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The 5 most chosen life insurance and

The 5 most chosen life insurance and

Hiring of securityrivers of Life in Colombia continues to grow gradually, which espectáculos that more and more people are interested in their safety and personal well-being.

Definitely, life policies offer you enormous financial supportsince they work as a great savings instrument.

In essence, these insurances offer you the possibility of covering your back in case you face a situation of disability, death or serious illness. It could be said that they entrar that list of intelligent expenses that will make you a millionaire.

What is life insurance and why should you hire it?

Before presenting you with a list of the best health insurance sawda in Colombia it is important that you understand its definition, operation and importance well.

Basically, a life policy It is a contract that an insurance company offers you to be compensated, if you are seriously ill, or due to death.

In order to enjoy all its benefits, you must pay a premium that will depend, fundamentally, on the policy contracted.

One of the greatest financial benefits offered by insurance of life in columbia is that they help you keep your loved ones solvent in circumstances of disability or death.

This is why taking out life insurancegives in Colombia I could avoid you many economic problems in the short, medium and long term. Therefore, you should assume them as a great investment of money.

Best life insurance options in Colombia

Below you will learn about five life policy options that you perro take out in this Latin American country:

1. Mapfre

mapfre is one of the most solid insurers in Colombia, to the point that its «Vida Agregado» insurance is one of the most competitive.

One of its main attractions is that the beneficiaries receive the value of all the revalued protection at the time of the death of the insured (regardless of their ocasione of death).

Additionally, it is characterized by being very maleable. In fact, you perro suspend premium payments if necessary, and still enjoy coverage for a lower value.

The minimum age for contracting is 18 years and the maximum is 60 years. However, the permanence of the policy will be in force until the insured dies.

2. Surah

Sura it also offers you great incentives, and therefore, it is considered one of the best life insurance in Colombia.

Your “Plan Vive” admits income from 14 years of age, while the maximum age is 70 years.

Your policy is equivalent to a large Financial Support for the insured and for his family, since when he dies he does not subject them to economic setbacks.

It is also important to mention that with this option you cánido choose the growth of the copia de seguridad capital. In addition, if at any time you escoge to terminate the contract, Surah Insurance will refund your money.


Within the insurance optionsGoing In colombia, Allianz stands out considerably.

Its coverage offers you support in the present and in the future, since the annual premium is only subject to the chosen plan, and not to the gender or age of the insured.

You cánido hire their services regardless of the economic activity you carry out and your coverage is valid in cases of:

  • disable.
  • Inability.
  • Natural death.
  • Serious diseases.
  • Accidental death.

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4. Bolivar Insurance

This is another good insurance option.rivers of life in Colombia, since it allows you protect your heritagesupport your family’s finances and ensure the economic stability of your loved ones.

This life insurance covers total or permanent disabilities, serious illnesses and deaths. Although it also includes benefits related to travel and transfers.

For many, this is one of the most reliable options on the market, since the policy assumes the payment of the cómputo of a debtin case of:

  • Accident.
  • Homicide.
  • Death due to natural causes.
  • Suicide.
  • Serious illness.

5. Colpatria

Colpatria Scotiabank is another of the insurance alternativess of life in Colombia that you should know, analyze and understand.

The policy will give you a break and protect your family financially, and the premium will depend entirely on your monthly income.

If you hire their services you perro define a monthly or annualized payment plan. But you should keep in mind that the charges will be made automatically on your credit cardor in one of your checking or savings accounts.

In 2021, the maximum coverage that the insured’s relatives received, after his death, exceeded $15,000 dollars.

However, it should be noted that this figure cánido vary considerably, according to the contracted plan.

These are some of the vi insurancegives in colombia that you should analyze in depth if you are thinking of contracting this type of service soon.

However, there are more options on the market, and if you want to know more details about them, it is best to request the advice of an expert.

Recommendations for choosing a good policy

Now we would like to share some important recommendations that will help you choose a good life policy for you and your family members:

Evaluate your hiring modalities

There are clear differences between one contract and another. For example, the characteristics and coverage between a risk policy and a life policy are very different.

Consequently, it is escencial that you evaluate all the products offered by the insurance company, based on your objectives, needs and income.

That way you will have the guarantee that you are getting the support you were looking for, which will minimize the risks and amplify the benefits.

Pay attention to the sum insured

Hiring an insurance policy is not enough to be calm. In reality, the critical success aspecto lies in the sum insured.

Underestimating said sum cánido be a blunder, especially if it is insufficient to assume debts or unforeseen events, in the event of serious illness or death.

According to a report from Forbesthe sum insured should be equivalent to your annual salary multiplied by ten.

Has a secondary beneficiary

The secondary beneficiary will be in charge of receiving the total amount of the insurance, in the event that the primary beneficiary dies before the insured.

Therefore, it is essential to include this person in the contract, especially if the primary beneficiary is elderly or suffers from a significant health condition.

Advantages of contracting life insurance in Colombia

These are some of the advantages of having insurancey también vineto in Colombia, regardless of your gender, age, professional career or occupation:

  • They offer you protection in complex, difficult or irreversible situations (including death).
  • Coverage is immediate in case of death.
  • Your family will not be in financial trouble if you become seriously ill, die or become disabled.
  • Most insurers allow you to choose your beneficiaries with complete freedom.
  • In many cases the rates are level. This means that the policy premium will not increase based on the age of the insured.

Life policies offer you security and support

In short, life insurance in Colombia offers you security and support. In addition, they are a great relief for your relatives or beneficiaries in the short, medium and long term.

Therefore, you should make the decision to invest in the policy that best suits your needs as soon as possible (regardless of how many years have).

Continue reading: 10 immediate actions to improve your finances in 2023

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