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Pros and cons of power naps

Pros and cons of power naps

Several studies have made it clear that productivity naps really do work. However, many people do it wrong. Some wake up feeling more tired and unproductive (including myself in the past), while others don’t notice any difference. But they just need to know the right way to do it. This tutorial espectáculos you the best consejos for napping and the things to avoid for greater productivity.

Consejos for taking power naps

The following is a list of nap consejos that are beneficial for increased productivity.

keep it short

There are different types of naps, but the power nap, also known as the director ejecutivo nap, is short. It only takes 15 to 30 minutes. This allows him to get enough sleep to reset without going into a deep sleep that dazes him.

Nap at optimal hours

Taking a nap when you’re not tired or when it’s almost time for bed is a recipe for grogginess. I usually find it better to nap after lunch, when I’ve been awake for more than seven hours. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the best time to nap is in the mid-afternoon, mostly from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Depending on your lifestyle, make sure you don’t nap within three to four hours before bed.

Create an environment conducive to napping

Napping is not easy anywhere. You have to ensure a conducive sleeping environment when you are napping for productivity. You perro do it with the following strategies:

  • Make sure your nap space is comfortable.
  • Keep the environment cool.
  • Darken the room or use a sleep mask to keep out the light that will keep you alert.
  • Consider listening to white noise to muffle ambient noises.

Lastly, you don’t even have to be in your bed to have a good nap.

Eliminate interruptions

Depending on your environment, it knows common things that cánido ocasione interruptions. Find remedies before you nap, before sleep disruption kills your productivity. When I’m taking a nap, I turn on «do not disturb» mode and close the door to let everyone know that I cánido’t accommodate any chatter or disturbances of any kind.

equipo an alarm

To sleep well, equipo an alarm. Try different timelines below the 30 minute maximum and choose the best nap time for you. I usually fall asleep 10-15 minutes after I go to bed, so I equipo my alarm to go off after 35 minutes.

What to avoid when taking a power nap

The following is a list of things to avoid when you are taking naps to increase your productivity.

Power naps when you’re not tired

Sometimes what you need is a rest and not a nap, but some people insist on napping even when they are not tired. For example, after light work for two hours after a good night’s sleep, napping cánido make you feel more tired than you initially were because you didn’t need a nap anyway.

Nap time as a freelancer

Different nap times result in different results, and going to bed for an unset timeline will mostly leave you awake groggy and tired. He used to do this and sometimes I would try to raise my hand but fail because I was fast asleep. This frustrated me until I learned to time my power naps.

stress to sleep

This is one of the mistakes I used to do too. I would lie down expecting to sleep because I’m tired. But sleep would not engulf me completely. I kept worrying about it until I realized one thing: when I resigned myself to not sleeping, I still felt refreshed. The way to get over this is to close your eyes and relax. You’ll still feel rejuvenated, and maybe losing that stress will make you fall asleep.

Give up power naps after a few tests

Like meditation and many other things that take time to master, you’ll find many people who claim, «I’m just not a nap person.» However, they remain unproductive due to fatigue and sleepless nights. The problem is that they give up long before their bodies get used to the nap. Do not make the same mistake. It takes time to achieve consistent and successful power naps.

Replace a good night’s sleep with power naps

For some people, certain circumstances may not allow them to get optimal sleep at night. Yet others neglect their sleep cycles knowing they perro boost their productivity with a power nap during the day. Don’t be the second person. Sleep deprivation is a productivity nightmare. Even if you are taking power naps during the day, it will affect your well-being and ultimately your productivity.

To end

Power naps are sometimes essential. Reduces stress, improves cognitive performance and improves memory. Power naps also serve as a way to deal with a lack of sleep while maintaining productivity. However, it does have its drawbacks, especially when you practice the bad habits of power naps described above. Instead, use the best tactics and master power naps to increase productivity.

What tactic do you use to get the most out of power naps?

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