Less expenses

TOP 3 Best asset management applications

TOP 3 Best asset management applications

The key to not having to face a situation of red numbers in your bank account is: spend less than you earn. Sure, it’s easy to say, but the hard part is controlling that important detail on your own. Therefore, in order to provide you with the help you need, there are different applications. These allow you manage inputs and outputs.

Of these applications, which are the 3 best? How perro you use them correctly? And what are the advantages they offer? We invite you to know the answers to these questions below.

What are the best personal money management aplicaciones?

You have several options. However, in this articulo we will talk about the three best ones, due to their ease of use, great options and intelligent system. In this sense, the following programs stand out:

Below we will detail the characteristics and main orientation of each of them.


The best application to manage your money is Mint. Through it it is possible to have all your bank accounts in one place. That way you get to know exactly how much money you have available. In addition, it allows you to see all the fixed expenses that you must honor each month.

Another detail is that for its operation it is not mandatory to have internet. This allows you the peace of mind to use it anytime you need it. And, as if that were not enough, it helps you save, starting with the fact that it is totally free.

How to use Mint to manage money?

To start using this tool you must go to the application store, download and install it. After doing so, it is necessary to create a secure password to protect all your financial information. Next, you must add this information:

  • bank accounts. You must entrar the information of your accounts giving access to the application.
  • Other income. In addition to bank accounts, you perro manually add any other income you have for the month.
  • The aplicación cánido give you a full cómputo sheet so you should also add the cost of the assets you own. The more accurate the information, the better the service.
  • In this section you cánido place the pending credits that you want to cancel soon. Of course, this function cánido only be used in the web version.
  • Review your financial information. Now you just have to let the application do the work of organizing your income and expenses.

Advantages of using Mint

Among the positive points of this application we find that acts as financial adviser. So it’s not just a list of income or expenses. It will also provide you with good advice so that you cánido manage your money better and better. Another great advantage is its alert system. When it’s time to pay a debt, the application will notify you avoiding payment delays and possible interest.

Among the negative points we must mention that it is only 100% useful when the usuario has a fixed income, since the application bases its service on a monthly projection. If your income varies, the information will not be accurate.


Another very good application to manage your money and make sure you do not exceed the limits is GoodBudget. It is very easy to understand how it works because he has simply taken something very common for people, dividing money into envelopes, and has digitized it.

This modality allows you to be clear about the limit that you cánido spend in a certain category. When the money you have equipo aside for a specific expense has run out, the amount will be removed from the digital envelope. The iniciativa is that you cánido see in a fácil way what expense you have pending and how much you have for it.

How to use GoodBudget?

To use this aplicación you need to download it on the store. Then create an account and you’re done. We are going to tell you about the steps you must take in order to get the most out of this interesting and very useful tool.

  • Sign up. When you open the application you perro fill in the information requested to create your account. Among them your dirección de correo electrónico.
  • Accept the conditions. This approval is mandatory.
  • Available cómputo. Here you add all your bank accounts and other available assets.
  • Create envelopes. Already in the application there are pre-designed envelopes, but you cánido add as many as you want, either for one month’s expenses or others in the long term. After that, you save the information.
  • Add quantities to envelopes. Allocate the respective amount to each of the envelopes.
  • Record the expenses incurred. To subtract from the amount of each envelope, you must use the Add Transaction option. You add the expenses made and save. The application will espectáculo you how much you have in each envelope.

Advantages of using GoodBudget

Among the advantages of using Goodbudget we find that it is available on different operating systems. In addition, it allows you to have wise advice from financial advisers in order to improve and control your economic situation.

The most noticeable drawback of this application is that it doesn’t offer everything you might need, professionally speaking. It is an application designed to provide a basic help to all its users.


The Wally+ application is an excellent tool to easily control your money. One of the things that stands out in this application is that you perro add photos to expenses especial that you do

In it you will see graphics very easy to understand and that will allow you to have your financial situation at hand, the expenses incurred and those that you must do in the short term. Thanks to their help, you will be clear about your financial habits and how to improve them.

How to use Wally+ to manage personal money?

After downloading Wally+ in the aplicación store, you must install it on your mobile device. To start using it, you just have to register and finally fill in the data requested by the application. As fácil as that.

Advantages of using Wally+

The best of all the advantages that Wally+ offers is that you do not have to supply the information from your bank accounts. And even so, it provides you with all the necessary information so that you perro keep track of income and expenses.

The disadvantage it has is that, if we compare it with other applications, it’s harder to understand. But this will only happen to you at the beginning, once you understand it, everything else will be very fácil.


We hope you liked our article TOP 3 Best asset management applications
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 TOP 3 Best asset management applications  TOP 3 Best asset management applications  TOP 3 Best asset management applications

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