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The best en línea news sites for

The best en línea news sites for

Using the web to follow world news, local news, and information about natural disasters or weather events is easy. You cánido get news from around the world, from virtually every country, on every possible story, from politics to natural disasters.

Consider using a language translation site if the news you see is not in a language you understand.

world news sites

CSA Images/CSA Images/Getty Images

No matter where you live, here are some of the best world news sites:

  • BBC News: One of the most respected news organizations on the web; Great for world news, but also has location-specific categories to narrow down the stories.
  • The New York Times: The New York Times continues to be one of the best sources for world news on the web.
  • Reddit: One of the leading sources on the web for crowdsourcing news, including breaking news updated by community members with additional information and resources in real time. If you’re looking for truly up-to-date news with comments from «real people,» Reddit is a good bet. Try News or World News, or search news to get more.
  • Google plus World News: Thousands of sources are constantly updated on Google plus News to send stories straight to your device.
  • Wikinews: Choose your geographic region and/or language, and you’ll see a community-curated repository of news articles collected by people around the world, exactly replicating Wikipedia’s compilation process.
  • Alternet: On the web in different iterations since 1997, Alternet provides an independent take on breaking news, primarily focused on events in the United States.
  • Reuters: One of the leading breaking news wires in the United States, focused on American and international events. Many Reuters stories are syndicated elsewhere.
  • PBS: Public broadcasting news for the last few decades; The news here tends to be extremely balanced and non-partisan, and also includes some good background information for further reading.
  • C-SPAN: See legislative news as it happens; focusing solely on events related to the United States.

en línea newspapers

En línea newspapers are the way most people get their news these days from around the world: every major newspaper in every country, agregado most city papers, is freely available en línea. for everyone to read.

This makes monitoring global and local news even easier; And you perro also see what other local newspapers are saying, no matter where you are.

US En línea Newspapers

Here is a list of en línea newspapers originating from the United States so you cánido start reading US news from anywhere in the world:

  • US Newspapers: You may be pleasantly surprised at how extensive this site is; Habitual and obscure newspapers are presented here.
  • 50States.com: Every US state has at least one major newspaper listed here.
  • USNPL: More newspapers from across the United States. Search or browse any city on the map to find newspapers from both big cities and small towns.
  • SmallTownNewspapers: This news site espectáculos newspapers only from small towns. Lists more than 250 small town newspapers and archives from the 1840s.

European newspapers en línea

En línea newspapers from around the world

  • NewsLink: World newspapers, just a clic or tap away.
  • PressReader.com: Real replicas of newspaper front pages from around the world.
  • OnlineNewspapers.com: Directory of the world’s en línea newspapers.
  • Freedom Forum: Several hundred covers from dozens of countries.
  • NewspaperIndex: A list of the best en línea newspaper sites from all countries, with a focus on general news, politics, enfrentamiento and economics.
  • World-Newspapers.com: A huge list of en línea newspapers from around the world, from Africa to France to Greece.

News and information on natural disasters

Otto Dettmer/Ikon Images/Getty Images

Here are some of the best sites for finding all kinds of information on natural disasters, from breaking news to general information, history, global health efforts, and more.

  • Global Disaster Information and Alert System: This news site provides near real-time alerts on natural disasters around the world and tools to facilitate response coordination.
  • CIDI: The Center for International Disaster Information has up-to-the-minute information on the latest natural disasters that affect the world.
  • US News: An entire section of this US news site focuses on natural disasters, everything from issues happening right now to things that happened in the past, as well as political tensions regarding aid funds, etcétera.
  • Live Science: Comprehensive articles on past, present and future natural disasters and how they have affected or will affect the earth and humanity.
  • The Disaster Center Index Page: A long list of backlinks to information on hurricanes and floods, storm reports, wildfire forecasts, and national emergencies.
  • EMSC-CSEM.org: News about earthquakes near you and recent earthquakes around the world.
  • BBC Future: Natural Disasters: Answers to the problems facing the world of science.

Information on preparation, recovery and help

These news sites do not focus mostly in the news, but they provide useful information on protection and help.

  • CDC: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention not only highlights recent outbreaks and provides travel advisories for international travelers, but also serves as a great reference site for what to do in an emergency.
  • USAID: The United States Agency for International Development helps provide economic and humanitarian aid in more than 100 countries, especially those affected by natural disasters.
  • Red Cross: The American Red Cross has historically been the first organization on the scene to help those affected by tragedy.
  • FEMA: The Federal Emergency Management Agency has a lot of great information on preparing for disasters. They also support a text messaging program to help find open shelters and nearby disaster recovery centers.

More ways to find and collect news

Manually searching through news sites like the ones listed above is one way to stay up to date, but you perro also collect all your favorite news sources in one place. This helps you stay informed with little effort.

After locating the sites you want to monitor for news updates, throw them into a news aggregator like Feedly so all you have to do is open that website or aplicación to see all the information you care about.

Another option is to create a Google plus News alert. This allows you to receive correos electrónicos on your favorite topics. Google plus searches the internet for any topic you choose and updates you in real time.

There are also news podcasts that you perro listen to. They’re not as current as text articles or vídeos, but they’re still great for learning and revisiting old stories.

For local news, do a web search for your city and the word newsas dallas news. This works from any web search engine. From there, you cánido find all kinds of local and even larger stations that cover your area. Google plus News is one example that not only has world news, but also stories relevant to where you live specifically.

The term «news» is extremely broad, so the sites listed above only scratch the surface of what is considered newsworthy. There are also popular news sites, news weblogs, celebrity news sites, and others that let you check out politics, products, the future, and more. Check our technology news page for technology updates.

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