economy at home

Reasons why you cánido stop paying

Reasons why you cánido stop paying

The term “pay the community” refers to make the payment of quotas approved by the neighborhood council. These fees will be used to cover ordinary expenses such as water, electricity, maintenance, etcétera. In addition, it sometimes covers the payment of extraordinary expenses, known as spills.

As in any payment process, certain exceptions apply. These exceptions are reflected in the Law. From now on you will be able to know what reasons exempt some people for not paying the community.

Perro I stop paying the Community for Empty Property?

In a community of neighbors, new expenses are always arising, especially if it is an apartment complex, because with the passage of time everything deteriorates and work is required to achieve improvements in this regard.

It is habitual to think that you cánido stop paying the community of neighbors if you are not going to occupy your property for a long time, but the reality is that, even if you are not living in your property you must pay the installments of community expenses.

One of the reasons that should motivate you to pay these expenses is to think that sooner or later you will return to your home, and it would be unfair if you were enjoying some benefits and improvements in which you did not collaborate. You should also think that if you do not collaborate, your neighbors will take much longer to enjoy the services that the community pays for.

It is important to keep in mind that if you accumulate many defaults from the community, your neighbors may complejo turístico to legal proceedings to make you pay for the expenses that you have not covered, which would be very embarrassing.

Perro I stop paying for the Community if the House is inhabited by a third party?

If you are not occupying your home but someone else is using it, either for rent or for providing help, The community expenses must also continue to be paid.

In this case, you should think carefully about how these expenses will be paid. To do this you cánido apply the following measures:

  1. Take charge of the payments to the community, even if another person is living in your property.

  2. Ask the person who is occupying the house to take charge of the payments to the community.

  3. Make payments to the community jointly, so both will be in charge of covering the expenses.

  4. If the occupant of your property is renting, you cánido include in the rental charge the amount that must be paid to the community.

As you perro see, there are many alternatives that you cánido apply to continue paying the community, it is possible that there are other measures in addition to these, the important thing is that you don’t stop payingas this would seriously affect you as an owner.

Perro I stop paying the Community for not using the Common Areas?

It is common for people who belong to a neighborhood association to ask themselves: perro I stop paying the community for not using the common areas? In this case, you should know that the community cánido stop paying for not using common areas, but this applies only to commercial premises.

It is possible that an apartment complex has a commercial space that has Independent access from the street, and therefore, the owners do not use areas in common with the neighbors, such as the elevator, the stairs or the door. According to the law, in this type of case, the owner of the premises is exempted from paying maintenance expenses for things found in said areas.

It is important to note that a commercial property owner of an apartment complex must continue to pay the expenses that if shared with the community, such as electricity and water.

The only way for an owner of a commercial premises to be exempted from paying fees is by popular statutes or by unanimous agreement of the Neighborhood Council.

Are There Other Reasons Why I Cánido Stop Paying the Community?

If you want to know if there is another case that exempts a person from making payments to the community, you should know that there is.

In the event that one or more owners believe that some improvement in an apartment complex is not necessarycánido be exempted from payment of the same, but for this they must demonstrate before the authorities the reasons that drive their way of thinking.

It is also possible that some neighbors escoge to make the improvements, without including in the payment the neighbors who do not agree and without imputing faults for this fact. But this does not happen in most cases.

According to Horizontal Property Law, if the neighborhood council approves by a majority of votes to make any important improvement, the owner is obliged to pay whether he agrees or not. But this applies to things of little importance.

What happens if the community of neighbors is not paid?

Taking into account what has been said above, non-payment of community fees has a negative impact on others owners, and everything is even worse if the community is small, since very few people will have to pay the expenses.

The consequences of not paying the community fees are twofold. Next we will espectáculo you what they are:

Not being able to vote does not orinan that you cannot give an opinion on the elementos on the agenda, but your vote or decision will not be taken into account.

If, as a neighbor, you do not pay attention to the notices that are sent to you, you will be taking everything to court. The consequences for non-payment to the community of neighbors will be ruled by a judge.

The judge obliges the debtor to respond to the debt to the community within a period of 20 days. If he does not pay, the community initiates a claim process. For this, the debt must be due and settled, so the administration cánido present the necessary invoices and documents.

If the judge sees that the community’s claim is correct, they will proceed to claim the defaulting neighbor for the return of the amount owed to the community, for this they may be seize your account and assets.

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