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These 6 shopping challenges will keep you on the

These 6 shopping challenges will keep you on the

As a passionate yet frugal fashion connoisseur, I am always looking for ways to keep the peace between the be fashionable and the be frugal. Is not easy. One of my favorite ways to pacify both sides and exercise a little creativity is to participate in shopping challenges. Some I have found on popular networks, in fashion weblogs and others were created by my spendthrift friends.

No matter what you’re trying to do – be “chic on a budget”, update your wardrobe, try different styles, or give yourself a complete makeover – shopping challenges help you achieve your fashion and financial goals simultaneously. Here are some of my favorites, but I challenge you to get creative and mix and match them, or create your own.

1. No shopping challenge

The No Purchase Challenge is exactly what it sounds like.. You do not buy during a certain time. He is one of my favourites. During the challenge, you do not purchase clothing, shoes, or accessories of any kind. This challenge forces you to use what you have and go through your armario. It takes you beyond your comfort zone and helps you break your habitual pattern of thinking about fashion.

I always institute this challenge during a spending fast, but it usually lasts well beyond the end of the fast. My shopping fasts typically last between four and eight months. However, some people extend the challenge for a whole year.

During my most recent fast, I realized something fascinating. Not once, during the six months, did I say to myself: «I have nothing to wear«. The shopping fast really keeps the be fashionable with be frugal in equilibrium.

2. Challenge of adding accessories

In the challenge of adding accessories, a very small budget is equipo and accessories are only purchased during a certain period of time.. This challenge arose at a time, several years ago, when money was tight because I was saving aggressively for a high-value item. He was allotted $25 a month for shopping, entertainment, and sundries. I wanted to update my clothes a bit without breaking the budget. And I found a way to do it by adding accessories. Although I had very little money to spend, during the initial challenge I was able to put together a collection of eclectic accessories. The trick is to mezcle an interesting and eccentric piece of jewelry or a big hat with a basic outfit, letting the accessories take center stage.

Accessories cánido be very cheap, if you have an eye and a bit of imagination. You perro buy scarves, hats, socks, jewelry and even bags for very little money. I have been known to pay as little as $0.50 for some really great pieces. What you spend instead of money is time. Shop at flea markets, second-hand stores, sample booths, and keep an eye out for seasonal sales on your favorite brands.

3. Challenge «One in, one out

The challenge «One In, One Out» is about spending money strategically and fighting excesses and waste. The goal of this challenge is that for every item you buy, you must get rid of a afín item, sell it, or donate it to charity. For example, if you buy a pair of black shoes, you should get rid of a pair of dress shoes.

This challenge perro be extremely difficult, because when you take something, you have to choose to part with something else. Fight the tendency to hoard, forcing you to take depósito of what you already have and buy only what you need. It also helps you break your attachment to material things and be a more conscious shopper.

4. A week without challenges

No Clothes Week Challenge it is a real challenge. The objective of this challenge is to evaluate the clothes that you like the most and choose one or two of them to do without for a week. For example, if you always wear black shoes, you cánido go seven days without wearing them. In this way, you change your wardrobe and think outside the box.

This challenge is especially useful for people who have a very specific style and always wear the same clothes. If your favorite outfit is a T-shirt and vaqueros, you could go a week without wearing either. It’s also a great challenge to do with a friend. Instead of choosing the clothes that you are going to do without, you let your friend choose for you. This way you will be honest and have a more objective perspective of your style.

5. The 10×10 challenge

The 10×10 Challenge consists of selecting 10 elementos of clothing and combining them into different outfits for the same number of days. The trick is that you perro only wear those 10 elementos during the 10 days. My dark side of «being in style» just had a panic attack.

This challenge gets your creativity flowing and helps you create a micro capsule wardrobe. It will also make you see that you perro do a lot with very little. A button-down shirt perro serve as a shirt, dress, and jacket. Tie it around the bottom and you already have another look. It teaches you to look at your clothes in a new way instead of always looking for new clothes. Some people do the challenge for 30 or even 60 days. Of course, the longer the term, the less difficult it will be.

6. $30 Challenge

The $30 Outfit Challenge is all about learning how to shop on a budget. It forces you to visit stores you wouldn’t otherwise visit. They give you a budget of 30 dollars and you have to buy an entire outfit -including the shoes- without going overboard. I know you’re reading this saying: «It just cánido’t be«. Not only is it possible, but it’s quite easy once you learn where to look and how to shop.

If you’re like most people, you have a handful of stores that you frequent on a regular basis. They are the ones of a lifetime. You know exactly how the clothes fit you. You know the style and the price. This challenge pushes you to look beyond your usual stores and visit stores and websites that may be out of your comfort zone. The best thing about this challenge is that once you try it and succeed, you will be hooked. And that frugal part of you will stand up and start clapping slowly until it becomes a thunderous applause.

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