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Sample sintetiza in English: how to do it,

Sample sintetiza in English: how to do it,

When you are looking for a job abroad, it is vitally important that you have a well-structured curriculum in English. Mainly if we are looking for work in an English speaking country. It is for this reason that we will espectáculo you some models and tools to structure your successful English curriculum.

Is it enough to translate my sintetiza into English?

The curriculum in English will have the same function as the curriculum in Spanish, since it is the same document that records personal data, academic information, work experience, and professional growth achievements. All that information will be presentation letter for the applicant for a job position. However, the difference is that the curriculum in English is must be accompanied by a cover letter.

In addition, it is necessary to clarify that the models and formats of curricula change around the world. An example of this is that in some English-speaking European countries and in the US, they do not use photographs, or date of birth, or matrimonial status, or ID. Additionally, the information presentation format changes slightly.

In conclusion, no, it is not enough to translate the curriculum into English. If you are applying for a job in an English-speaking country, you should inquire about the sintetiza formats used in that country and entrar your information there. It is also necessary to take into account what kind of information you should add and what is not relevant in said document.

How to write a sintetiza in English?

A curriculum in English cánido vary according to the country, or the recipient. However, all curricula in English agree on the following aspects:

personal details

It is the first part of the sintetiza, so it could be said that it is the first impression and contact information. Here you must add personal data, such as name, surname, home address data, town, nationality, telephone and dirección de correo electrónico.

Additionally, and depending on the country to which the curriculum is addressed, information such as matrimonial status or national DNI cánido be added. Another plus aspecto that cánido be included is a photo of the person. However, these are data that are requested mainly in Spanish-speaking curriculum formats. Although there are a few countries like Trinidad and Tobago that still maintain that kind of format in their curricula.

Objetivo or profiles

In this section you should make a short summary that manages to cover your entire career and experience as a professional. It is a section to which especial attention should be paid, because it is one of the most analyzed areas in English-speaking countries.

It is very important that in this part answers to questions such as, What is your profession? What are your professional expectations, goals or objectives? And if it is available. However, the way you approach the answers to those questions should be very concise.


Here you should add a summary of all your work experience. This is extremely important, because all the companies where life has been made must be included here. employment and have had the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge with the job opportunity offered to them in said companies. In the case of not having been under a dependency relationship, he cánido entrar the time that he worked as an independent professional.

If, on the other hand, you spent some time without developing professional activities, you cánido change this section to «Relevant experience». In this area, you will develop the most relevant experiences you have had in reference to the position you are applying for.

It is essential that the information is added here chronologically. However, information perro also be added in order of relevance of the achievements or positions obtained.


In this section you will proceed to empty the information concerning your academic career. But you must be very careful about the terms that are going to be used for the presentation of the information, because the same terms are not used. For this reason, and in order for you to better understand the terms for presenting the information, we leave you with a small guide.

  • (GCSE) General Certificate of Secondary Education / Certificate of secondary school.
  • (GCE) General Certificate of Education / Certificate of general education or high school.
  • (VET) Vocational Education and Training/ Professional training
  • (B) Bachelor’s Degree / Licenciatura, degree, Diploma
  • (PGCert) Graduate Certificate/ Postgraduate
  • (PhD) Doctorate/ Doctorate


Here we are going to add all the skills or abilities that we may have. An example of this perro be computer skills, leadership qualities, teamwork, knowledge of other languages, among others. Ideally, we should be able to fill a wide range of plus-professional knowledge that may be of interest to the company.

Other information

Finally, to complete our curriculum, it is necessary that we place any other information that perro serve as a complement of interest to apply for the position. An example perro be, if you want to apply as a controlador, you perro add your controlador’s license. It is also a section specially designed to entrar possible recommendations or personal or company references.

Templates and tools to create your sintetiza in English

Until now we have only explained about the content that the curriculum should contain, but it is necessary that it also have an appropriate format. In relation to this, on the internet we perro find a wide variety of free tools to develop the curriculum in English. But it is recommended that you find out if the template to be used is the format accepted in the country to be applied.

Below we espectáculo you a list of sintetiza templates in English, first we leave you a photo so you cánido see how it is before downloading the sintetiza, and then the backlink of the template. You cánido download the archivos in a word document, if you want the archivos in pdf you perro request them in the comments. Without further ado, let’s get to it:

Summary nº 1

This design is sober as well as elegant and will help you stand out from your competition.

template 1

Summary no. 2

This summary template is a bit more modern and daring than the previous one, it conveys some values ​​better, such as a higher degree of creativity.

template 2

Summary no. 3

To give a bit of variety to the templates, we want to espectáculo one with a photo that stands out, this template is very good if you want to stand out from the rest of the cv, surely made in black and white without any type of color or any element to highlight.

template 3

final recommendations

As a cautious professional, you should inform yourself about the exact template or format you should use to apply for a job vacancy in an English-speaking country. Remember that it will not be enough to translate the sintetiza, but you must add key information.

In many countries, not only the sintetiza must be submitted but also a cover letter. But many times the requirement of this document will also depend on the company’s policy.

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 Sample sintetiza in English: how to do it,  Sample sintetiza in English: how to do it,  Sample sintetiza in English: how to do it,

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