PaidBooks | Surf BTC that PAYS to READ

PaidBooks | Surf BTC that PAYS to READ

PaidBooks It is one of the most original websites to earn free bitcoins that run through the network. En línea since February 2015, PaidBooks belongs to the Bitcoin Aliens network of pages, a marketing platform created in mid-2014. On other occasions, we have talked on the blog about various PTCs and faucets with which to get satoshis. However, today we will talk about a somewhat different method. Would you like a page to pay you for the mere fact of reading your favorite novels? Well, something very afín happens in PaidBooks.

Last update “ PaidBooks no longer pays, but you perro also use Publish0x to earn BAT, DAI, Hydro tokens for reading interesting cryptocurrency articles.

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How PaidBooks works

The operation of PaidBooks is very afín to that of an en línea bookstore or public library.. In the same way that a library lends us books so that we cánido do the corresponding reading, this website will lend us those books for free and, on top of that, it will pay us for it. In its directory, we will find books on all subjects and we perro use them whenever we want.

“There are currently almost 200,000 registered users of PaidBooks and its collection extends to more than 48 million pages”

For our part, what we will have to do is read those books (or make ourselves read them), and for each page viewed, they will add satoshis to the cómputo.

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Registration in PaidBooks

The first thing we will have to do is create an account in PaidBooks. If you want, you perro continue this backlink, which will take you directly to the main page of the web. Once there, we will clic on the yellow message with the phrase “Yes, I want to get paid to read”.

Next, a window will open with the following registration form. In it, we will have to complete the three fields that appear with our real data: the Namea Dirección de correo electrónico and the address of our bitcoin wallet.

Once we have verified that our data is correctly written, we clic on the tab “Finish Registration”. To finish the registration, PaidBooks will send us a confirmation dirección de correo electrónico with a backlink in its content. We clic on that backlink and that’s it. Now we cánido access our account, start reading books and earn satoshis.

How to earn money for reading on PaidBooks

PaidBooks is very easy to use and is very reminiscent of the system used by surfers. The first thing we will see as soon as we log in on the web, will be a list of books. The first four are the books that the page recommends, but we perro choose the one that we most want.

There are a total of 17 different categories to choose from. In addition to many classics, we will find books on Bitcoin, Humor or even Business themes. As soon as we have chosen our selection, the first page of the book will open. Whether we want to read or if we want to leave it on a secondary plane, we will have to wait 5 minutes until we perro change the page.

«The pages we read in PaidBooks they don’t have AdFocus as is the case of Coinpayu.”

To do the reading correctly and for the satoshis to be assigned to us, we will have to follow these three steps:

We select the book and let the first page open. At the bottom of the page, at the end of the text, a timer will appear with a count of 5 minutes.

We wait for the timer to mark zero and clic on the orange box with the title of “Get paid and Turn to Next Page”.

We solve the captcha correctly and we will skip directly to the second page of the book.

PaidBooks Trivia

From here, all we have to do is repeat the process as many times as we want and gradually add satoshis. As important data to highlight about PaidBooks, I would like to say the following:

PaidBooks has a collection of over 700 books spread across 17 different categories. All the books are published in English, but if we want to read and we don’t get along very well with Shakespeare’s language, we perro use Google chrome’s automatic translator without any problem.

reading is not required in PaidBooks and we perro do other things while leaving the book in another window. Since the pages do not have AdFocus, we perro keep them open until the counter reaches zero.

Payments in PaidBooks They are automatic every Monday. The only condition to meet is that the previous Sunday we have 10,000 satoshis or more in our cómputo.

Apart from earning satoshis with our own readings, we perro add plus satoshis for the activity that our guests have. For each active referral we have in PaidBooks we will get 25% of what they generate reading.

The satoshis that we get for reading each page depends on the bitcoin trading price. At the time of writing this articulo, the reward per page read is 72 satoshis. Considering the work to be done, it’s not bad at all.


we have seen many pages for earn free bitcoins before, but none of them have the features of PaidBooks. In a basic way, this website works like any surf or traffic exchange page. In the end, it is about going through pages, letting the timer run and solving the captchas. The main difference is that in the surfs we see ads and in PaidBooks we cánido earn money reading international literary works. Oh if we had discovered this when we were little!!

On a practical level, I usually use PaidBooks in the same way as the surfing koiniom either adbtc. While I’m doing the rounds through all the PTCs, I leave these two pages open in another tab. This is how I add little by little and, when I reach 10,000 satoshis, I already ensure a payment for the following Monday.

Finally, whether we are entusiastas of reading or not, we are facing a page where we cánido earn free bitcoins. The current price of bitcoin is above $1000 and since the beginning of the year the price trend has been upward. Who knows what price bitcoin will reach by the end of the year? How much will our satoshis be worth then?

If you want to earn free bitcoins on PaidBooks, you cánido register with my backlink by clicking on the following banner. Until next time!!

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 PaidBooks |  Surf BTC that PAYS to READ
  PaidBooks |  Surf BTC that PAYS to READ
  PaidBooks |  Surf BTC that PAYS to READ

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