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Shorten dirección de Internet: How to Earn Money With

Shorten dirección de Internet: How to Earn Money With

Shorten dirección de Internet. did you know how to make money with shorteners of backlinks without having a web page? In this lesson we are going to learn how to generate money on the internet easily and without much complex, without having a website or a YouTube channel, if you are ready let’s start.

What are Backlink Shorteners?

We could say that a backlink shortener is a system or programa that allows you to shorten the parameters of a url in order to make it smaller and easier to remember.

The shorteners have many functions that go from obtaining the metrics of the clicks on the backlink to obtaining information on the geographical origin of the backlink, but this time we are not going to focus on that, but on how to make money with that.

dirección de Internet Shortener: How To Make Money With Shorteners

The way to earn money is very easy, I will explain it to you in a fácil way, if you have a url that leads to downloading a program, music, vídeo or any resource that you are going to provide, what you do is shorten that backlink and the shortened backlink is the one that you will pass or leave to the usuario.

Once the usuario clicks on the shortened backlink, he will have to see an ad before reaching the download backlink of the resource, the view of this ad is what you will do earn money en línea.

Highest Paying Shorteners

At present there are many shorteners on the market, we are going to see a small list of the most used currently and that pay the best.

There are more shorteners but I just want to highlight these, since it is only recommended to use only one to shorten our resources, since users are very annoyed by people who use two or three shorteners abusively.

Remember that we do not want to scare users away, so it is ideal that we only use a single shortener, personally I recommend working with because it is the shortener that pays the best, although there are others that have more functions such as It is a shortener that, due to the functions it has, deserves a single tutorial for it, in one of my next posts I will be doing a tutorial on this shortener since it has interesting functions to «earn money en línea». You perro also see this list of the best shorteners.

Vídeo Tutorial Shortening Our Backlinks or dirección de Internet

In this vídeo tutorial we are going to see the process of how to generate money using shorteners without having a web page and at the same time using a web page called linkpaste.en línea that will help us share our backlinks in Fb groups.

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