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What commissions perro I claim from my bank?

What commissions perro I claim from my bank?

The year 2020 will go down in history for being the year in which the world practically stopped due to the covid-19 pandemic. The economic crisis caused caused people to take care of their income more than ever and this caused many to review with a magnifying glass all kinds of expenses and there were not few who They found surprises in their bank accounts.

It was so that the Bank of Spain saw consumer complaints increase by more than 90% compared to the previous year about the commissions charged by banks. Recording a total of 2,134 claims, the usual cases focus on mortgages, cards and transfers.

Now, in what circumstances cánido the bank charge you commissions and in which circumstances cánido we make claims? In order to clarify these doubts, we have prepared the following articulo with everything you need to know about bank commissions.

What fees should a bank not charge customers?

The commissions are an important source of income for banks and are paid to receive a series of services such as making transfers or maintaining credit cards.

Banks are free to determine fees that they will impose on their clients, unless the regulation establishes limitations. The condition for a bank to be able to impose a commission is that it be as a consequence of providing the customer with a service in an effective and real manner.

Therefore, the banks they cannot charge their clients for services that they have not provided. These are some of the commissions that a bank cannot charge.

Debtor or overdraft possessions

It usually happens that at some point in life we ​​open a bank account that we stop using over time. Many Spaniards have open checking accounts that they don’t even remember exist. The problem is that abandoned account is not the same as closed account.

This account is still operational the bank has the right to continue charging maintenance fees. However, when these commissions leave the account in overdraft (red numbers) the bank should not continue to receive expenses.

check return

Bank entities perro charge for the issuance and management of checks, as well as the procedure for claiming the debt that has not been paid. Which they cannot do is charge commissions for the return of these checks. Since, that a debtor pays his debts or keeps them unpaid does not orinan receiving any banking service.

card maintenance

The Credit cards They are usually one of the most common sources of claim. Customers simply don’t understand why they have to pay card maintenance fees. So we must clarify that they are due to expenses for services offered that the issuing entity charges.

They are, commission for maintenance, claim for debtor possession, for early cancellation and transfer of funds among others. However, if you return the card, the bank will not be able to continue charging you commissions.

In fact, like these commissions are annualthe client has the right to claim to have the commission returned for the months of the year in which he no longer had the card.

commission for mortgages

When a mortgage is contracted, most banks oblige the client to open a checking account to pay the installments, for this reason bank commissions on mortgages and bank accounts are common and legal. However, not in all cases.

It all depends on what date we sign the loan contract. if it is earlier as of April 29, 2012, the entity you cannot charge us commissions if we use the account only to pay the mortgage installments. But if it is after this date, yes, as long as certain requirements are met.

That heto commission appears in the pre-contractual information documents of the mortgage, that the bank informs us of the requirement to open the account; that the cost were specified in the contract, and finally, that the entity has not raised the commission since the beginning of the mortgage.

Commissions applied without notices

It is illegal for a bank to apply commissions without prior notice. By law, all banking entities have the obligation to inform their clients about the changes in their commissions with a minimum period of two months in advance. In case of not do itthe client is entitled to claim.

How perro I archivo a claim with the bank?

Yes like bank customers they charge us one abusive or illegal commissionthe first step will be to inform the bank office. In the event of a negative response from thisthe following would consist of resorting to the Customer service department of the bank in question.

If the Customer Service Department ignores our claim, you cánido complejo turístico to the Claims Service of the Bank of Spain. However, its resolutions are not mandatory for the bank, but they are an argument in favor if we escoge to go one step further and go to the courts of justice.

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 What commissions perro I claim from my bank?  What commissions perro I claim from my bank?  What commissions perro I claim from my bank?

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