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The 10 most demanded en línea careers in

The 10 most demanded en línea careers in

The new Information and Communication Technologies have revolutionized the learning processes, and therefore the en línea racing They have gained an incredible boom in recent years both in Latin America and in other European countries such as Spain.

It is a virtual study modality that has simplified the educational methodology to the maximum, and above all, has diversified professionalization opportunities on a universal scale to an almost unimaginable degree.

Indeed, as a result of the changes and technological advances that have emerged in the last decade, it is entirely possible for you to graduate without even leaving home, and this has marked an important milestone in global schooling.

For this reason, in this note we will tell you which are the best Spanish and Latin American universities where you cánido study en línea racing of the highest quality.

1. Business Administration:

Where: University of Sao Paulo

This is the largest public university in the Brazilian country, and it has also been classified as the best in Latin America, according to the Academic Classification of Ibero-American Universities.

It currently occupies first place in the top of the best five universities in Latin America, so its academic level is unquestionable.

It stands out that its educational offer at a higher level is varied; in fact, it has 229 undergraduate courses divided into various fields such as Humanities, Exact Sciences and Biological Sciences.

However, the fact that they offer en línea racing It has made it much more habitual in recent years, especially because new technologies have simplified virtual learning processes to the maximum.

Within its offer of en línea careers, one of the most renowned options is the Bachelor of Business Administration and to take it you must visit its website and follow the instructions that they give you.

2. Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing:

Where: University of Palermo, Argentina

This house of higher studies has a very good prestige in the Latin American region due to its high academic level.

Within its academic offer, you perro study at a distance, or rather, careers on-line, very competitive and in demand on a universal scale such as Marketing or Public Accounting.

In fact, Marketing courses are one of the most lucrative en línea careers today, especially as big brands continue to expand into global markets at a rapid pace, and therefore require more and more highly-skilled professionals.

If you dare to study this undergraduate degree virtually, you will have access to an en línea campus that will surprise you thanks to its incredible technological modalities.

Find out about their other available en línea careers

This prestigious university also offers other en línea options within its offer of university degrees such as:

  • Administration.
  • Systems and Business Administration.
  • International Trade.
  • Public accounting.

3. Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science:

Where: National Autonomous University of México

At present, this is undoubtedly one of the races on-line most requested by local and foreign students.

Computer Science Graduates and Engineers play a escencial role in the development of technological solutions that satisfy needs of various kinds, whether in the automotive, communicational, robotic, and many other fields.

At the end of this virtual study program you will be able to analyze and solve extremely complex problems that are related to Information and Communication Technologies.

At the same time, you will also be able to develop and implement programa and other IT projects on a global scale.

Find out about their other available en línea careers

At the National Autonomous University of México, better known as UNAM, you perro also study a wide variety of free courses to en línea careers such as:

  • Political Science and Public Administration.
  • Design and visual communication.
  • Economy.
  • Nursing.
  • Archivo Administration and Document Management.
  • Accounting and Administration.
  • Pedagogy.
  • Psychology.
  • Popular work.
  • Library Science and Information Studies.
  • Journalism and many more.

The truth is that UNAM has a wide range of en línea racingmore than 20 to be exact-, and the degree to be obtained is nothing more and nothing less than a Bachelor’s degree, which is fantastic.

4. Medicine courses:

Where: Pontifical Javeriana University, Bogota

This Colombian alma mater is currently ranked 17th in the QS top of the best Latin American universities.

It has a great academic offer and within its range of en línea racing Political, Popular, Legal, Economic or Administrative Sciences stand out, as well as Design, Architecture and some Health Sciences.

And it is precisely within this last range in which the Diploma in Clinical Epidemiology and Public Health stands out, since it is undoubtedly one of the most demanded.

Other en línea races available

But if the Health Sciences do not attract you, then it is propitious to mention some of the other en línea racing that you cánido take through its virtual learning modality.

  • Environmental law.
  • Theology.
  • Communication and language.
  • Psychology.
  • Nursing.
  • Education.
  • Human rights.
  • Art.

5. Economy:

Where: Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

This university has been in first place in the QS top of the best universities in Latin America since 2018, and therefore virtual education cannot be left aside in this scenario.

