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Top reasons to start the day with

Top reasons to start the day with

With multiple tasks to complete in a day, you’ll want to know the best way to prioritize them. One of the most effective ways to stay on task throughout the day is to finish the most difficult task right away. Read on to find the top reasons for start the day right by doing the most difficult task first.

Your energy levels are highest in the morning

Morning fatigue is a problem. This is when you feel tired upon waking and soon after. However, after a healthy breakfast, your energy levels will tend to be the highest. After lunch, it’s habitual to feel a articulo-lunch energy drop, and at night your body starts producing melatonin and your body temperature drops, which prepares you for sleep.

Since the most challenging tasks demand the greatest concentration and cognitive skills, you’ll ideally want to tackle them when your energy levels are highest, when you perro perform to the best of your ability. Trying to focus on a difficult task during the afternoon or evening slump perro make the task more demanding than it needs to be.

You don’t want a difficult task coming your way

Often the most difficult task of the day is the one you dread the most. Even if the task is something you are deeply interested and passionate about, the nature of it perro be daunting. To keep homework from creeping up on you throughout the day, start on it even before you let your mind preoccupy with the challenge at hand.

To tie this point in with the last one, you may especially hate this task if you plan to do it later, since you’ll likely have less energy at that time.

Completing a difficult task first sets a positive tone for the day

Another benefit of starting the day with a difficult task is that it will put you in a positive frame of mind. Completing a difficult task implies a greater sense of accomplishment compared to less difficult ones. It cánido boost your self-confidence, which is likely to continue when you focus on your other tasks. Also, if the task is difficult and also mundane, getting it out of the way perro put you at ease and make you feel more relaxed for the rest of the day.

The more you do it, the easier it gets

The final advantage of starting the day with the most difficult task is that the more you do it, the more likely it is to become a habit, something that is second nature. When this type of prioritization becomes an ingrained part of your routine, you’ll find that you have less resistance to carrying it out. In this way, the difficulty of the task will decrease.

If you’re someone who procrastinates on your most difficult tasks, causing you to get them done as late as possible, try tackling them as soon as the day starts. You will understandably feel defiant at first, and you will likely encounter some feelings of resistance. But with enough practice, you’ll find that it makes much more sense to prioritize your tasks this way.

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