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Surfe.be. earn money doing nothing

Surfe.be. earn money doing nothing

surfe.be is a web page with its respective Russian extension that will allow us earn free money doing nothing and without having any knowledge. surfe.be It has an extension that we cánido add to our navigation bar and with which we cánido earn money without having much or any knowledge. A positive point of this page is that it pays in dollars, even though it is a Russian page, it does not pay in its national way, the ruble. In addition, its minimum payment is so low that we cánido collect the first day without much effort. Also, if you have a blog or business that you want to advertise, you cánido do it and reach many millions of people from the Russian public and from all over the world. Tell you that this page has worldwide coverage, you cánido use it and install its extension from anywhere in the world.

Register at Surfe.be

As I have told you above, Surf.be cánido be used by all users in the world, it has no geographical limitations, therefore, you perro register also if you are in south america. To register, you only have to clic on «Star Making Money», you must write a nombre de usuario, an correo electrónico and a password. And that’s it, if you want it, you cánido download the extension for google plus, you don’t have to wait for the confirmation correo electrónico (it doesn’t arrive). If you want to register you cánido do it from here or from the bottom banner.

As you perro see, you perro make money from home without doing anything how is that possible? Well, keep reading the articulo that the interesting thing comes now.

How Surfe.be works

The operation of the page is extremely fácil. Once you entrar, you will see a button to download its extension for different browsers. Depending on which one you use, you will have to download one or the other, I chose the extension for Google plus Google chrome, but it also exists for Mozilla firefox, Trabaja and even for the Russian giant Yandex.

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You must install the extension, since through this application, we will see advertising automatically and without harming the rest of the screen. Every time they go through announcements, we will be able to make money doing nothing.

The advertising that we see appears automatically and changes from time to time. Every time we see an ad, our cómputo will increase (we have the cómputo on the left). It is true that on some occasions it will be more convenient for us to have the horizontal bar both above and below. Don’t worry, because with the arrow on the right, we perro change it up or down without any problem. As you cánido see, we cánido make money doing nothingbut there are more ways to earn money with surfe.bekeep reading and I’ll explain them to you.

More ways to earn money on Surfe.be

In addition to the advertising bar, Surbe.be has other sections that will allow us to earn money on internet. The first thing you have to check is that you are in the «usuario«, since the other section, that of «advertiser» is for advertising, you cánido advertise other businesses on the internet and reach the Russian public.


Referrals will be the second most important part of earning money with Surfe.be. In the «referral» section you cánido find your personal backlink to invite other people and thus earn money with it. You will find two backlinks, one of them for advertisers, where you will see a message that says «advertise through our platform from $0.02 per clic». The other will be aimed at people who want to earn money en línea, through this backlink the message «earn money en línea without investing, performing fácil tasks» will appear.

Administradores de páginas web

This section «administradores de páginas web» (at the bottom) is aimed at people who have a blog or website. This is a good alternative for someone who is not accepted by Google plus Adsense and wants to monetize their blog or website. You perro advertise all the sites you want, Verify that they are yours and with this you cánido display advertising on your website.In this section you perro charge from $0.03.

Control Center

From here we perro see all our earnings at a glance. This will also be the site where we cánido watch vídeos to earn money. The downside of watching the vídeos on Surfe.be is that the vídeos have ad focus and also, they cannot be viewed on mute, you will have to activate the sound. Although if you invest money in advertising, you will make sure that your vídeo will be seen no matter what.

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Experience Points (Rating)

Qualification points are needed to maintain the income from your referrals. When the qualification expires, you will stop receiving income from referrals and you will lose your qualification. Getting experience or rating points will be easy for you if you spend several hours a day in front of the computer, since just by seeing the advertising that comes out you will gain experience. You must be an active person on the page, since not only is it enough to invite to earn money with Surfe.be. The maximum qualifying period is one month. This is how the qualification time is extended:

  • 10 minutes for each banner visit you make
  • 30 minutes for each paid visit
  • one hour for each vídeo view
  • 12 hours for each new referral
  • 24 hours (one day) for every dollar deposited.

Referral system in Surfe.be

Like most of the pages we work with, this page has a great affiliate system that is 10 levels deep. This means that we will charge 5.65% of the benefits that our affiliates get up to the tenth level. The registered usuario has 30 days to receive commissions for inviting. When this period passes, the experience points decrease and you only remain an active person on the platform.

This page rewards being active on the platform more than others. It won’t be difficult, as I said before, if we spend a few hours a day in front of the computer.

Does Surfe.be pay?

Considering that the page has been en línea since 2018 and pays without problems. I’ve been working on Surfe.be for a while and I haven’t asked for any payment yet (I didn’t want and I want to get a potable amount). As soon as I have it, I will upload it to my popular networks, especially twitter, you perro follow me on all networkswith the usuario @salgodelacrisis.

Payments cánido be requested starting at $0.03 in the following wallets: Payeer, Webmoney, Advcash and Qiwi. Withdrawn money is received on the same day. I recommend Payeer for Russian pages, since it is the one I use for Russian pages.

Personal opinion Surfe.be

This platform is very interesting and it is really very easy make money doing nothing. The advertising that it inserts is not intrusive, you cánido raise it up or down, as it suits you. You don’t have to worry about seeing ads or vídeos, although if you do, your earnings will increase.

If you read me from Venezuela you will have no problem working on Surfe.be, since this platform is accepted in most Latin American countries. In addition, with its powerful invitation system, you will be able to get a better pinch by talking about it and promoting it among your friends and family.

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And little more to tell, here I leave the registration backlink so that you cánido install the extension and you perro start earn money on internet with this page. So now you know, if you don’t know how earn money without working (relatively) this is your page, you will only need time and desire to improve yourself.

If you want to know other articles afín to Surfe.be. earn money doing nothing you perro visit the category adsensei.

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 Surfe.be. earn money doing nothing  Surfe.be. earn money doing nothing  Surfe.be. earn money doing nothing

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