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The book that Robert Kiyosaki recommends, and not

The book that Robert Kiyosaki recommends, and not

The first thing we think of when we talk about robert kiyosaki it’s his famous book Rich father poor father. However, the book that this author recommends for those who want to undertake is a bit strange.

No, the book Kiyosaki recommends is not Rich Dad Poor Dad.

His recommended book has become a treasured reading for him, and tells the story of a knight who is about to face death in battle.

As he recounted in a recent interview, «believe it or not, I read many spiritual books, and one of the best is Rules for a Knight»

«It is very well written, it is a book that speaks to your soul. All my friends are entrepreneurs and each one has a copy, «he added.

What is the book about?

This book takes the form of a letter written by a 15th century gentleman to his sons, on the eve of a fight; Fearing for his life, the knight describes the rules for being a knight that were passed down to him.

Perhaps this book does not seem to include the secret to achieving success in the business world in the middle of the 21st century. However, Rules for a Knight does include an entrepreneurial mantra for those in the business world.

For example, the rule of humility posits: «Never announce that you are a gentleman, just behave like one.»

while the gratitude rule states «for all that has been, a gentleman says, thank you. For all that is to come, a gentleman says: Yes!

See: 100 Phrases by Robert Kiyosaki to increase your financial intelligence

Recommended books:

To explain why he recommended this book, robert kiyosaki say what «as a businessman, I do my best to operate at the highest level of spiritual values ​​and to do business with people who share these principles».

When kiyosaki he was young and in the military academy, he was struck by the concepts of commitment and honor.

«Mission was the first word that was instilled in our minds, then words such as commitment, honor, integrity, having a code, among others, arrived. I understood that these words were spiritual words.»

Years later, when he was in business school, he says he learned about «money, markets and manipulation,» but never heard those spiritual words he learned as a young man in the military.

Other books recommended by Robert Kiyosaki:

The liberation of the soul, escrite by Michael A. Singer is his second recommendation. This book is a way to free yourself from limitations, and discover your peace and serenity.

«It’s a very, very, very good book about managing your emotions,» he says. kiyosaki

Lastly, when it comes to personal finance, Kiyosaki recommends his latest book Why the Rich are Getting Richer, where he explains how to use taxes and debt to build wealth.

Continue reading: Rich Dad Poor Dad in PDF and other free books by Robert Kiyosaki


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