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TOP 3 – Best Brokers to Trade CFDs

TOP 3 – Best Brokers to Trade CFDs

trade with CFD’s from the comfort of your home without resorting to third parties is now totally possible thanks to the en línea brokers that, in a fácil way, allow you to operate with different assets.

Today we bring you the top 3 of the best brokers to trade CFDs in Latin America in 2023.


The first broker in our top is Libertexwhich allows you to trade cryptocurrencies, indices and options without commissions and even has a signals option that cánido be useful.

This broker works from its own interfazthat is, the operations are carried out on the asset in question and it has different configuration options at the time of making the purchase.

This broker is quite serious and is linked to the Libertex websitewhich has different sections such as trading and long-term investment even with zero commissions. Ideal for those looking for something complete and professional bank style.

To access Libertex clic here:

Go to Libertex

Iq Option

A web specialized in Latin America, probably the most intuitive of all and that it adapts to all levels, since it is very visual and easy to understand.

Iq Option also has its own interfaz and you cánido operate both from your computer and from your mobile phone and it has the program format download option instead of using the web.

To highlight your very clear graphics system and options on the right to easily buy and sell along with different options and the information needed to make the trade.

Iq Option allows you to trade forex, stocks, options, cryptocurrencies, commodities and funds, including the S&P 500 is available to trade in CFD mode.

To access Iq Option clic here:

Go to IQ Options

XM Broker

XM Broker is a professional platform and quite specialized because it works linked to Misión Trader 4 and Misión Trader 5a free trading platform that works with Forex and CFDs.

Once your account is created, you select if you want it to be based on Misión trader 4, 5, demo or real account. Then in platforms You will see different options to download or operate vía the web.

The interfaz is much more complex than other platforms, designed for more advanced people, with greater knowledge in the matter, although the way to carry out the operations is basically the same. The difference is that it has more options than most brokers.

To access XM clic here:

Go to XM Broker


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 TOP 3 – Best Brokers to Trade CFDs  TOP 3 – Best Brokers to Trade CFDs  TOP 3 – Best Brokers to Trade CFDs

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