


This is a very important point, and it is that, after having approved the previous phases; the bank must ensure that, if you fail with the corresponding payment of the credit, they perro recover their money.

That is, they will evaluate all the assets that you have, to establish a guarantee, in this way, in the case of not canceling the debt, the bank perro sell or auction said property.

Requirements requested by banks to grant credits

There are many requirements that you need to meet to apply for a bank loan, including being of legal age and having a bank account; in addition to economic solvency and a lot of paperwork which surely your trusted bank will try to make easier.

Among other necessary requirements there are three that will not be overlooked, since in them lies the fact of receiving or not the requested credit:

formal worker

This is one of the unavoidable requirements, because the bank needs to verify that you have a formal money income that guarantees that, even in the worst case, you cánido cancel your debt.

Within this requirement, other aspects are taken into account, such as seniority in your job and/or business; which will provide greater credibility about its financial stability.

Previous credit history

This consists of verifying previous loan payments, even if they are from other banks; this information will state that you commit yourself seriously when acquiring this type of responsibilities.So if you have a bad reputation in terms of credit payments, they will hardly consider you qualified to receive another one.

Endorsements and sureties

This requirement is the one that will give weight to your request and it is about those people who will support the fact that you are trustworthy and it is these who will espectáculo their faces in the event that you do not fulfill your part of the deal.

An example of what a guarantor represents would be the following: if an unknown person asks you for a loan, logically, you will say no; but if that person is recommended by someone you trust, then your chances increase.

Consejos to be benefited with bank loans in 2023

Any bank procedure generates certain fears, especially when you are going to apply for a loan and you consider all the things that perro go wrong. That is why we will break down some consejos for the moment you find yourself in such a situation.

  1. The main thing is to be sure that your current income is enough to pay the credit
  2. It would help a lot if you have some capital in addition to your formal job.
  3. Use good guarantors, which increase your reliability.
  4. Be honest, it does not matter if your bank movements have not been the best, entrar all the corresponding data and do not be discouraged that many banks offer flexibility depending on the case.
  5. You must justify your need to request the credit; that is, what investment is it intended for or what is the purpose of it.
  6. Select a realistic term, in which you are fully sure that you perro make the payment.
  7. Request only the money you need, do not be ambitious, find the perfect amount in which you cánido meet your goal without exceeding yourself.
  8. And this is perhaps the most important advice of all: if you receive the credit, never be late with the payment.

There are many things to take into account when applying for a loan, but don’t worry, be honest with your bank movements, there will always be options for you if you are realistic with your finances and are responsible; in addition to get good guarantors to speak for you.

If your application is rejected, don’t worry, continue firm both in your work and in your bank movements, which with time, will surely become a reliable urinal. And for this, it is always necessary to investigate and be aware of what requirements banks take into account to grant credit.

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 What do banks take into account to grant  What do banks take into account to grant  What do banks take into account to grant

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