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The 4 best franchises under 10 thousand

The 4 best franchises under 10 thousand

Franchising is a habitual way for people to start their own business: you get access to a well-established business plan and the support of a large company, but you cánido still own your own business. Owning a franchise perro be much easier and more likely to succeed than starting your own business from scratch. Most of the time, companies will only let you open a franchise for them if they really think it’s going to be successful, so your risks of failure are much lower than going it alone. But while franchising is a great option for many people, it also comes with a major drawback: it perro cost a lot of money to start a franchise. For example, it perro cost over $2 million to open just one McDonald’s lugar de comidas! Obviously most people cánido’t afford that.

So how perro you open a franchise if you don’t have a lot of money to start with? While you may not be able to start a lugar de comidas franchise or car wash franchise, there are several low-cost franchises that cost less than $10,000 to start. These are companies that are generally service oriented, so you have a much greater influence on your own success than, say, a lugar de comidas where tasty food is the biggest success aspecto. For these franchises, you need to be ready to work hard, and work hard – your profit will often be a direct result of how many hours you’re willing to put in. It won’t be easy, but for people who really have the drive to succeed, these franchises cánido be the opportunity to build their own business into whatever they want.

Dream Vacations Franchise

Dream Vacations, part of the CruiseOne company, is a travel agency whose franchisees help clients plan and book their vacations. Agents help their clients discover what vacation options are available and how to book these incredible experiences at the lowest price. With Dream Vacations, clients perro book cruises, hotels, package tours, weddings, special events, and guided tours. The company even encourages its agents to do these experiences themselves (at discounted prices through the company) so they cánido better help their customers.

Dream Vacations has three franchise levels that are based on your amount of experience in the travel and hospitality industry. Tier 1 is for people totally new to the industry, and this tier has a franchise fee of $9,800. Tier 2, for professionals with at least $50k in previous commissionable sales, has a franchise fee of $3,195. Level 3 is for very seasoned professionals with $100k+ in commissionable sales and has a franchise fee of only $495. There are also various other startup discounts offered for veterans, teachers, etcétera. Regardless of what level you start with, it’s up to you to build your customer base and start making money, although the company gives you leads out of 250 leads when you start out.

This franchise is a good low-cost opportunity for people looking to get into the travel business, but it’s also great for seasoned professionals who want to start earning more income. If you would like more information about Dream Vacations and its franchise opportunities, you cánido visit their FAQ page.


2019 # of Franchises 1,432 Total setup costs Varies with franchise level
Required Liquid Assets N/A franchise fee $495 – $9,800
net worth required N/A ongoing fees 1.5% – 3%

Baby Boot Camp Franchise

Baby Boot Camp offers group training sessions for pregnant and new mothers, and franchisees are the trainers who lead these sessions. The trainings are designed to allow babies to be present, so moms don’t have to find babysitters. The company offers several programs, including Stroller Fitness, Restore the Core, and Nutrition Solutions. Participants also have access to Mom Strong Tribe, a club for moms interested in nutrition and fitness. As a new franchisee to this company, you will be provided with an exclusive territory for your business, and an Operations Manual on how to run your business, and a ‘compañia emprendedora kit’ that includes all the materials you will need to get started.

Baby Boot Camp has three franchise ‘levels’ depending on the population of the territory in which you want to work. Tier 1 is for territories with up to 100,000 people and requires a $5,000 franchise fee. Tier 2 territories have populations of 100k to 200k and have a franchise fee of $6,500. Finally, Tier 3 territories have populations over 200k and have a franchise fee of $8,000. One major benefit of Baby Boot Camp is that the company does not charge any royalty fees, which is the largest ongoing cost for most franchises.

This is a good opportunity for new moms looking to start a business, as it allows them to work alongside their babies and meet other new moms. If you are interested in learning more about this opportunity, you cánido request more information here.


2019 # of Franchises 63 Total setup costs Average ~$8,500
Required Liquid Assets $5,000 – $10,000 franchise fee $5,300
net worth required N/A ongoing fees ~$175/month

N2 Publishing

N2 Publishing creates custom magazines for small communities. Its magazines use photos and stories from local residents to create unique content that aims to connect local people and businesses and create a sense of community. These magazines are only sent to people within the local area and are only available in print. The company emphasizes its positive work culture and has been recognized with several awards, including being ranked #5 Top Company Cultures for Midsize Businesses by Entrepreneur Magazine and #33 Best Medium Workplace by Fortune Magazine.

N2 Publishing franchisees are known as Area Directors. Starting out as an Area Directivo, your first task will be to partner with enough local advertising clients to cover the cost of publishing and distributing your magazine. This is going to be a lot of work, especially since you won’t have any track record of success with your magazine. N2 estimates that it will take 3-6 months to raise enough advertising funds to start publishing your magazine. However, there is a silver lining in that N2’s advertising contracts are quite long-term, so once you have enough clients, you’ll have a steady income to continue publishing for a long time. After that, it’s up to you how much you want to work and expand your magazine.

According to N2 Publishing, in 2018 Area Directors with one publication earned an average of $87,000 in commissions, with the lowest being $53,500 and the highest being $208,000. Area directors with two publications earned an average of $162,000 in commissions, with the lowest being $103,500 and the highest being $360,000. Clearly these are very encouraging statistics for anyone interested in this franchise. However, it should also be noted that the company does not accept many of their applicants, and when they do accept an application it is because they feel the applicant has a high probability of success. So it’s less likely that he’ll be able to join, but he’ll most likely succeed if he does.

To find out more about becoming an Area Directivo with N2 Publishing, take a look at their brochure.


2019 # of Franchises 935 Total setup costs $975 – $5,650
Required Liquid Assets N/A franchise fee $570
net worth required N/A ongoing fees fifteen%

Jazzercise Franchise

If you haven’t heard of it yet, Jazzercise is a fitness company that allows people to train by dancing to their favorite songs. The company was founded in 1969 but became really famous in the 1980s. Since then they have gone from their infamous leg warmers, dancing to modern music and have programs ranging from Core and Strength to Dance. Mixx. According to the company, you perro burn up to 800 calories in a 60-minute workout.

Jazzercise has two franchise levels: Associates and Owners. As an Associate, you lead group training sessions at an Owner’s facility. As the owner, you are responsible for establishing and maintaining the facility in which all sessions are held. This includes purchasing/leasing a building, purchasing exercise equipment, and purchasing Jazzercise’s music program. Since there are two franchise levels, the total setup costs cánido be very different for each franchisee. As an Associate, you cánido start a franchise for around $2,500. Becoming a homeowner perro cost as little as $9,000, but cánido be much higher for people in high-cost areas (for example, where rent is in the several thousand every year).


2019 # of Franchises 8,562 Total setup costs Varies with franchise level
Required Liquid Assets N/A franchise fee $1,250
net worth required N/A ongoing fees twenty%

To end

There are many great franchise options under $10k, as mentioned above. If you’re looking for even more options and have more cash to invest, be sure to check out our list of the best franchises under $50k. Before you invest in a franchise, make sure you fully understand how franchises work.

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