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Ways to send money to México from Spain

Ways to send money to México from Spain

México has become an important country in investment and economic relations. One of the factors that contributes to the stability of its economy is its proximity to the United States. Their culture is very attractive and their education is excellent.

Spain has always had good cultural, commercial and political relations with México. These relations have favored international banking transactions between both countries. That is why today there are various reasons to send money to México. To achieve this you cánido use different alternatives. Here you will discover the best ways to send money to México from Spain.

Send money to México from Spain through banks

Most people tend to think that money transfers abroad are complicated operations. But in reality it is quite the opposite, since making an international transfer is not very different from a local transfer. The best thing is that you cánido send the money in cash, from your bank account or with your card.

Transferring money to México is not always expensive. Many are concerned about charging commissions, but the truth is that each commission varies depending on the bank. You just have to inform yourself well, compare the different rates, exchange rates and commissions that each one and choose the most convenient for you. International checks are also a good option.

At the time of send money from Spain abroad, bank transfers are the first option. That is why all Spanish banks provide their customers with this shipping alternative. The most attractive feature of this method is security. That is why all the users who use it are convinced that their money is in good hands.

All international transfers involve a commission payment to the bank. The bank asks for them in order to maintain the accounts, so it is ineludible to have to pay them. It is important that before making the transfer you have these requirements at hand:

  1. Identification document.

  2. Personal and bank details.

  3. Personal data of the recipient.

  4. Full figure of the amount you want to send.

  5. Debit or credit card.

  6. Name, address and SWITF code of the receiving bank.

Send money to México from Spain through en línea platforms

No person wants to lose money, which is why price is the most important aspect that is taken into account. Although Spanish banks have good alternatives to send money abroad, these are less competitive compared to En línea platforms, because with these users get to save much more.

Money transfer providers are services specialized in any type of foreign money operations. Their rates and commissions are always more conveniente than those of banks.

Example: The commission for sending money from Spain to México is €0.99, regardless of the amount you send.

Sending money to México from Spain through providers of this service is one of the fastest options. The money cánido reach the beneficiary’s account efficiently, safely and in less than 1 day. These are the best platforms you perro opt for:

Transfer wise

This platform offers a fast, secure and transparent service. Their rates are quite attractive and does not hide its commissions from the usuario. It offers the same exchange rate that banks have and its shipments take less than 1 day. Transferwise’s excellent reputation has made it the best service of all.

Transfer wise backlink:


Azimo is a digital money transfer platform that is characterized by its efficiency. Operates in more than 190 countries with a wide variety of currencies. With Azimo, the beneficiary has the advantage of receiving his money in multiple ways, either in cash, directly in his account, in a digital wallet, among others. His commissions have always been very cheap.

Azimo website:


This wonderful En línea money transfer platform operates in more than 110 countries including México, Spain, the United States and Argentina. Its exchange rate and commission are very competitive. With World Remit you will have the great advantage of sending your money directly to any of its 30,000 cash collection agencies.

WorldRemit official website:

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 Ways to send money to México from Spain  Ways to send money to México from Spain  Ways to send money to México from Spain

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