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We Are Testers | Earn MONEY answering

We Are Testers | Earn MONEY answering

WeAreTesters is a survey panel in which we perro earn money for giving our opinion. We Are Testers is a test panel, rather, and it has been en línea for many years now. In fact, I started working on it at the beginning of 2017. It has been en línea since mid-2016 and has become one of my favorite panels due to the simplicity of its tests. It is summary: few questions, short and very easy to answer. Which translates into making money easily. WeAreTesters only accepts users residing in Spain and it is characterized by being a platform with a very original rewards system, which rewards the regularity and loyalty of the panelists. Below I explain all the details about this great panel of paid surveys.

What is WeAreTesters?

We Are Testers belongs to WeAreTesters SL, a company legally registered in Spain, with its physical headquarters in Bilbao. As we have seen in the introduction, its activity is mainly focused on conducting market research through paid surveys. This allows us to receive tests on certain brands or products, give our opinion and receive remuneration for it. The points that we obtain by answering tests in WeAreTesters are called WATCoins and we cánido exchange them for euros and withdraw them through Paypal.

At We Are Testers we perro exchange WATCoins for money in Paypal or for an Amazon Gift Certificate.

Registration to WeAreTesters

Create an account at WeAreTesters it’s totally free. To register, we perro do it through our accounts on popular networks or using an correo electrónico address. In my case, I used this second method. This way, I receive all survey invitations (both from this panel and from the others) in the same inbox.

To proceed, you cánido clic on the button below, which will take you directly to the WeAreTesters registration form. Once there we provide our name and surname, a contact correo electrónico and a password. Then we solve the captcha and clic on «Continue».

Take me to the registration form

To finish the process, we will receive an correo electrónico from WeAreTesters with a backlink. We follow it to confirm the registration of the new account and we perro now access the panel.

How WeAreTesters works

As soon as we access WeAreTesters, the first thing we will have to do is complete all our profile data. By creating a new usuario account and filling in all the profile data, we will meet the requirements for WeAreTesters give us 1 WATCoin. €1 free change!

The second step will be to complete the 8 previous tests. In this way, we will be telling WeAreTesters what kind of interests we have, what with our hobbies, etcétera. And therefore, the surveys that they will send us will be on themes in accordance with the hobbies that we have defined.

Same as happens in marketagentfor each profile test that we complete, they will reward us with 0.20 WATcoins.

We Are Testers has a very especial way of working that I have never seen in any survey panel. At least until now.

Personally, I find it a very original way of encourage panelists. The basic operation consists of being very active answering the tests that are coming.

The more tests we answer, in addition to getting money, we will also go up in Status on the platform. There is a classification of all users, and depending on our level of experience, we will be located in a higher or higher or lower place in this table.

In the following screenshot I espectáculo you the status of my account at the time of writing this article. I am a level 5 PádaWAT usuario. I am ranked 1307 in the general usuario top with 490 WATios. And finally, I have accumulated 6 WATcoins to date, which are the points that we cánido exchange for money later.

WATios and WATCoins

The WATios They are the experience points that we receive by correctly answering the tests that WeAreTesters sends us. These points are used to climb positions in the top, and the better our level is, the better advantages we get.

As for the watcoins They are points redeemable for prizes, either in money through Paypal or in Gift Cards for Amazon. The minimum number of points to be able to withdraw in the WeAreTesters panel is 10.7 WATcoins, which is equivalent to €10.

Payments at WeAreTesters are processed in a period of time between 2 and 8 weeks.

Usuario status in WeAreTesters

As we have just seen, with WATios we get certain advantages in WeAreTesters. Within the top, each usuario has a certain Status in the panel and we cánido go up by completing more tests. There are a total of 3 Levels or Statuses available:

PádaWAT We obtain this Status by registering with WeAreTesters and starting out as Apprentices. Includes levels 1 to 10.

WATpro We have risen in Status and are now Professional Testers. Being between levels 11 to 20 will provide us with earning more WATios and WATcoins when we finish a survey. We will also have access to the tests before the rest of the users.

WATguru We are gurus in the world of surveys and we have reached level 21. It is difficult to reach this Status and you have to answer many tests before, but if we do, we will earn more WATios and WATcoins by answering each survey.

Prizes redeemable for WATcoins

The prizes available to exchange for WATcoins are the following:

✅ Withdrawal of €10 or more through Paypal. The minimum payment is 10.70 WATcoins.

Amazon Gift Cards or from Fnac in exchange for 20 WATcoins, one from Pull & Bear for 25 WATcoins or one from Stradivarius for 30 WATcoins.

✅ Donation to the Red Cross in exchange for 10 WATcoins.

At WeAreTesters we cánido also request product samples and give our opinion.

How to make money on We Are Testers

To earn money in WeAreTesters we will have to start answering the tests that they are coming to us. As soon as we answer all the previous tests, in which we define our interests for the panel, we will unlock some free tests like the ones I espectáculo you below.

To access the survey we will have to clic on the tab Participates and a window will open with the characteristics of each test. In the first, that of Is the Gin and tonic trend over?, they inform us that there are a total of 15 questions and that it will take us about 8 minutes to answer. In exchange, we will receive 0.20 WATcoins and 15 WATios.

As soon as we finish answering the test correctly, we will get a thank you message for our participation in it and we will be assigned the relevant rewards.

The main objective in WeAreTesters is to to answer all the tests that come to us. And if possible, do them as soon as the notice arrives in the correo. Except in the case of the free tests that we have just seen, which we have to do without prior notice, with the habitual tests they will send us an correo electrónico notification. To give you an iniciativa, these notifications are afín to the ones we receive on sites like Lifepoints either Ipsos i-Say. There they will tell us that there is a new test available to answer.

WeAreTesters pay

Will you wonder if WeAreTesters pays? And of course you pay. Otherwise, I would not be writing this article. As we answer tests, we will accumulate WATcoins in the cómputo and, when the time comes, we will be able to exchange the WATCoins for a prize. In addition, on the other hand, we will also add WATios, with which we will go up to the higher levels and improve our Status.

Here is a receipt with the last payment I received from WeAretesters.

At We Are Testers they have an aplicación for iOS and Android to answer better-paid tests than those we answer from the computer.

WeAreTesters Reviews

WeAreTesters leads en línea since 2017 and has been shown to be a 100% reliable survey panel. Since the launch of the web, the platform has not stopped growing and we are more and more the users who give their opinion and earn money answering tests on the platform.

As I always say when I talk about survey panels, they are pages where you have to be patient. In the end, it all comes down to adding from various sites and receiving regular payments. In my opinion, the more reliable pages we have in our portfolio, the better. I’ve been doing it this way for many years. I am adding a little here and a little there and little by little, being regular and persevering, is how I am earning plus money.

These are all paid survey panels that I use and recommend on the blog. They all pay and are 100% reliable.

Do you have any questions or do you want to make me a suggestion? If so, you perro leave me a comment below or contact me on popular networks (especially on Fb). On the other hand, if you want to start earning money in WeAreTesters, I would appreciate it if you registered with my invitation backlink by clicking on the following banner. Thank you and see you next time!!

Hello, my name is Jesús and at DineroWorld I explain which methods work best for me earn money en línea. All freecompletely reliable and for everyone. Do you want to know me better? Here you cánido see more about me.

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