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Top 5 card tricks

Top 5 card tricks

The world is slowly but surely returning to habitual after two long years of a global pandemic, and it’s clear that people are prioritizing travel like never before. As any avid traveler will tell you, the only thing better than planning a trip is finding new ways to save money while you’re at it.

whatThe best way? Many would say a premium co-branded credit card.

What is a co-branded credit card?

According to Bankrate, a co-branded card [co-branded card is a credit] It’s a credit cardissued by a retailer and bearing the name of the retailer and the credit card company«. In the case of an airline, these cards offer rewards in the form of points or discounts that consumers cánido use to earn «frequent flyer miles to redeem when you travel.» Basically, these cards take the money collected from trade transactions with merchants and distribute it to customers as rewards.

If you’re looking to save on your next trip, read on for our top 5 rewards credit card tricks that help you save big on air travel.

#1: Save on airport costs

It’s no secret that prices for luggage and onboard purchases cánido add up quickly. Luckily, several co-branded credit cards offer options like free checked bags and deals once you get on the plane.

A premium brand card has several benefits that help you save on travel costs, including free checked bags for you and up to four other people on the same reservation. Agregado, if you meet the annual spending requirement, you perro receive a substantial discount on flights with your preferred airline.

#2: Save on transportation costs

Another way to save a few bucks? Earn points for transportation. Save on transportation with rewards cards that offer plus tiers for travel beyond just flights.

A premium credit card often earns you double reward points for car rental, local transportation, and commuting.

#3: Save on hotel expenses

After a long day of travel, it is vital that you enjoy where you are staying. You perro use your reward points offered by various co-branded credit cards for a list of hotels and resorts. Whether you’re traveling alone or with your entire family, there are plenty of options to suit the preferences of each group.

Minimize your hotel expenses with a premium credit card, which often offers more than 5x reward points on hotel reservations, and 2x on all non-travel purchases. The premium card is the best way to reserve a hotel room.

#4: Save travel time

There’s nothing more stressful than trying to get to the gate on time with a full security line, but several reward cards have perks that let you put the tense airport rush behind you.

For example, premium cards give users priority billing, screening, and boarding privileges.

#5: Save on dinner

whatWho doesn’t like to save money on a good meal while traveling??

If you’re looking for the most incredible dining deals, many Premium Cards offer special cash back on select dining purchases, leaving you with more money to splurge on a fancy wine or decadent dessert.

In conclusion

These are just a few of the many advantages that co-branded credit cards offer you when you travel. Now is probably the best time to sign up, as issuers offer exciting sign up offers for new customers. It’s best to take advantage of your opportunities to benefit from these programs while they last. Get yours today before you plan your next trip.

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