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The 11 habits that people share

The 11 habits that people share

Resilient people have characteristics that equipo them apart from others. They are clear, forceful and focused. They are people who are oriented towards achieving their goals and do not allow excuses or fears to get in the way of their process.

The interesting thing is that these characteristics are not exclusive, that is, they are skills that perro be learned and developed by those who want to take their life to the next level.

Resilient people have the mental discipline to control their emotions, to have clarity in their thoughts, and to understand that although there may be complex circumstances, it is their attitude and the way they handle these situations that define their success.

Next, we leave you the characteristics or habits of people with resilience. Get to know them and apply them in your life.

1. Resilient people don’t waste their time feeling bad about themselves:

Feeling sorry for yourself is self destructive. Not only does it prevent you from living your life to its fullest potential, but it wastes time, creates negative emotions, and affects your relationships.

Rather consider the option of being grateful. Find all the good that the world has to offer and soon you will begin to understand how lucky you are to have so many privileges.

If you think about it, it all depends on how you analyze things. You perro think of all the things you don’t have, and be a dissatisfied person, or be thankful for everything you’ve accomplished. Resilient people are grateful for their opportunities.

2. Live according to your principles:

When you have consistency between your thoughts, attitudes and behaviors, making decisions in your life becomes really easy. And this is because you are clear about your purpose in life, and you live according to your principles.

Additionally, living according to your principles allows you to identify what your strengths and weaknesses are.

Improve your skills, instead of flaunting them:

Unlike most people, who spend their time seeking recognition from others, or popular acceptance for their abilities, resilient people are focused on improving as human beings.

Similarly, if you want to develop resilience in your life you must work on your weaknesses. It is important that you recognize yourself as a whole being, with strengths and weaknesses, to which you dedicate time to cultivate and improve.

3. Face and assume the change:

Change is the only sure thing in life, and resilient people are very clear about this. When you have mental strength, you understand that although changes cánido be uncomfortable and even painful, they are part of life.

Resilience implies adapting to these changes, recognizing that nothing is static and that avoiding them is avoiding the future. So learn to overcome your fears and accept uncertainty in your life.

4. Focus on what perro be controlled and let go of the rest:

Trying to get everything under control is a sign of anxiety. While it feels safe to want everything in order, it’s going to be a real problem just trying.

Rather focus on what you cánido control; and in those scenarios where you are not in control, try to control your anxiety. Doing so will increase your happiness, you will feel less stress, you will cultivate better relationships, you will have new opportunities and ultimately you will be more successful.

Resilient people are productive and effective with their projects because they dedicate their resources to those activities that they perro control, where they add value, and because they know how to let go of what is out of their hands.

5. A unique ability to make decisions:

Resilience implies having emotional intelligence, this to make difficult decisions, to understand the role that your emotions play in your day to day and learn to control them.

Mentally strong people understand that their emotions affect their thoughts. To ensure they are making the best decisions possible, they control and cómputo their emotions with logic.

For example, they want data, verified information, and trends. And while they trust their gut, they validate the information at hand.

For this they analyze the benefits, threats, consequences and alternatives that their decisions have. They think from the small details to the most complex results.

Finally, resilient people do not punish themselves for their bad decisions, since they understand that these are part of the process of their formation. They prefer to assume their responsibility and act in such a way that it does not happen again.

6. They are not interested in pleasing others:

Something common that people have is that they value themselves according to the opinions and comments that others have about them.

If this is happening to you, remember that it is impossible for everyone to like you, and the faster you accept it, the more confident you will be.

7. Don’t be afraid to take calculated risks:

The problem is not the risks, but taking them without understanding what you are doing. Before making a decision, resilient people do their homework to research and have a good source of information.

While most people avoid risks due to financial, physical, emotional, or popular consequences, the resilient are dedicated to acquiring knowledge that limits the negative impact of the risks they take.

