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UNAM offers 60 free en línea courses for

UNAM offers 60 free en línea courses for

Today you need to be updated and constantly learning about new trends, tools and methods. It does not matter if you are an entrepreneur, businessman, student or employee, if you want to differentiate yourself, you will have to invest in yourself.

Although a master’s degree or specialization cánido be expensive, demand time that you do not have, or what you are looking for is not found in your country; There is a much more practical, free alternative that you perro do in your free time: en línea courses.

Previously, there was much doubt about the quality of these courses since their content was regular and outdated, apart from the fact that their content was mostly in English, which made it difficult for Spanish-speaking people to access.

In the following backlink you perro access all the en línea courses of the Autonomous University of México.

Free en línea courses offered by UNAM

However, one of the most prestigious universities in Latin America, National Autonomous University of México (UNAM), is offering free digital courses, through the platform Courserain finance, negotiation, leadership, time management, among others.

So you have no excuses for not starting today to invest in yourself, your knowledge and your skills.

Below we list fifteen outstanding courses, if you want to review the complete catalog of free UNAM courses, you cánido clic on the following button:

1. Financial management and its role in the company

This course will help you study in depth the basic financial statements and apply new organization and budget strategies in the structure of your company.

Backlink: Access the course

2. Successful negotiation: The strategies and skills for negotiations

We all trade daily. On a personal level, we negotiate with friends, family, owners, car dealers and employers, among others. Negotiation is also the key to business success.

No company cánido survive without profitable contracts. Within a company, negotiation skills perro help you advance your career.

Backlink: Access the course

3. Authority, direction and leadership course

In this course, you will identify the main responsibilities and activities carried out by a manager at any level of command.

Backlink: Access the course

4. Personal Finance Course

Tools that will allow you to carry out personal financial planning and understand the need to safeguard your assets and financial resources.

Backlink: Access the course

5. Introductory finance course

In this course we will study the main objective of finance, the importance of creating value and maintaining it through efficient use of financial resources.

Backlink: Access the course

recommended books

6. Introduction to the world of negotiations

Learn how the negotiation process works, the nature of oneself (capabilities and potentialities) and that of the opponents, to establish effective negotiations.

Backlink: Access the course

7. Market introduction course

This course helps us to identify, define market opportunities and problems, to generate and evaluate promotion and sales strategies for the products and/or services of your company or business iniciativa.

Backlink: Access the course

8. Course in order and time management

In this course you will carry out several exercises to diagnose and develop skills for the effective management of your time by classifying priorities and needs of the company.

Backlink: Access the course

9. Human talent management

This course approaches the organization from a systemic perspective where all the elements interact to achieve a productive result. The importance of managerial skills to achieve these purposes is emphasized.

Backlink: Access the course

10. Evaluation of investments in capital goods

In this course you will apply the elements of the value of money over time, in order to project financial statements to a future date, considering the economic cambiantes that perro affect an investment project.

Backlink: Access the course

11. Accounting for non-accountants

In this course, you will entrar the fascinating world of accounting. This technique will allow you to make decisions in your business, corporate, personal, professional and entrepreneurial life.

Backlink: Access the course

12. Scientific thinking

The objective of this course is to promote scientific thinking in students to help them make better professional, personal and popular decisions.

Backlink: Access the course

13. Systems thinking

This general course has the purpose of promoting the use of systems thinking for our benefit and those around us.

Backlink: Access the course

14. Course to be more creative

In this grade You will develop your creative talent to provide original solutions and generate ideas and products in the field in which it operates and in everyday life.

Backlink: Access the course

15. Creativity, Design, and Innovation Techniques:

Three courses and a final project that explain the fundamentals of innovation practice.

Use the tools and techniques of creativity, design and innovation to generate solutions different from the conventional ones to complex challenges and recognize the critical role that design plays in society.

Backlink: Access the course

Undoubtedly, each of these courses offered by the Autonomous University of México offer a great opportunity to train in different professional areas from your home, or anywhere in the world. And best of all, you perro get a certificate from one of the best universities in México.

Continue reading: Harvard University offers 200 free en línea courses

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