The best manual to create your products
I have lived one of the worst experiences that someone perro go through…
I’m sure that You have also had problems in your life, It doesn’t matter where you live, and I know that all countries have different problems.
But in my case, the situation in my country (Venezuela) is so bad that You cánido’t get the most basic things like soap, shampoo or toilet paper.
The worst is No matter how hard I work, I don’t stand a oportunidad I am trapped in the bad decisions of the people who have power.
So in all the houses we started rationing things, such as food, medicines, cleaning products and cosmetics.
When we got name-brand products, we preferred to save them for my little sister, and my older brother, and I. we kept products imported from China, which in addition to being of poor quality were super expensive.
One day we saw a handmade soap in a store, which cost almost $20: it was cheaper to buy a brand name on Amazon, Of course we didn’t have the dollars…
Since we couldn’t buy it, we left the store and my brother told me “That’s why we do it.” And why not? I thought.
When we arrived home I started looking for tutorials on the Internet and we tried one from Youtube, but the result was a sticky jelly.
Until I found a manual of secret chemical formulas, we made 6 bars of excellent quality oatmeal soap that smelled delicious.
After that we couldn’t stop we made our shampoo, the laundry detergent and I’ve even made blush to make up. And that’s how I started my en línea business of handmade cleaning products.
And here I am going to tell you how you too cánido achieve the same as me thanks to this manual to create your own cleaning products and cosmetics.
Start creating your cleaning products with this
what is the course Formulas Manual chemicals?
The course Chemical Formulas Manual is a guide with step-by-step tutorials in which you will find more than 400 formulas for manufacture cosmetics, makeup, detergents and Cleaning products.
When we see large product manufacturing companies with their complex machinery we think it’s an unattainable dream unless you have millions of dollars to invest.
What we don’t see behind all that money is that those companies started in a barn, in the kitchen of a house or in a rented garaje.
You do not believe me? John Walker from the famous brand of whiskeys Jhonnie Walker I was 20 years old and an orphan when he sold the farm his father inherited to him and started making whiskey.
King Gillette (the maker of Gilette razors) sold only 51 razors the first year.
Bayern’s foundersthe famous company that makes Aspirin, could barely genera synthetic dye when they started.
These are examples that it is not absurd to think that you cánido start producing products and realize your dream of make money selling from home, all you need is to know the techniques.
With the Manual of Chemical Formulas you will have at your fingertips the explanation of tools, raw materials and techniques what you need to make products of your own brand.
But, Not everyone wants to start…
Some people consider that large multinationals They are destructive and polluting monsters.
These companies fill the products with chemicals to speed up production and increase profits. Do you identify with that?
You don’t have to depend on what they escoge to put on the label, you perro make your products with organic ingredients and knowing exactly what you put in them and how much.
In addition to saving money, you will be using products that you know will not harm your health or pollute the environment when discarded.
what types of products you perro create with this manual
With this Chemical Formulas Manual you cánido create all types of products you need at home, from household cleaning products, detergents, personal hygiene cosmetics, even makeup.
The Manual of Chemical Formulas to create cleaning products is divided into 9 modules in which you will find more than 400 formulas to make household products and personal care.
in the first module you will learn the basic rules of the elaboration processtechniques and utensils.
When you are ready to put on the gloves you perro apply the formulas to prepare detergentsas a household cleaner, glass cleaner, etcétera.
In the second module you will find 212 formulas with the following titles: sausages, fish and shellfish, freezing, dressings, baking, preserves, confectionery, dairy products, instant products, products for personal use, products for home use.
Here are some specific examples: serrano ham, pate, ice cream, mayonnaise, jelly, Dehydrated condiments, antiperspirant, soap, furniture polish…
Module number 3 is shorter, but it also has interesting formulas to prepare things like liquid air freshener, floor disinfectant, Foot powder, hair gel…
You will love the fourth module, because you will be able to imitate the shampoo elabora of recognized brands such as Head & Shoulders, Pantene, Sunsil, Pert Agregado and many others.
