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TOP 3 – Best Exchanges for Staking

TOP 3 – Best Exchanges for Staking

He staking or “bet” is a process that consists of acquire cryptocurrencies and keep them locked in a wallet in order to receive profits or rewards.

Depending on the cryptocurrency you choose to do it with, you perro end up making significant profits at the end of the process.

So, if you are interested in staking, do not stop reading this article because we will present you the 3 best exchanges to place cryptocurrency «bets».


The most famous cryptocurrency exchange ranks our number 1 spot; although Binance It is not a platform specialized in staking, it offers many possibilities to do so, because within the tab Earn you cánido find options like Binance earn, Savings and liquidity farming among other.

Within Binance earn We will be able to obtain interest for holding cryptocurrencies, mainly the best known and stable ones such as BUSD, BTC, ETH, among others.

Here you cánido operate both in the section maleable savings like in locked savingswhich usually offer higher percentages.

Binance savings It is another staking section but it is more focused on newer tokens or cryptos, however they have greater possibilities of profitability, some even offer a APY (annual interest) of 100%.

In swap Cánido you do it staking with cryptocurrency pairsHowever, it is necessary to have more specific knowledge to operate here, although for those who do, the profitability is very interesting.

In another section of Binance earn where you perro order among all the staking and earn sections and filter from highest to lowest to find out which are the most profitable alternatives at the moment.

To access Binance clic here:

Go to Binance


The second Exchange in our top is gate.io and the reason is because it has better staking percentages than other platforms and a large number of options.

In the finance section there are many alternatives to operate and that allow you to subscribe with APR. Among the available filters you will find ‘All‘ O well ‘Earn Daley‘ and ‘block and win‘.

The number of tokens available is really large, from the best known to the least and you cánido order them according to their APR or according to their investment time.

Within the section Hold/Earn you will find different categories to navigate, one of them is Crypto Lendingto make cryptocurrency loans in exchange for interest.

In Liquidity Mining, basically you cánido earn interest by mining cryptocurrencies. They are the typical despiadado APRs but they carry a lot of risk. They are usually pairs of common cryptos with rarer ones.

if you are looking maleable staking You will also find interesting options with fairly high basic APRs, some even reaching 200%, although, of course, the best known will be those that grant less percentage but are still higher than on other platforms.

To access Gate.io clic here:

Go to Gate.IO


This is a much more basic platform but specialized in staking.

In the markets section we cánido see that the option of APY Interests. This interest is usually around between 3% and 15% depending on the crypto.

BlockFi it is very fácil to use; simply by clicking on Buy/Sell On the crypto you cánido put it in staking after choosing what you want to buy it with.

To access BlockFi clic here:

Go to Blockfi


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 TOP 3 – Best Exchanges for Staking  TOP 3 – Best Exchanges for Staking  TOP 3 – Best Exchanges for Staking

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