economy at home [Acortador] • What is it and how it works « [Acortador] • What is it and how it works »

The shortener is a scam. The case is unfortunate and there are many complaints based on the Payments delayed by which we say that the shortener is scamand it is that it is not paying according to complaints from many users.

How to Earn Money with is a backlink shortener that pays us money to shorten backlinks or urls, we just have to entrar the official page, we we register And that’s it, we perro start generating money. Once registered, you perro start using the platform to shorten your URLs and start earning your first income. Features

Let’s see some features of this shortener to see its assessment by users and other details.

  • Assessment: Bad (Scam)
  • Payment Methods: Bitcoin, PayPal, Payza and Skrill
  • Paydays: Every day
  • Withdrawal Minimum: $5 dollar
  • Language: English
  • Referral system: Yes, earn 20% of your referrals
  • Pay Rate: Maximum $5 for Australia and a minimum of $2.60
  • Advertising for all countries: Yeah

Does pay or is it a scam?

In these last months the payments have been frozen, this is the reason why we are announcing this company as scambecause payments have stopped and many users have not charged.

Sometimes it is the case that payments are made partially or only some users are paid, at least if that were the case we would easily find a proof of payment.

But I think that no one knowing that would dare to work with a company in this way, that only pay some users and not others, because it is valuable time and a lot of work that is lost or thrown away.

Opinions about

The main objective of this article is do not recommend this shortenersince sometimes when we start with a new shortener to earn money we do not find enough information on the internet to know if this company is worth working for.

It is also the case that after these companies stop working, the domain and the page last a long time en línea and many people who are looking for this type of business come across them, they register but they do not know that said company no longer exists. is working.

This is because many users do not investigate or inform themselves before starting to work with a shortener, so it is always recommended to investigate tango in Google plus like in Youtubealso in groups of Fb and Forums before starting to work with any company. Sign up here.

Alternatives to

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and everything related to earning money, getting a job, and the economy of our house. [Acortador] • What is it and how it works [Acortador] • What is it and how it works [Acortador] • What is it and how it works

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