From module 5 to 9 you will find products that are needed in all homes and that perro be easily marketed as Vaseline, Vicks Vaporub, and candles.
In summary, some of the products that you perro create with the Manual of Chemical Formulas are:
- rinse aid tires
- Oils for you drink
- flavorings environmental
- type bleaches cloralex
- degreaser for ovens
- Shampoo for hair
- Soap on bar for hands
- liquid soap for clothes
- soaps handmade ecological
- Clean glasses
- perfumes body for women and men
- Softener for clothes
- creams moisturizers for face
What use will it be for me to create products cleaning and cosmetics?
Creating your own cleaning products and your cosmetics will help you to create a profitable business from your home, and thus be able to manufacture articles that take care of the health of people and the environment as well.
If you work or study in something that has to do with chemistry, with the Chemical Formulas Manual and cleaning products, you will improve your skills to have more opportunities.
If instead, you are like me, what you don’t know anything about thisbut you want to be independent or you are just curious, in the manual they explain everything easily and you perro start your own business.
wait a moment and Think about the products in your bathroom: what do you have? Shampoo, conditioner, soap, air freshener, and maybe some detergent.
I also have the same things and if you take a peek into the bathroom when you visit someone, they will surely have the same.
Cleaning products and personal care products are essential for all people, everyone buys them, and that is the key to starting a successful business: that there is a market with customers who need and want to buy those products.
The best thing about this Manual of Chemical Formulas to create products is that you cánido start with very little capital, since you will only need to get some basic ingredients that you may already have at home.
My friend Cecilia, for example, decided to start making scented candles, and only had to invest 8.92 dollars (10 candle wicks cost $1, a pound of wax he bought for $2.25, and he got a paquete of 5 different liquid scents that cost $5.67 total.)
With those materials, she made 10 scented candles that she sold for $2.99 each. and he got a profit of $29.90, so the main investment paid off very well.
But, if along the way you intend to create a medium or large company, This is also an option, because with these formulas you will be preparing excellent quality products.
In a few words, with the Manual of Chemical Formulas and cleaning products You perro start your business according to your needs.
But it is also possible that your intention is not to make a business, but save and make your own consumption independent.
As it happened to me, you may have the need to make your own products Or you just prefer it that way.
Many of the great companies had humble beginnings, but as they went global they have sacrificed environmental awareness by larger production and sales numbers.
Many campaigns have been created that talk about the harmful effects of chemicals added to products such as toothpaste, shampoo or detergents and Not to mention all the pollution generated by toxic waste.
Doing what you use with the Manual of Chemical Formulas will help you to be sure of what your products contain and to save a lot of money.
How to learn to make products cleaning and cosmetics
1. Find the best manual for manufacturing
It is important that don’t choose any manual that you find yourself out there to start making your products.
You may be wondering: AHA, and which one is the best?
To make cleaning products and cosmetics you need a manual containing security measures, information about the materials, the techniques for mixing chemicals and the step by step to make each of the products.
I saw several tutorials on the Internet that looked easy, but the result was a poor quality product, until i found this Manual of Chemical Formulas.
It is the one that I use because it has hundreds of formulas that have been created by experts, and that guarantee that the final product will be of the best quality.
2. ask for your manual
When you entrar the backlink that I have given you above, you will see all the content to which you will have access.
You will see all the benefits you perro get from the manual and many examples of the products What cánido you do with the formulas?
To access this manual and be able to download it to your computer to always have it at hand when you go to manufacture your products, you have to scroll down to the bottom of the page, and clic on the “Buy Now” button.
This manual is priced at only $12. I bought it for 29 dollars, but now they have created a promotion where you perro get it with more than 50% discount.
However, I don’t know how long this offer will last, so I recommend that you buy it as soon as possible for only $12 because maybe in a few days they will raise the price again.
Think about it: they are only $12 what you spend to buy 2 bottles of shampoo, and it will help you to prepare more than 400 products.
3. Start preparing your products
When you make the payment, immediately you will receive a confirmation dirección de correo electrónico and a backlink to directly download the Manual of Chemical Formulas on your computer.
