economy at home

The Best Aplicaciones to save money Android and

The Best Aplicaciones to save money Android and

For some years now an economic recession has been reported, and apparently it is about to arrive (if we are not already in it), which makes the issue of saving and personal finance more relevant than ever.

But even so, whether or not there is a recession, saving is the best habit finance that anyone cánido develop. And to do that, there are plenty of tools that you could have running on your mobile right now.

Do you already know what they are? In this article we will espectáculo you the best of them.

These are the best aplicaciones to save money in 2023

Here I leave you the best 5 applications for you to save money:


Wallet will allow you to plan your finances in the short, medium and long term. Having control about your finances from the time of download.

The Wallet aplicación is backed by budget bakers a startup specialized in the development of tools for personal finance management. So it promises to be a well-thought-out application for the market.

Some of its most outstanding characteristics are:

  • bank updates: is synchronized in real time with more than 4,000 banks worldwide, being a tool that saves not only money, but also time.
  • Varied budgets: These are designed to plan finances, through certain objectives in any period of time.
  • detailed reports: A good range of charts, financial statements, and other cash flow information management systems are available to keep track of your money.

You cánido clic on any of these two backlinks, depending on your mobile operating system, to download the application:



Money Manager

This is perhaps one of the highest rated aplicaciones on finance and savings. And not without reason, the aplicación has the potential to be a powerful financial management tool like no other.

Among its characteristics, the following stand out:

  • Credit card control: You perro make payments with your credit card through this application by placing the expiration date.
  • scheduled transfer: allows you to easily transfer your money, and even schedule your fixed monthly payments such as taxes, salaries and other fixed expenses.
  • direct statistics: the amounts by categories and the different expenses will be reflected globally and individually, giving you a clear image of the administration of your finances at a single glance.
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These and other characteristics cánido help you be wiser in managing your money and thus be able to maintain a good savings plan.

You perro download the application by entering the backlinks that we leave you here:




When proposing a savings plan, it is necessary to frame a well defined goaland for this there is no better tool designed to achieve it than Fintonic: an application with a good time on the market, and with a lot of recommendations.

It is an application that has been able to distinguish itself from many others:

  • Possibility to earn commissions: This application allows you to earn a little money with its ads, only in 2019 it gave about 15 million in commissions through advertisements.
  • Competitive Loan Management: gives you offers of the best opportunities to acquire loans and insurance from more than 50 entities.
  • Financial analysis: this application has the tool FinScorewhich through a behavioral analysis tells you how banks value you.

You cánido download the aplicación here:




An application with a high level development, and highly intuitive for those who are newbies in this type of applications and programs.

By acquiring Mint you will have a good range of options: from following your credit card accounts to loans and insurance. It also gives you a global management of income and expenses.

Its most important characteristics when using it are these (keep them in mind):

  • Artificial intelligence: Mint is an application that analyzes your consumption behavior and your monthly budget, so that when you are close to spending or exceeding an account, the application will notify you in warning mode.
  • Work based on goals: When it comes to achieving financial goals, this application is a great ally, since it gives you the opportunity to raise goals totally personalized.
  • Global finance management: the best thing is that it allows you to have a total administration of your income and expenses, helping you to know how long it perro take you to get out of debt or save to buy what you want.
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If you escoge to opt for this application, we leave the backlinks so that you perro download it here:




Now, if you do not want to backlink your bank details to any application. You are looking for something fácil to manage your accounts and boost your savings, Monefy is the perfect application.

Some of its striking features are:

  • highly intuitive: It is not a complicated application, the usuario experience gets 10 out of 10.
  • integrated calculator: It is designed so that you get the most out of the application and keep everything under control.
  • Synchronization: you perro do it through Google plus or Dropbox.

And, as always, if you want to download the application, they are available for the mobile you have:



Now it is easier to save than ever, there is a good range of applications and ways to carry it out. But the applications will not do it all for you, you must get down to work and maintain a good regime of control and administration of your finances.

We hope you liked our article The Best Aplicaciones to save money Android and
and everything related to earning money, getting a job, and the economy of our house.

 The Best Aplicaciones to save money Android and
  The Best Aplicaciones to save money Android and
  The Best Aplicaciones to save money Android and

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