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TOP 3 – Best Brokers to Invest in

TOP 3 – Best Brokers to Invest in

Do you want to start invest in the depósito market from Spain and you don’t know how? Keep reading this article because we will present you the 3 best brokers available in our country to take your first steps in the depósito market.

Interactive Brokers

This is probably the most used broker in Spain and one of the three most used in the world. Interactive Brokers It is a platform that offers the option of being able to invest in all the depósito markets that exist, it also allows you to trade with shares, ETFs, leveraged trading and even cryptos.

Interactive brokers cánido be operated from the platform, the computer program or the mobile application. It has millions of users, is regulated and offers one of the lowest commissions on the market.

In the client portal, you will find different sections in the upper bar; Briefcase, Negotiation (here you perro make buy and sell orders, even convert currencies), among others.

Inside of symbol search bar you will be able to access the action you want and you will be able to see its graph, information and to the right the buttons to buy and sell.

in the menu of setting you cánido establish a commission plan and even the possibility of enabling the leverage.

To access Interactive brokers clic here:

Go to Interactive Brokers

Freedom 24

This platform (freedom24) allows you to create both personal and business accounts, especially focused on long-term actions although it also operates with ETFs and bonds. It even allows you to save dollars with a certain annual interest.

When logging in, we perro see that your section, Web platform, is divided by bags; USA Hong Kong, European and Eurobonds, which are the main ones, although there are also others available.

Clicking on each action displays a Option menu to analyze it thoroughly and even the possibility of seeing whether or not it pays dividends.

The only point against Freedom 24 It is that it does not have the option of leverage and other advanced options, but it is one of the best options when you are simply looking to buy long term and hold.

To access Freedom 24 clic here:

Go to Freedom24

traditional banks

Since there are not many en línea brokers to invest in the depósito market from Spain, the traditional banks They are also an interesting option, especially if you intend to buy a few shares with basic control and a fixed income.

entities like bankinter, BBVA, Sabadell and The Caixa They have a section on their web platforms for investing in the depósito and they are usually interesting if you plan to leave it for many years since commissions are much higher than en línea brokers.

Although it is a safe option because it is linked to a bank, the interfaz is usually not very intuitive and the platforms are much more difficult to use.


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 TOP 3 – Best Brokers to Invest in  TOP 3 – Best Brokers to Invest in  TOP 3 – Best Brokers to Invest in

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