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Top 3 Banks with the best returns for

Top 3 Banks with the best returns for

Although Spain is a country where people prefer to have their money in the bank instead of keeping it at home, bank deposits offer increasingly lower remunerations. This trend goes hand in hand with what happens in the rest of Europe where interest is 0% and will continue to be so, according to the European Central Bank.

However, some banks, in order to maintain their clientele and attract new ones, offer some interest on your remunerated accounts as you will see below.

Is there investment confidence in banks in Spain?

Traditionally the Spanish population has trusted their banks. Even after scandals such as the ‘black cards’ that affected Bankia and Caja La capital española, surveys espectáculo that the majority of Spaniards continue to trust traditional banks.

A 56% approval puts it below Germany and the UK with 71% and 69% respectively. It is followed by France 59% and Italy 48%. Other surveys provide afín data.

This is also paradoxical if one thinks that Spain is one of the countries in Europe where the use of neobanks has grown the most to the detriment of conventional banks. The reason: flexibility, costs and the offer of services.

However, different reports indicate that, although the preference gap is narrowing, 62% of Spaniards would be willing to become customers again from a traditional bank if they adapt to changing times and improve their offer.

Banks that offer higher returns on their deposits

Liberbank currently offers the best remunerated account you perro hire. Through your PlayStation Account you pay a higher TIN and for a longer time.

  • 5% for two years for the cómputo that does not exceed 2,000 euros.

But the truth is that the bank that gives you more interest is, in reality, Banco Sabadell through its Expansión Agregado Account.

  • A 3% interest foreverwithout commissions and free debit and credit cards.

Other interesting options are:

  • Bankinter Payroll Account, which offers up to 5% APR the first year and 2% APR the second. A TIN of 5% for 12 months and no commissions
  • OpenBankthrough its Welcome Savings Account with Payroll, allows you to obtain 5% interest for 6 months, without commissions and free debit and credit cards.
  • Finally, it is worth highlighting the offer of Cajamar through your 360 Account that gives you €200 for domiciling your nomination, without commissions and up to 1% interest forever.

What should be taken into consideration when choosing an investment bank?

If you want to find the best bank to invest in, it is important that you analyze a series of questions that will help you choose which is the best term deposit:

  • The interest: the TIN is a vital element when deciding which is the best bank to save, since this parameter tells you how much you will receive for your money.
  • the term: On many occasions, banks launch promotions with very high interest, but only if it is maintained for a certain period of time. For this reason, it is important that you equipo the period during which the promised remuneration will be applied and that you see if, after that time, your account will continue to give you something else or will directly eliminate the remuneration.
  • The commissions: Today, most banks offer remunerated accounts without commissions, but there perro always be some exception. These types of expenses always make an offer less attractive because, with them, the money that you will finally take will be much less than expected.
  • the bonding: the best remunerated accounts on the market are reserved for new clients or for those who are willing to backlink up, that is, to contract several plus products or services with the bank. The most common thing is that many offers require you to direct deposit your payroll or various receipts, but you perro also find proposals that even require you to take out insurance or pension plans, not to mention that they limit promotional profitability to a certain period of time.

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 Top 3 Banks with the best returns for  Top 3 Banks with the best returns for  Top 3 Banks with the best returns for

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