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Perro it be sent from eToro to Binance or from

Perro it be sent from eToro to Binance or from

Many people wonder if it is possible send cryptocurrency from eToro to Binance and vice versa. These cánido be bitcoin, etherium, etcétera. If you also have this question, pay attention to this tutorial because we are going to explain it to you easily.

Is it possible to send crypto from eToro to Binance or send crypto from Binance to eToro in 2023?

The first thing you should understand is that Binance is a cryptocurrency wallet, where you perro buy cryptos, staking, trade, etcétera. Instead, eToro is not a wallet, it is a CFD.

In a CFD you do not own any type of asset, you buy a share, a crypto, among others. You really do not have it, you are buying something that replicates the price but you are not having it. This is the main difference.

This means that you cannot send from eToro to a cryptocurrency wallet, Because you do not have cryptocurrency as such, you are buying something that replicates the price, it is a kind of bet.

The foregoing is not necessarily bad, it is simply a CFD that works differently than a habitual purchase of cryptos.

From eToro you perro invest buying BTCplace an order, place a stop loss, but you will not be able to send from a CFD to a wallet, that is, in this case you are operating with the price but not in a real way.

Therefore, cannot send from eToro to Binanceand neither from Binance to eToro, because they are different things, on one site you have cryptos and on the other you are speculating with the price of something that replicates the price, just like it happens with other CFDs.

Vídeo about whether it is possible to send crypto from eToro to Binance or send crypto from Binance to eToro?

If you have any concerns or doubts about whether it is possible to send cryptocurrencies from eToro to Binance and vice versa, we leave you a vídeo so that you perro better understand it visually.

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