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The best Television Contests for

The best Television Contests for

Cable televisión has brought a lot of new things to people’s lives. Some of these developments have been quite good, and some not so good. However, one of the novelties that a large part of viewers appreciate that exists is the world of television contests. These programs are about televised games in which the public perro participate and win money. It is a form of entertainment and at the same time there is a slight possibility that the person who is watching said televisión espectáculo may end up participating in it.

Now although this promise is not about something that at the end of the day ends up being fulfilled for everyone, but the slight possibility is there. That possibility that for a few seconds you cánido become the star of the program and at the same time get a fairly large amount of money as a prize for having participated in a game that is actually quite fácil and not difficult at all (although the reason why participants often lose is because they fall into the simplest traps).

In this article we will espectáculo you some of the most habitual programa that will allow you to play, that will probably let you win some money while doing it and also We will give you a couple of consejos so that the television stations select you when choosing someone from the public. With this short guide you will have complete control over the cameras and it is highly likely that you will earn at least some money while making your appearance on television screens nationally (and internationally because some programs are broadcast in other countries).

The Boom!

This is one of the most habitual televisión espectáculos in the country. However, not open to the public, you have to go through a casting prior to the development of the program in order to be selected as a participant in it. However, the casting is open to everyone who wishes to participate. The game takes place in a series of phases, in which the participants earn money by «defusing» a series of bombs. In the first phase, participants are allowed to earn up to 2,000 euros and in the more advanced phases of the program the protagonists perro earn up to more than 7,000 euros.

Do you know Pasapalabra?

This was the contest that went through a television channel that had delivered the most money until the arrival of the program in the previous point. The program is based on the competition between two people to obtain the best score using words. It is a program whose base is vocabulary, so to participate you must take that into account, a great knowledge of the Spanish language (although some tests have also been integrated that do not have much to do with the Spanish language, so it does not matter really having a great knowledge of the language).

Who wants to be a millionaire?

This program is one of the most classic when it comes to television contests to earn money. The objective of this is the answer a series of questions of increasing difficulty that will award you prizes, being the maximum prize in Spain of 1,000,000 euros. To get this award, you have to correctly answer 12 questions that increase in difficulty as time goes by, so it is an option that perro be tried if you have a great command of various fields of knowledge, such as habitual culture. .

the wheel of luck

This is one of the longest-running programs in the history of Spanish television, being present practically uninterruptedly since the 1990s. In each program, three contestants (who are identified with the primary colors) compete to guess a word (or phrase) that is on the panel in front of them, while they spin a roulette wheel to accumulate money. The contestant who first manages to reveal the phrase on the panel, takes all the money he had accumulated up to that moment..

To know and to win

The way this program works is afín to programs like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? It is a question and answer program in which as you guess the questions that the presenter asks you earn money. It is one of the longest running programs on Spanish television and also one of the most beloved. It has a very friendly format for its contestants, which is why it is a good option if you think you perro know a lot of data regarding the culture and at the same time you want to earn some money, this program is your best option.

Now I fall!

It’s another quiz espectáculo in which eleven participants answer questions quickly. This program gives it a twist because in a given case the contestant does not get the correct answer, he will fall through a trap door, but in a given case of getting it right, he will win a fairly high amount of money that is stipulated before the contest. It is quite a fun way and there is the possibility of making money in between, so it is quite good without a doubt.

How to be selected to participate?

The truth is that, for the most part, the programs do casting for their episodes, so you should take that into account when you want to participate in a program. If they do not do a casting process then some consejos that you perro have to be selected are:

  • Have a good presentation: Television networks prefer well-presented people because they are much more attractive.
  • Be animated: If you’re in the audience for the espectáculo, be lively enough, but not too lively. It doesn’t seem forced.
  • Get in touch with the chains: Most programs have some type of questionnaire or phone number that you cánido call asking to be a part of the program.

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 The best Television Contests for  The best Television Contests for  The best Television Contests for

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