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TOP 3 – Best platforms to INVEST

TOP 3 – Best platforms to INVEST

Today we present you the 3 best brokers to invest from the United States in the depósito market, cryptocurrencies or with a CFD broker. If you want to invest from the USA, they will be useful.

Interactive Brokers

One of the more traditional options; Interactive Brokers It is one of the best known platforms worldwide, with the lowest margin commissions. It allows investing in all types of assets, both those directly related to the market, as well as options, currencies, futures, etcétera.

Its interfaz is very complete but not at all complex; In its upper bar you will find all the options you need to operate and navigate the platform.

In Start you will have a summary of your account. Within Briefcase You will be able to navigate and make modifications to the different positions you have. In section Talks You perro make different types of orders. In Investigation You will have the possibility to search for the different types of assets in the market.

Pressing any of these assets opens a section with the graph, the available information and the purchase and sale options, along with other configurable options.

Going back to the top bar, the section transfers and payments is very focused on the history of movements, while in Performances and reports You will find afín but more generic information, even with options that allow you to declare income operations.

As an interesting fact to comment on, in settings We will have different options, one of them is the activation of the leverage and another is the possibility of change commission systemamong many other options in a section that is really very complete.

One interesting thing to note about Interactive Brokers is that you cánido have the account that best suits your needs; individual, joint accounts, focused on retirement, family advisors and even institutional accounts.

Interactive Brokers has, in addition to its web platform, the option of a computer program and mobile aplicación.


Libertex (clic here to go) is a CFD platform more focused on trading than allows you to invest in a wide variety of assets; Stocks, Cryptos, Forex, Metals, Indices, Agriculture, Oil and Gas, Options and even NTFs.

Of course, it also has a traditional commission-free investment option.

When entering an asset, we access a tab with its graph, configurable aspects within it, information and the possibility of making purchases and sales of different types; up, down and pending orders.

A very good thing that has Libertex is that it allows you to operate both in Demo and Real and also you cánido also change to the option of Libertex Invest which is the most traditional.

➜ To access Libertex press in this backlink.


In position 3 of this top, we propose Kucoin (clic here to go)a US-focused platform for investing in cryptocurrencies.

This platform not only has habitual purchase options, which you will find in Buy Crypto located in the upper bar, both with credit or debit card and in P2P marketbut you will also have other options offered by the platform such as Futures, derivatives either spot trading.

Kucoin is a very interesting option with a very complete and very intuitive trading panel, which also offers different trading options. Earn to earn money with your cryptos.

The best known option is Crypto Lendingthe possibility of lending your cryptocurrencies in exchange for interest and, of course, there is also the traditional option that would be doing stakingalthough there are other afín, lesser-known options with which you perro earn interest simply by keeping your cryptos on the platform.

Kucoin has recently recommended two linked platforms related to NFT’s; Windwave and wonderlandswhich you perro also find in the top menu.

Apart from everything mentioned, Kucoin offers the possibility of having different wallets; Spot wallet, Leveraged Margin wallet, Futures wallet and Earn wallet. Each one works separately but you perro transfer from one to the other for free.

➜ To access Kucoin press in this backlink.


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 TOP 3 – Best platforms to INVEST  TOP 3 – Best platforms to INVEST  TOP 3 – Best platforms to INVEST

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