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The 8 books recommended by Elon Musk for

The 8 books recommended by Elon Musk for

In this article we want to share the books recommended by Elon Musk.

From his childhood, books played a vital role in Musk’s ambition. It is said that by the age of nine, Elon Musk had read the entire encyclopedia and spent more than 10 hours a day reading science fiction novels.

When asked how he learned about rockets, Musk unhesitatingly replied, «I read books.» In short, the books represented a change in its history and, ultimately, in humanity.

Books that Elon Musk recommends:

Elon Musk wants to change the course of humanity; from PayPalgoing by Tesla and finally how we transport ourselves and communicate with other planets with SpaceX.

That is why his opinion is so relevant and the books he recommends to be successful turn out to be a powerful tool for any entrepreneur who wants to achieve success.

From the outset we cánido tell you that reading will always be a habit that only offers advantages and profits.

Therefore, knowing how to choose a good reading that is useful to you is the key to all this and if it is an expert recommendation, even more so.

Here we share those 8 books that Elon Musk recommends:

1. Structures: Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down

When Musk decided he wanted to learn about rocket science, the first thing he did was study astrophysics and engineering books.

While reading an advanced physics book isn’t for everyone, this book explains the science behind SpaceX.

This is why Elon Musk is recognized for his knowledge and analytical skills. These are virtues, but also skills that you perro learn by reading.

2. Benjamin Franklin: An American Life

Benjamin Franklinauthor, inventor, scientist and politician is one of Musk’s heroes.

In the words of Elon Musk, «you cánido see Franklin was an entrepreneur, he started from scratch. He was a runaway child«.

In addition, biography books for entrepreneurs are really interesting because you cánido learn about the story of the protagonist and learn from his mistakes and successes.

3. Einstein: His life and his universe

Elon Musk confesses that he was influenced by the biography of Albert Einstein.

The reason is very clear: During his reading, Musk identified with success phrases such as «The important thing is not to stop questioning yourself»either «Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried something new.»

So you should not only read books that impact you professionally, but also that have meaning in your life and are an impulse to continue working to improve.

4. Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies

Although Elon Musk is a futurist and very interested in artificial intelligence, he has revealed his ethical concerns and possible dangers related to the technology.

And it is that technology, although it is a tool that has allowed us to solve problems that we otherwise would not have been able to, is also a powerful instrument that must be controlled.

We perro say that Elon Musk is a technological visionary and therefore his need to learn from these types of books.

5. Merchants of Doubt

In 2013, Elon Musk recommended this book on his Twitter account.

This book is curious in that its authors, two historians, believe that scientists with political and corporate connections have deliberately masked the facts around many public health issues, such as the negative effects of smoking.

Undoubtedly, politics has a lot of background and not everyone is encouraged or dares to say what they think, especially when it comes to going against the current.

6. Lord of the Flies

This classic novel of survival, competition, and ambition left its mark on Elon Musk’s life.

In an interview for the New Yorker medium, Musk said «The heroes of the books you read are always committed to saving the world».

The determination to want to generate a positive impact on the story is one of the mental triggers that Musk emplees when choosing his projects.

7. Zero to One:

This book is based on Peter Thiel’s lecture aprecies at Stanford University.

From Zero to One focuses on the need to generate unique thinking among company founders.

According to Musk, his co-founding partner of Paypal offers an interesting exploration of the process of building successful companies in the book.

8. The «Foundation»

In 2013, Musk confessed that this author’s books taught him that «civilizations move in cycles,» a lesson that encouraged him to pursue his most extremista ambitions.

«Since this is the first time in 4,500 years that there is talk of the possibility of extending the life of humanity beyond the earth, the wisest thing would be to act while this window is open and not trust that it will be forever» concludes Musk.

The interesting life of Elon Musk:

Finally, if you want to know more about the history of Elon Musk, you cánido read the book by Ashlee Vance who states that «mMore than an inventor, more than a thinker, more than a genius, Musk is the perfect example of the entrepreneur who seeks to change our daily lives to extremes that we are not yet capable of. imagine».

You cánido also start reading some of the books that Elon Musk recommends so that you stop postponing the path to success.

Continue reading: Books recommended by the 10 richest men in the world

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