Since it is an electronic manual you will never lose it, you cánido take it on your phone or you cánido print the formulas that interest you to have them physically.
I know you’ll be tempted to turn on the stove and jump right into action, but don’t. First, read all security measures well and get protective equipment such as gloves and plastic glasses.
Start with the formulas that you like the most and try small amounts while you are learning
Otherwise, Discover, Learn, Grow and Enjoy!
do i need to have experience to create my own products?
Do you think I have a degree in chemistry? Nothing to see! You don’t need to have experience nor have much knowledge to make your own products, all you have to do is follow instructions step by step.
Manufacture products and cosmetics It’s a lot like cooking.
You have a list of the materials you need and the quantity, You have the steps to follow and little by little you mix it everything until you get a result.
If you look at it, most of the products were invented decades ago, when there were no technological machines, that’s why Crafting cánido be as basic as mixing, baking, or cooking.
So the most important thing is that you take the necessary security measures, Don’t worry, it’s all in the manual.
go slowly, little by little you will learn the techniques which also look alike for many products.
In summary, You do not need experience or knowledge of chemistry, all you need is the manual and you perro start with the elabora you want.
Where to sell your products to earn money
The products you make with the Chemical Formulas Manual you cánido sell them anywhere, you really cánido sell in your house, in a store, by catalog, by sales platforms or in an en línea store.
Cleaning products, cosmetics and makeup they have a big market with a lot of space to explode.
You perro start from the smallest without much money and without complications.
If you are looking for plus income, you sell them among your circles of friends and family.
For example, you make a dozen soaps, you offer them at work and to your neighbors, and I assure you that in 2 days you sell them all.
This is how you recover the capital, which is little, and you are making profits.
Another technique is to offer variety, instead of making a dozen soaps you cánido make 3 shampoos, 3 conditioners and 3 soaps, the same thing, you offer them to your acquaintances and that’s it.
if what you want is have a small business in your house, You look for a small space, you are producing and you are selling.
An excellent iniciativa to sell them at home is have a garaje sale the only thing you will need is a few shelves and the products perro be easily arranged without taking up much space.
If you want something bigger, you have the option to register your own brandIn several countries you cánido even do it en línea.
If you register your brand and print labels for your products you will have more opportunities to sell in quantities to shops and companies.
To promote yourself and get customers, attend trade espectáculos, those in which you make an exhibition of all your products are a great way of making business relationships.
TIP: Make small versions of 30ml or 45gramos that you perro give away as a sample.
And do not forget the universe of clients that you have at a clic away, You cánido sell your products en línea.
you have on hand popular networks like Fb, Instagram or Pinterest where you perro articulo for hundreds of people to see.
Also, there are platforms for sellers, such as etsy, Ebay, Mercadolibre, Amazon…
these platforms They already have millions of users looking for products, so they are a good way to entrar the market.
They all work in a afín way. You entrar the page, create an account, make a publication with the photos and description of your products and start serving your customers.
Another way is create your own store on-line or a web page.
An en línea store is a page where you publish all your products, with features and price, people walk in, choose what they want, and buy.
Do not think that I have lost my sanity, making an en línea store is not as difficult as before, You no longer need to be a programmer, or know much about computers.
if you use Wixyou only have to choose a template and upload the photos, it’s very easy.
In this article, my colleague Jenny has made a step-by-step tutorial that I recommend you read: How to create a free en línea store to sell en línea.
Finally, if you want to sell your products without having to genera before, you perro do it to order.
For custom sales make a catalog with the products you want to offer and distribute them physically or send them through popular networks such as WhatsApp, Fb or Instagram.
It doesn’t have to be something impressive, It cánido be a one page catalog or even small pamphlets, the important thing is that you offer what you sell to as many people as possible.
As you have seen, create your own cleaning products and cosmetics It is much easier than you think if you have the manual and the correct steps to achieve it.
What cleaning products or cosmetics would you like to sell? Tell me below in the comments and tell me what you think!
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Maria Gonzalez
I am passionate about finance, business and the market economy. Every day I seek to learn something new to be able to share my experiences.
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