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Spaste Keeps Paying – Backlink Shortener

Spaste Keeps Paying – Backlink Shortener

It is time to earn easy and fácil money, recommended if we have a web page that has many visits, Spaste It is a backlink shortener with which we are going to earn money, in addition pay by Paypal.

Spaste Details

  • Valuation: Average
  • Payment Methods: PayPal
  • Minimum payment: $5 dollar
  • Payment Frequency: Once the minimum is reached
  • Payout rate: $1.3 and $0.1 for everyone
  • Referral system: Yes, you earn 5% of your referrals
  • English language
  • Accepted countries: All

How to make money with Spaste

It’s amazing how many people today who dedicate themselves to Internet businesseither for sale of infoproducts, affiliates either website monetization do not have knowledge on the subject of shorteners.

I explain, on the internet there are many shorteners that we get paid for shorten backlinksthis process consists in that when we shorten a url we create a bridge page, where the usuario has to visit a certain site for a few seconds where it will be shown advertising.

Spaste is a backlink shortener that you pay to use it since it espectáculos advertising, if we want to start using it we just go to the official Spaste page, we we register and that’s it, we perro start earning money with Spaste.

Veneapp referral system

Spaste It consists of a referral system where we will generate plus money just by sharing our affiliate backlink, the people who register with it will be ours. referrals and we will win a 5% commission of the amount they earn without affecting their own earnings.

Spaste Pays

If you want to know if this shortener pays, the answer is yes, Spaste pays by PayPal and the minimum to be able to collect is $5 dollars, until you reach that amount you cannot make a withdrawal, payments are made automatically once you reach the minimum collection payment.

Spaste Proof of Payment

Today certain shorteners have a section where they present the last payments made, there we cánido see the payment vouchersin the case of Spaste, this platform does not have that facility, so if we want to see proof of payments we will have to look for it on YouTube or Fb groups, but I confirm that there is.

Spaste Recommendations and Opinions

Let’s start by mentioning the good thing is that this company pays for PayPalideal for most people who we live from the interneta point against is that the payment rate is currently very low.

Point in favor, the advertising that it espectáculos is not annoying, you perro easily reach the backlinks you are looking for without much hassle, against, to be able to earn money you need a lot of traffic because of its payout rate, but in general you perro try and tell us about your experience with Spaste. Sign up here.

Alternatives to Spaste

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 Spaste Keeps Paying – Backlink Shortener  Spaste Keeps Paying – Backlink Shortener  Spaste Keeps Paying – Backlink Shortener

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