Point Prizes

Point Prizes

Point Prizes It is an American page with which we cánido earn money for paypal, amazon cards, agregado several dozen types of cards. On this page we will have a choice.

This page is very afín to Swagbuckspage that I use to win amazon cards and from which I spoke some time ago. I have discovered Points Prizes a short time ago, it is an American page. It is en línea since 2016 and with the domain paid until 2023. Which gives us the iniciativa that the project is going long.

For To register in Points Prizes we will only have to clic on the backlink above. From there it will take us to the registration page, where we will have to clic on the tab login/register.

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Once we clic on the button, We will have to put our registration correo electrónico. That will be our usuario.

Once clicked on “Start Earning Points Now“we will have our account created. Simply go to the main page and we perro start earning points.

The points that we get cánido be exchanged for different prizes, in the section “Claim Prizes” on the left side of the page. We will be able to see all the prizes that we perro get. I would highlight Paypal and Amazon cards, although we have more than 40 types of prizes.

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Paypal cards perro be requested from 3000 points, which would be equivalent to 20 dollars. Amazon cards perro be obtained from 7,500 points, which are equivalent to a gift card worth $50. If you don’t want any of these two cards, you have another 39 to choose from, with different points and different gifts. I invite you to take a walk through the page and see the possible prizes. I’m sure you’ll find one you like!!

But as I said, to get those gifts you need points. All the ways to get points perro be found in the section “Earn Points”. It is these that I begin to detail

  • Make a small daily poll, we will add 5 points. We cánido do this survey in the section “Daily Poll”
  • Watching vídeos through your móvilfor that you will only have to download the “EngageMe.televisión” application, copy your account code and that’s it! you perro continue earning points from your móvil inteligente. Unfortunately, that application is not yet ready in Spain. If you read me from another country, I recommend installing it from here and test if it works in your place of origin. And tell me!!
  • doing surveys, of the typical panels that we all know. In the section “Survey Enrutadores”
  • completing offersin the section “Offers Walls”These are also typical panels such as Toro Offers, Wannds Offers, etcétera. I have told you this on occasion and I will remind you of it now. Beware of these offers and leaving your phone numbers. On some occasions, it entails a subscription to a premium service that will cost you a lot of trouble at the end of the month, I orinan, wow!
  • With referrals. We will earn 10% of the points obtained by our friends and family who register in PointsPrizes from our backlink. If you want to register from mine, here is my backlink

Final conclusions Point Prizes

This is a good page for both earn money for paypal as to win amazon or other cards that we could not win on any other page. From the same interfaz they will help us a lot. R.They recommend many pages where to put our referral backlink and be able to earn more with PointsPrizes. They do this in the same interfaz of the page, on the top right.

I have seen proofs of payment and It’s been running for a year now, but having discovered it a few days ago I still don’t have any, I hope to have one soon. until then here I leave you the backlink In case you want to take advantage of this page and get the most out of its offers. A greeting and until next time, many successes amig@s!!!

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