If you are interested in pursuing higher education at a distance, you will be surprised to know that today there are various diplomas available in areas such as Business Administration or Mining, but right now Economics is one of the most prominent.

Other en línea races available

The academic offer of the Pontificia Facultad Católica de Chile has more than 60 graduates in various subjects.

For example, you cánido take the en línea course in Successful Business Management for SMEs found on the Coursera platform.

Some of the en línea careers that you will find on its educational platform are:

  • Environmental management.
  • Project management.
  • Finance.
  • Marketing.
  • Big Data.
  • Clinical Pharmacology.
  • Advanced Biostatistics.
  • teaching.

6. Advertising and Public Relations:

Where: Miguel de Cervantes European University

within the en línea racing The most demanded at present is Advertising and Public Relations since the world of Marketing continues to take leaps and bounds.

So if obtaining a foreign degree in this area calls your attention, you should thoroughly review the virtual offer of the Miguel de Cervantes European University.

With this en línea program you will learn to successfully plan and manage various commercial, corporate and public relations communication strategies at a high business level, which is essential to create profitable businesses.

Other en línea races available

If you are interested in Popular and Legal Sciences, then you will be delighted to know that you perro study other careers en línea at this Spanish alma mater, such as the ones that we will list for you in the following lines.

  • Journalism.
  • Criminology.
  • Business Management.
  • Digital Marketing and Popular Media.

7. Cartographic Geotechnologies in Engineering and Architecture:

Where: University of Salamanca

This center is ranked among the 15 best universities in Spain and today offers several highly demanded en línea courses such as the one that we will outline for you on this occasion.

Have you heard the term “Geotechnologies”? most likely not know well what it is about, but even so it is propitious to mention that its professionals are increasingly in demand on a universal scale.

This is because those who specialize in this field are very well equipped to document, represent and manage spatial information.

Highlight that at the end of this en línea specialization you will have solid knowledge in areas such as Technology, Geomatics, Civil, Mining, or Energy Engineering, as well as Architecture, Physics, and Mathematics.

Other en línea races available

Within the academic offer of the University of Salamanca, you will find very good options to study master’s degrees en línea, some of these are:

  • Master in Criminal and Economic Law.
  • Master in Purchasing Management.
  • Master in Entrepreneurial Development and Innovation.
  • Master in Blockchain and more.

8. Law:

Where: King Juan Carlos University

This is one of the most studied en línea careers in this Spanish house of studies and is part of the branch of Popular and Legal Sciences.

Through its URJC En línea modality, they allow you to study remotely since you have access to their virtual classroom, and in addition to this, you perro easily consult multimedia material and keep in touch with your teachers and other classmates.

At the end of the four years of study you will be able to entrar the tarea market in a highly competitive way, since you will be able to practice in different fields such as: tarea, international organizations, state, fiscal or non-profit entities.

9. Business Analytics:

Where: European University

This is one of the most habitual master’s degrees from this university, which has been the first to receive ACBSP accreditation, and also has 5 stars in the international en línea teaching quality top..

It is aimed at those individuals who manage data in their day to day and therefore need to master useful and practical tools to obtain accurate results.

In about 10 months you will have completed all your lessons and you will be ready to receive your professional degree, so that you will be able to exercise without problems any managerial position that focuses on decision-making in many business areas.

10. Environmental Sciences:

Where: Catholic University of Avila

It is no secret to anyone that caring for the environment continues to gain ground worldwide, and therefore, more and more people are interested in becoming a professional in environmental matters to contribute to this genere.

In this sense, the Facultad Católica del Ávila offers you the option to graduate en línea after a study period of 4 years.

Upon graduation, you will be able to carry out activities inherent to environmental, water, waste, or natural environment management, as well as perform functions related to industrial environmental technology, audits, education, or research.

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Venture to study careers en línea without problems

The en línea racing Not only do they allow you to mezcle your learning with other work or plus-curricular activities, but they also allow you to save money since you cánido take them from wherever you are.

So do not hesitate to take full advantage of this virtual study modality that is expanding more and more throughout the American and European continents every day.

Continue reading: 30 free en línea Google plus courses with certificate

Written by Rita Colina

Journalist, expert in writing SEO and Digital Marketing. She is passionate about writing and reading.

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