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The rule of the minute: The Japanese method for

The rule of the minute: The Japanese method for

If we think about it, what makes us lazy is not the activity we have pending, but the fact that we have to start.

It makes us physically lazy to have to think about everything we have to do. So we prefer not to; we begin to accumulate pending, we suffer a «paralysis by analysis», and after the postponement is so great, we have no choice but to start working with a delivery date that is too close.

Has it happened to you? That you clean your desk, take your dog out to pee, prepare some food, check your phone, correo electrónico and popular networks before starting that pending work?

However, when we stop thinking and simply start doing, inertia alone leads us to complete the task with ease, without laziness and with the satisfaction of having accomplished what is pending.

From brushing your teeth at night, to the most complex report you have to deliver, if you apply the rule of the minute for 60 continuous days, you will see amazing results in your life.

The rule of the minute is a Japanese method that invites you to be patient about the results, which seeks to develop your habits and commit to your goals.

His key is to stop thinking about the big things you have to do, and focus only for one minute on the simplest activity that will help you achieve that goal.

For example, let’s say you want to read a book every two weeks. The rule of the minute invites you to read the pages you reach for one minute, every day of the week.

This rule is not looking for you to improve your performance, what it is looking for is for you to develop the habit.

With the days you will begin to notice that 60 seconds is not enough, so you commit to dedicating more of your time. As we just said, just getting started is the hardest step, so once you take it, you’ll be willing to read another 10 minutes, take an plus spin, or improve the report you have to deliver.

The rule of the minute is one of the 4 steps to change any habit. And even more important, it takes you away from that feeling of having a lot of time available, not knowing how to use it, and then complaining without knowing what you spent it on. Remember:

The difficult thing is not your goals, but developing the habit that allows you to achieve them.
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