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Top 3 Spanish cities that they pay you for

Top 3 Spanish cities that they pay you for

As in several other European countries, in Spain there has been in recent decades a rural exodus to big cities which, added to population aging, has led several historical towns to the brink of disappearance.

The so-called «rustic territory» of the country is suffering from the phenomenon known as empty spain and that has led several municipalities to take extraordinary economic measures to attract new inhabitants.

Why are there towns in Spain that pay to live in them?

Within the colega-economic scenario after the Second World Warthe growth of large urban centers where commerce and factories are concentrated have captured the attention of thousands of people who emigrate from small towns in search of better economic opportunities and a better quality of life.

He tech boom emerged since the 80s only increased this exodus. The youngest left their villages looking for an opportunity in the big cities.

These small municipalities have seen how their population grew old and did not renew itself, and fewer and fewer inhabitants populated its streets and the houses were abandoned.

For avoid its disappearance and recover part of their lost glory, these municipalities have adopted a quite tempting position for some years with economic incentives for those who seek to escape the now crowded urban centers or change their lifestyle and bet on a quieter place.

From rentals for only €100, through auctioned land at a ridiculous price, to houses for only €1, there are approximately 1000 small towns in Spain that are willing to pay to repopulate.

Top 3 Spanish cities that pay to live in them in 2023

Next, we present you 3 Spanish cities that offer various incentives to motivate people to live in them and thus increase their population number again.

Put, Asturias, they pay young families with children to live there.

The Asturian people of putin the north of Spain it only has 630 inhabitants. That is why, to stop depopulation, it offers the tempting sum of €3,000 to each young family that wishes to move there and even approved a help from others €3000 for each birth in your territory.

Located in full Cantabrian massifWith a dreamlike landscape and a predominantly tropical climate, Ponga, which dates back to at least the year 1100, is a municipality eager to receive a new workforce and is ideal for those looking for a quiet place in the mountains and surrounded by nature.

Olmeda de la cuesta, houses almost given away.

Olmeda de la Cuesta It is a municipality located in the province of Cuenca, in the autonomous community of Castilla-La Mácula. The town came to have 500 inhabitants at its peak, but currently only has about 20 and it is in the fight not to disappear offering houses and land almost for free.

The project of this small town is to focus on the rural tourismfor this he has put up for sale land with a value of about €200 and is currently auctioning abandoned houses They need major remodeling.

This project that began in 2011 has borne good fruit and Olmeda de la Cuesta, one of the oldest towns in the country, has begun to espectáculo changes; the streets have been embellished, artistic spaces have been created, communications have improved, heritage has been recovered and it has also been recognized for its commitment to sustainability.

Greeks, Spanish people eager for growth.

Located in the beautiful Sierra de Albarracin in Teruel, Helenos is a medieval town that dates back to 1217 and has a little more than 130 inhabitantswhich is why it has joined the repopulation campaign with the aim of not disappearing.

Its population is predominantly adult and there are almost no young people anymore, that is why the municipality looking for families with school-age childrento reach the minimum number of students, so that the school cánido remain open.

To tempt new inhabitants, it has vacancies in different jobs and has several homes, which are offered free for 3 months and then pay a rent of about €225, with a discount of €50 for each child enrolled in the school.

How to know which is the best town to live so they pay for it

The fight to reverse depopulation and not disappear has led hundreds of towns throughout Spain to start a campaign to attract new inhabitants, to which the national government has even joined with the State Housing Plan that facilitates the purchase in the localities with less than 5,000 residents.

The offer has grown so much that for many it is difficult to make a choice. However, it is important to bear in mind that regardless of how tempting some proposals may be, it is important to determine how posible it is to achieve economic prosperity in those places and what are the possibilities of growth.

It is escencial that the ease of acquiring a home is accompanied by a good job offer, a sustained growth project and the possibility of covering daily needs without too much effort.

In this sense, those towns with concrete possibilities of achieving rural and/or tourist enterprises are the best options. And with the aim of facilitating this search, various web portals have been created that make it easy to find homes, land, job offers and businesses in these towns.

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 Top 3 Spanish cities that they pay you for  Top 3 Spanish cities that they pay you for  Top 3 Spanish cities that they pay you for

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