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sumclicks | FREE money for reading correos electrónicos

sumclicks | FREE money for reading correos electrónicos

sumclicks is a veteran PTR dedicated to correo electrónico advertising. The platform was launched in December 2008 and is also part of the company Cybernet Resoluciones SL. In fact, Sumaclicks was launched long before Clickxti and the only difference between the two is that the payment limit in Sumaclicks is €10 and in Clickxti it is €5. For everything else, you will see that both are very afín.

Last update » Currently, both Sumaclicks and ClickXti have ceased their activity due to the shortage of clients derived from COVID. For this reason I have decided to remove the backlinks and temporarily stop recommending both pages. If they sintetiza activity again, I’ll let you know here.

addclickks: How to register to the PTR

For earn money in Sumaclicks We will follow the same steps as in ClickXti, both for registration and in the ad display process (correo electrónico). Even so, I will make a small guide in case there is any different detail.

First of all, we will have to register. If you want, you cánido register by following this this backlink, which will take you directly to the home page. Once there you will look for the «Register» tab and it will jump to a registration form like the one I espectáculo below.

Once we fill in our data, we solve the corresponding captcha and clic on No in all the offers that we get. To confirm everything, we give Continue and we cánido access.

«We will receive an correo electrónico to confirm our account. Look in your contenido publicitario folder.»

How Sumclicks works

He Sumaclicks operation it is very basic. Once our account is confirmed, we will have to entrar our profile and finish filling in the latest data. From here, we will only have to wait for the correos electrónicos to be sent to us.

Reception of paid correos electrónicos

The correos electrónicos we receive from sumclicks They come in the format that you see, which makes them very quick to identify and thus we make sure that it is not contenido publicitario. It should be remembered that Sumaclicks, like Clickxti or any PTR, what they send is advertising paid for by advertisers to promote a series of products or services.

Once the correo electrónico is opened, below everything, we perro see the number of points that they give us for reading/viewing that ad.

How to earn money in Sumaclicks

To do it correctly, we must clic on any image that directs us abroad. That is, there will be a new window.

Once opened, we are not obliged to see it, but we must wait 20 or 30 seconds before closing that window and moving on to the next correo electrónico. The good part is that we perro open other e mails that we receive, so clickxti either With your permissionat the same time.

how much money cánido i earn

In Sumaclicks we perro earn money for our clicks and for those of our referrals. Correos electrónicos typically have a value between $0.001 and $0.008. Regarding the number of correos electrónicos that we perro receive, it should be noted that it is variable. Making a general average, I receive approximately five correos electrónicos a day. Taking into account that they perro be viewed on the second screen, I open the correos electrónicos while I do other things.

Referral system in Sumaclicks

The amount that we cánido earn with this PTR will depend on the mails that we ourselves open and those that our referrals open. The clicks of our referrals in Sumaclicks generate commissions up to ten levels. As shown in the following image:

«Inviting our friends through our backlink perro give us a boost and reach the minimum payment sooner.»


Earn money reading correos electrónicos in Sumaclicks it is slow, but it is also very easy and requires little time. A very positive point is that we are not required to see the ads the same day they are sent to us. The same thing happens with the paid survey portals. That gives us freedom and it is enough to entrar once or twice a week to see all the e mails that we have pending. We are already used to this work system that is also common in places like ysense either Survey Rewards.

«For a better organization, I recommend that you open another dirección de correo electrónico account to receive these correos electrónicos.»

You have already seen that it is very fácil, but if you have any questions, remember that you cánido leave me a comment or send me a message through the tab Contact. If you are not yet in Sumaclicks you cánido register by clicking on the following banner. Thank you and see you next time.

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