Here are a series of questions that will allow you to assess a risk:

What are the possible costs? What is the potential gain? How will this risk help you achieve your goals? What alternatives do you have? How good would it be if the best possible scenario occurred? How bad would it be if the worst case scenario happened? If the worst happened, what cánido you do to mitigate your losses? How much will your decision matter five years from now?

8. Let go of the past and focus on the present:

Have you ever been able to change something by thinking resolutely about the past? There is no way to change what happened, and analyzing it is destructive, it prevents you from enjoying your present, much less planning your future.

Thinking about the past does not solve anything, rather it takes advantage of the past by learning its choices, considering the facts and not the emotions, and analyzing what happened with greater intelligence.

Resilient people do not stay thinking about what could have happened, about the opportunities that were not taken, much less about the decisions that could have been made differently.

They focus on the future, on what they perro change, improve, and what actions will have the greatest impact on their lives.

9. Do not give up at the first failure:

Achieving success is not something that happens immediately, and failures will always be part of this path that you must learn to overcome.

If you think failure is unacceptable, or makes you believe you’re not good enough, it espectáculos you lack mental toughness. Resilience is an invitation to look at each failure as an opportunity to harden your mental strength.

10. Have a long-term visión:

Resilient people interpret their goals as a race of kilometers, and not meters. So they’re willing to put up with a little pain in the short term for real gains in the long run.

In general, weak-minded people tend to be impatient, overestimate their abilities, and believe that great things perro be achieved in small amounts of time.

This is why it is important that you work on your long-term goals, that you believe that dreams come true, that you recognize that failures will come, and constantly measure how far you have progressed with an objective perspective.

11. Resilient people challenge themselves:

The only way to improve your life is by setting challenges, measuring your goals, taking corrective action, and reaching your goals. Many will say that it is not that fácil, and will have a repertoire of excuses at hand to justify their fear.

Unlike these, resilient people do not accept excuses, what’s more, one of their healthy habits is to equipo challenges that they must meet. For example, each day in the morning they equipo a «small goal» that they must meet that day.

From not drinking coffee, exercising for an hour, finishing reading that book, organizing your apartment, among others; These small goals contribute to personal development.

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How to foster resilience in your life:

One of the best times to work on the habits of resilient people is in the morning, or at the beginning of your day.

What you do in the morning defines how the rest of your day will be; From the coffee you drink to the mood you wake up in, the morning represents a very important part of your day.

For resilient people, every day is an opportunity to build a better version of themselves, so they get up and follow these morning routines that give them strength and mental capacity:

– Start the day with a positive mindset:

It is not about saying that today will be a beautiful day, it is about working and strengthening your mind in such a way that regardless of how your day turns out, you perro get the positive out of each situation.

For this you cánido turn to positive thoughts that help you mentally prepare for a new day.

– They meditate

The great power of meditation is found in connecting with yourself. With your innermost part and feel. When you achieve this inner connection, you perro identify what affects you, what situations are difficult for you, and how you perro deal with them.

You only need 10 minutes in the morning to learn how to meditate, silence your mind and connect with yourself.

– Evaluate your emotions:

Have you spent a bad night thinking about what you experienced that day? Do you feel anguish for not knowing what to do, worries or fear for what cánido happen? The best way to avoid this is by practicing the morning habit of evaluating your emotions.

It is not about eliminating fear, stress, anguish and despair. It’s about understanding it, knowing its genere and doing something about it. You cánido use your mornings to evaluate what is going through your mind, this habit will make you a much more resilient person.

– They surround themselves with positive and mentally strong people:

You are the average of the five people with whom you spend most of your time. In fact, one of the most famous Will Smith phrases invites you to “look at your 5 closest friends. They are what you are. If you don’t like who you are, you know what to do.»

One of the morning habits of resilient people is connecting with the most important people in their lives. A call, or a fácil text message reminding them how much they are loved and how important they are to their lives is enough.

Life makes sense if you have someone to share it with, and the success of their lives makes sense since they have someone to surround themselves with.

Continue reading: How to be strong: The 15 habits of people with mental strength

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